旅游导刊 ›› 2018, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (2): 75-92.DOI: 10.12054/lydk.bisu.57
张燕, 章杰宽
张 燕(1985— ),女,河南邓州人,信阳师范学院旅游学院助教,研究方向:低碳旅游。章杰宽(1981— ),男,江苏沭阳人,信阳师范学院旅游学院讲师,研究方向:可持续旅游、低碳旅游。
Yan ZHANG, Jiekuan ZHANG
本文基于对Web of Science数据库的文献计量学分析,对旅游业能源消耗研究进行总结评述,并对我国的旅游业能源消耗研究进行展望。研究显示:在学科分布上,环境生态学占据了主导;在主题方面,旅游业能源消耗研究大体可分为能源和环境与旅游业发展的关系、旅游业能源消耗的构成与测度、旅游业发展中的节能以及旅游业发展中新能源的应用等4个方面;在未来研究方面,能源消耗降低的对策及其影响分析、能源消耗的比较分析和能源消耗与二氧化碳排放的关系分析需要引起重视。对于国内相关研究而言,除上述3个方面,能源消耗的计算、能源消耗对我国旅游业可持续发展的影响以及能源消耗与利益相关者群体素养之间的关系等问题也需要学者给予更多的关注。
张燕, 章杰宽. 基于Web of Science 数据库的旅游业能源消耗研究综述及启示[J]. 旅游导刊, 2018, 2(2): 75-92.
Yan ZHANG, Jiekuan ZHANG. Review of Tourism Energy Consumption Research:An Analysis based on Web of Science[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2018, 2(2): 75-92.
排名 | 学科方向 | 论文篇数 | 占比 |
1 | environmental sciences ecology | 90 | 54.55% |
2 | science technology other topics | 38 | 23.03% |
3 | social sciences other topics | 32 | 19.39% |
排名 | 学科方向 | 论文篇数 | 占比 |
4 | energy fuels | 31 | 18.79% |
5 | business economics | 29 | 17.58% |
6 | engineering | 28 | 16.97% |
7 | thermodynamics | 8 | 4.85% |
7 | water resources | 8 | 4.85% |
9 | physical geography | 6 | 3.64% |
10 | meteorology atmospheric sciences | 5 | 3.03% |
表1 WOS数据库中旅游业能源消耗研究论文涉及的前10名主要学科
Tab.1 Top 10 subjects involved with tourism energy consumption based on WOS
排名 | 学科方向 | 论文篇数 | 占比 |
1 | environmental sciences ecology | 90 | 54.55% |
2 | science technology other topics | 38 | 23.03% |
3 | social sciences other topics | 32 | 19.39% |
排名 | 学科方向 | 论文篇数 | 占比 |
4 | energy fuels | 31 | 18.79% |
5 | business economics | 29 | 17.58% |
6 | engineering | 28 | 16.97% |
7 | thermodynamics | 8 | 4.85% |
7 | water resources | 8 | 4.85% |
9 | physical geography | 6 | 3.64% |
10 | meteorology atmospheric sciences | 5 | 3.03% |
排名 | 杂志名称 | 影响因子(2015) | 论文篇数 | 占比 |
1 | Tourism Management | 3.140 | 13 | 7.88% |
2 | Energy Policy | 3.045 | 10 | 6.06% |
2 | Journal of Cleaner Production | 4.959 | 10 | 6.06% |
4 | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 2.480 | 8 | 4.85% |
4 | Renewable Energy | 3.404 | 8 | 4.85% |
6 | Energy | 4.292 | 7 | 4.24% |
7 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2.760 | 6 | 3.64% |
8 | Desalination | 4.412 | 5 | 3.03% |
8 | Ecological Economics | 3.227 | 5 | 3.03% |
10 | Ecological Indicators | 3.190 | 4 | 2.42% |
表2 WOS数据库中旅游业能源消耗研究刊文最多的10种期刊
Tab.2 Top 10 journals publishing articles of tourism energy consumption based on WOS
排名 | 杂志名称 | 影响因子(2015) | 论文篇数 | 占比 |
1 | Tourism Management | 3.140 | 13 | 7.88% |
2 | Energy Policy | 3.045 | 10 | 6.06% |
2 | Journal of Cleaner Production | 4.959 | 10 | 6.06% |
4 | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 2.480 | 8 | 4.85% |
4 | Renewable Energy | 3.404 | 8 | 4.85% |
6 | Energy | 4.292 | 7 | 4.24% |
7 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2.760 | 6 | 3.64% |
8 | Desalination | 4.412 | 5 | 3.03% |
8 | Ecological Economics | 3.227 | 5 | 3.03% |
10 | Ecological Indicators | 3.190 | 4 | 2.42% |
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[83] | 李鑫, 杨新军, 陈佳, 等. 基于农户生计的乡村能源消费模式研究——以陕南金丝峡乡村旅游地为例[J]. 自然资源学报, 2015, 30(3): 384~396. |
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[87] | 张瑞英, 席建超, 葛全胜. 乡村旅游农户可再生能源使用行为选择模型研究——基于六盘山生态旅游区的案例实证[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2014, 28(12): 190~196. |
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