旅游导刊 ›› 2022, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 89-110.DOI: 10.12054/lydk.bisu.191
• 综述论文 • 上一篇
瞿 华(1975— ),男,湖南邵阳人,博士,华南师范大学旅游管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:服务产业经济与旅游管理、旅游经济与旅游教育。E-mail: sdqhua @163.com;基金资助:
瞿华, 罗静. 乡村文化与旅游产业融合:研究回顾与展望[J]. 旅游导刊, 2022, 6(1): 89-110.
QU Hua, LUO Jing. Integration of Rural Culture and the Tourism Industry: Literature Review and Research Prospects[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2022, 6(1): 89-110.
排名 Ranking | 来源期刊 The source journals | 发文量/篇 Number of articles |
1 | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 39 |
2 | Tourism Management | 31 |
3 | Annals of Tourism Research | 29 |
4 | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences | 15 |
5 | Culture and Society | 13 |
6 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research | 9 |
表1 发文数量排名前6位的英文期刊
Tab. 1 Top 6 source journals of related articles in English
排名 Ranking | 来源期刊 The source journals | 发文量/篇 Number of articles |
1 | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 39 |
2 | Tourism Management | 31 |
3 | Annals of Tourism Research | 29 |
4 | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences | 15 |
5 | Culture and Society | 13 |
6 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research | 9 |
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[26] | Pudianti A, Syahbana J A, Suprapti A. Role of culture in rural transformation in Manding Village,Bantul Yogyakarta,Indonesia[J]. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016(227):458-464. |
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[31] | 蔡克信, 杨红, 马作珍莫. 乡村旅游:实现乡村振兴战略的一种路径选择[J]. 农村经济, 2018(9):22-27. |
[ CAI Kexin, YANG Hong, MA Zuozhenmo. Rural tourism:A way to realize the strategy of rural revitalization[J]. Rural Economy, 2018(9):22-27.] | |
[32] | 曹世武, 郑向敏. 旅游产业融合动力机制研究--博弈论的解释框架[J]. 求索, 2011(12):5-7. |
[ CAO Shiwu, ZHENG Xiangmin. A study on the Dynamic Mechanism of tourism industry integration:An interpretation framework of game theory[J]. Seeker, 2011(12):5-7.] | |
[33] | 陈瑾. 文化产业与旅游业融合发展机理及政策选择--以江西省为例[J]. 企业经济, 2014(5):122-126. |
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[34] | 董丹丹. 传统农家院落旅游开发过程中人文场景建设的影响因素分析[J]. 农业经济, 2021(2):57-59. |
[ DONG Dandan. Analysis on the influencing factors of cultural scene construction in the process of traditional farm yard tourism development[J]. Agricultural Economy, 2021(2):57-59.] | |
[35] | 杜韵红. 新博物馆学视野下乡村博物馆的和顺实践[J]. 文化遗产, 2021(1):102-108. |
[ DU Yunhong. The heshun practice of rural museum from the perspective of new museology[J]. Cultural Heritage, 2021(1):102-108.] | |
[36] | 高文智. 农业生态观光旅游发展模式研究--以齐齐哈尔市为例[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2016, 37(4):214-218. |
[ GAO Wenzhi. The study of the development model of agriculture ecological tourism:Taking Qiqihar as an example[J]. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2016, 37(4):214-218.] | |
[37] | 耿松涛, 张伸阳. 乡村振兴背景下乡村旅游与文化产业协同发展研究[J]. 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2021, 21(2):44-52. |
[ GENG Songtao, ZHANG Shenyang. On rural tourism and cultural industry coordinated development under the background of rural revitalization[J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition), 2021, 21(2):44-52.] | |
[38] | 桂拉旦, 唐唯. 文旅融合型乡村旅游精准扶贫模式研究--以广东林寨古村落为例[J]. 西北人口, 2016, 37(2):64-68. |
[ GUI Ladan, TANG Wei. A study on taking targeted measures in tourism poverty alleviation model of culture and tourism integration countryside:Taking Linzhai village in Guangdong province as an example[J]. Northwest Population, 2016, 37(2):64-68.] | |
[39] | 何建民. 我国旅游产业融合发展的形式、动因、路径、障碍及机制[J]. 旅游学刊, 2011, 26(4):8-9. |
[ HE Jianmin. The form,motivation,path,obstacle and mechanism of the integrated development of tourism industry in China[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011, 26(4):8-9.] | |
[40] | 黄春, 陈蕴茜. 全面乡村振兴背景下江西茶旅融合发展路径研究--以江西资溪县为例[J]. 农业考古, 2021(2):84-89. |
[ HUANG Chun, CHEN Yunxi. Research on the development path of tea-tourism integration under the comprehensive rural revitalization:Taking Zixi county in Jiangxi province as an example[J]. Agricultural Archaeology, 2021(2):84-89.] | |
[41] | 黄细嘉, 周青. 基于产业融合论的旅游与文化产业协调发展对策[J]. 企业经济, 2012(9):131-133. |
