

旅游导刊 ›› 2024, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (3): 77-101.DOI: 10.12054/lydk.bisu.232

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崔爽爽1, 程瀚祺2, 刘相军1()   

  1. 1.广州大学管理学院 广东广州 510006
    2.澳门城市大学国际旅游与管理学院 澳门 999078
  • 收稿日期:2022-12-30 修回日期:2023-11-20 出版日期:2024-06-30 发布日期:2024-07-16
  • 通讯作者: 刘相军(1979— ),男,山东德州人,博士,广州大学管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为旅游与社区发展、旅游与可持续生计方式、地方性知识与生态环境保护,E-mail:liuxj_525@163.com
  • 作者简介:崔爽爽(1998— ),女,河南南阳人,广州大学管理学院硕士研究生,研究方向为民族旅游与社区旅游、具身性与旅游体验;
    程瀚祺(2003— ),男,广东广州人,澳门城市大学国际旅游与管理学院本科生,研究方向为露营旅游、具身性与旅游体验。
  • 基金资助:

Knowledge Representations of Tourism Embodiment: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on CiteSpace

CUI Shuangshuang1, CHENG Hanqi2, LIU Xiangjun1()

  1. 1. School of Management, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
    2. Faculty of International and Tourism Management, City University of Macau, Macau 999078, China
  • Received:2022-12-30 Revised:2023-11-20 Online:2024-06-30 Published:2024-07-16


旅游者的身体是参与旅游实践的基础。近年来,旅游领域对身体主体性的关注逐渐深入,旅游具身性研究已成为当前国际视野中的热点议题。本文以Web of Science、CNKI为数据源,使用CiteSpace可视化分析软件,将作者和机构合作网络、关键词共现和聚类分析、突现词分析以可视化图谱与表格的形式呈现,揭示当前旅游具身性研究领域的发展脉络、研究热点以及研究前沿。研究发现:(1) 海内外研究在作者、机构合作网络分布上存在显著差异;(2) 旅游具身性研究脉络清晰,可划分为4个具体阶段,符合社会科学发展一般规律;(3) 研究热点整体上侧重于体验范畴内的探讨,英文文献聚焦“身体”这一核心已经显现出4类热点主题;(4) 近十年是旅游具身性研究的快速发展时期,研究前沿议题大量显现。

关键词: 旅游具身性; 身体; 信息可视化; CiteSpace


The corporeal dimension of tourists has emerged as the cornerstone of tourism studies. Recently, the subjectivity of the body in tourism has garnered considerable attention, with tourism embodiment research having a prominent place in the ongoing international discourse. Based on data procured from the "Web of Science" database and CNKI, this study employed the CiteSpace visualization software to present the author-institution collaborative networks, keyword co-occurrence and cluster analysis, and emergent word analysis in the form of visual maps and statistical tables, unveiling the developmental trajectories, hotspots, and frontiers of the current tourism embodiment research. Findings include the following: (1) There are marked disparities in the distribution of authors and institutional cooperation networks between domestic and overseas tourism embodiment research. (2) Tourism embodiment research exhibits discernible progression and can be segmented into four distinct phases in harmony with the general trajectory of social science evolution. (3) Research themes primarily focus on experiential discussions and identify four prevailing research topics. (4) The past decade has witnessed rapid advancements in tourism embodiment research, marked by the emergence of multiple research frontiers.

Keywords: tourism embodiment; body; information visualization; CiteSpace
