Tourism and Hospitality Prospects ›› 2020, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 1-11.DOI: 10.12054/lydk.bisu.138

• Special Topics: The Explorations and Prospects of Theory Building Research Paper •     Next Articles

The Development and Application of Relational Dimension Theory

Xuewei ZHAI()

  1. School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023, China
  • Received:2019-06-17 Revised:2019-10-11 Online:2020-01-30 Published:2020-03-30



  1. 南京大学社会学院 江苏南京 210023
  • 作者简介: 翟学伟(1960— ),男,江苏南京人,南京大学社会学院教授,博士,博士生导师,教育部长江学者特聘教授,研究方向:社会学。


The indigenous approach of Chinese social science has benefited and begun to take shape from the efforts of two generations of scholars. However, it faces the challenge of defining its theory and methodology. On the basis of review and reflection, this article proposes the “relational dimension theory” and explains its origin, process and intrinsic meaning. It aims to deepen the understanding of this theory and help make it feasible for wide application with reference to the interpersonal relationship of tourism.

Key words: indigenous approach, cultural interpretation, relationship dimension, face and favor, theoretical model and application



关键词: 本土化, 文化解释, 关系向度, 人情和面子, 理论模式与应用

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