

旅游导刊 ›› 2018, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (2): 75-92.DOI: 10.12054/lydk.bisu.57

• 研究综述 • 上一篇    下一篇

基于Web of Science 数据库的旅游业能源消耗研究综述及启示

张燕, 章杰宽   

  1. 信阳师范学院旅游学院 河南信阳 464000;
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-22 修回日期:2017-11-02 出版日期:2018-03-30 发布日期:2018-04-20
  • 作者简介: 张 燕(1985— ),女,河南邓州人,信阳师范学院旅游学院助教,研究方向:低碳旅游。章杰宽(1981— ),男,江苏沭阳人,信阳师范学院旅游学院讲师,研究方向:可持续旅游、低碳旅游。
  • 基金资助:

Review of Tourism Energy Consumption Research:An Analysis based on Web of Science

Yan ZHANG, Jiekuan ZHANG

  1. School of Tourism, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China
  • Received:2017-07-22 Revised:2017-11-02 Online:2018-03-30 Published:2018-04-20


本文基于对Web of Science数据库的文献计量学分析,对旅游业能源消耗研究进行总结评述,并对我国的旅游业能源消耗研究进行展望。研究显示:在学科分布上,环境生态学占据了主导;在主题方面,旅游业能源消耗研究大体可分为能源和环境与旅游业发展的关系、旅游业能源消耗的构成与测度、旅游业发展中的节能以及旅游业发展中新能源的应用等4个方面;在未来研究方面,能源消耗降低的对策及其影响分析、能源消耗的比较分析和能源消耗与二氧化碳排放的关系分析需要引起重视。对于国内相关研究而言,除上述3个方面,能源消耗的计算、能源消耗对我国旅游业可持续发展的影响以及能源消耗与利益相关者群体素养之间的关系等问题也需要学者给予更多的关注。

关键词: 旅游业; 能源消耗; Web of Science数据库; 研究进展


Despite not being a typical energy-consuming sector, the tourism industry has attracted ever-increasing attention in recent years, due to its steadily increasing levels of energy consumption. This phenomenon has generated numerous studies of tourism-related energy consumption. Compared with the international academic community, the researches of Chinese tourism energy consumption have just stated. Taking this into account, this study carries a research review of international tourism related energy consumption through a bibliometric analysis based on Web of Science. For one thing, our results will bring domestic academia a more comprehensive understanding of the academic front in this field. For another, our results can have a certain reference value to guide any relevant, and subsequent studies. Particularly, The paper also makes prospects on the research of energy consumption in China’s tourism industry. Our results indicate that the most important subject involved with tourism related energy consumption is Environmental sciences ecology. Our results also clearly show that four aspects are mostly focused on, including the relationship between energy, environment and tourism development, reducing energy consumption in tourism industry, the composition and measurement of tourism related energy consumption, and the application of new energy in the development of tourism industry. Despite those significant findings, some improvements should also be addressed in future work, such as the countermeasures of energy consumption reduction and their impacts, the comparison of different energy consumption in different tourism sectors as well as the relationship between energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Regarding Chinese research on tourism related energy consumption, besides those aspects indicated above, the measurement of tourism related energy consumption, the impact of energy consumption on the sustainable development of China’s tourism, and the relationship between energy consumption and stakeholders’ literacy deserve more efforts.

Keywords: tourism; energy consumption; web of science; research progress