[ HUANG Xijia, ZHOU Qing. The measures of the integration of tourism and cultural industries based on the theory of industry convergence[J]. Enterprise Economy, 2012(9):131-133.] | |
[42] | 黄震方, 陆林, 苏勤, 等. 新型城镇化背景下的乡村旅游发展--理论反思与困境突破[J]. 地理研究, 2015, 34(8):1409-1421. |
[ HUANG Zhenfang, LU Lin, SU Qin, et al. Research and development of rural tourism under the background of new urbanization:Theoretical reflection and breakthrough of predicament[J]. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(8):1409-1421.] | |
[43] | 李爱兰. 乡村旅游与文化创意产业融合机制研究[J]. 济宁学院学报, 2016, 37(3):69-73. |
[ LI Ailan. The fusion mechanism study of the rural tourism and culture creative industry[J]. Journal of Jining University, 2016, 37(3):69-73.] | |
[44] | 黎玲. 乡村文旅融合对游客满意度的影响研究--基于场景理论的实证分析[J]. 技术经济与管理研究, 2021(4):100-104. |
[ LI Ling. The effects of rural culture and tourism integration on tourist satisfaction:An empirical analysis based on the theory of scenes[J]. Journal of Technical Economics & Management, 2021(4):100-104.] | |
[45] | 李先跃. 中国文化产业与旅游产业融合研究进展及趋势--基于Citespace计量分析[J]. 经济地理, 2019, 39(12):212-220,229. |
[ LI Xianyue. Research progress and trend of integration of Chinese cultural industry and tourism industry:Based on catespace analysis[J]. Economic Geography, 2019, 39(12):212-220,229.] | |
[46] | 李勇军, 王庆生. 乡村文化与旅游产业融合发展研究[J]. 财经理论与实践, 2016, 37(3):128-133. |
[ LI Yongjun, WANG Qingsheng. Research on the development of industry convergence of rural tourism and culture[J]. The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics, 2016, 37(3):128-133.] | |
[47] | 刘洋, 杨兰. 技术融合·功能融合·市场融合:文化旅游产业链优化策略--基于“多彩贵州”的典型经验[J]. 企业经济, 2019(8):125-131. |
[ LIU Yang, YANG Lan. Technology integration,function integration and market integration:Optimization strategy of cultural tourism industry chain:Based on the typical experience of “Colorful Guizhou”[J]. Enterprise Economy, 2019(8):125-131.] | |
[48] | 陆明明, 石培华. 文化和旅游的关系网络及其融合路径研究[J]. 资源开发与市场, 2021, 37(3):340-348. |
[ LU Mingming, SHI Peihua. Relationship network and industry convergence path of culture and tourism[J]. Resource Development & Market, 2021, 37(3):340-348.] | |
[49] | 陆益龙. 乡村文化的再发现[J]. 中国人民大学学报, 2020, 34(4):91-99. |
[ LU Yilong. Rediscovering rural culture[J]. Journal of Renmin University of China, 2020, 34(4):91-99.] | |
[50] | 罗萍嘉, 郑祎. 基于CiteSpace的中国传统村落旅游发展文献综述可视化研究[J]. 地理与地理信息科学, 2020, 36(1):129-135. |
[ LUO Pingjia, ZHENG Yi. Visualization research on the literature review of chinese traditional village tourism development based on CiteSpace[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2020, 36(1):129-135.] | |
[51] | 马勇, 张梦. 乡村旅游助推乡村振兴的价值提升[J]. 旅游导刊, 2019, 3(1):82-86. |
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[52] | 潘颖, 孙红蕾, 郑建明. 文旅融合背景下的乡村公共文化发展路径[J]. 图书馆论坛, 2021, 41(3):68-77. |
[ PAN Ying, SUN Honglei, ZHENG Jianming. Research on the development path of rural public culture under the background of culture and tourism integration[J]. Library Tribune, 2021, 41(3):68-77.] | |
[53] | 朴忠焕. 中国乡村的农家乐旅游与竞争空间[J]. 罗士泂,李飔飏,译. 原生态民族文化学刊, 2019, 11(5):130-143. |
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[ PING Feng, LIANG Tingting. Integration of culture and tourism,ceremony performance and cultural symbiosis:A field study on the Panwang festival of the Ao Yao people in Hengcun,Jinxiu county[J]. Heilongjiang National Series, 2020(5):36-41.] | |
[55] | 瞿华, 刘荣荣. 供给侧改革背景下中国乡村旅游产品开发的探讨[J]. 消费经济, 2017, 33(5):65-69. |
[ QU Hua, LIU Rongrong. Discussion on the development of rural tourism products in China under the background of supply-side reform[J]. Consumer Economics, 2017, 33(5):65-69.] | |
[56] | 饶蕊. 云南民族地区乡村文化旅游开发模式探析[J]. 今日民族, 2011(12):53-55. |
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[57] | 尚子娟, 任禹崑. 乡村红色文化与旅游发展模式探析[J]. 学术交流, 2021(4):111-122. |
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[58] | 申军波, 石培华, 张毓利. 乡村文旅产业融合发展的突破口[J]. 开放导报, 2020(1):104-109. |
[ SHEN Junbo, SHI Peihua, ZHANG Yuli. The breakthrough in the integration and development of rural cultural tourism industry[J]. China Opening Journal, 2020(1):104-109.] | |
[59] | 孙九霞, 黄凯洁, 王学基. 基于地方实践的旅游发展与乡村振兴:逻辑与案例[J]. 旅游学刊, 2020, 35(3):39-49. |
[ SUN Jiuxia, HUANG Kaijie, WANG Xueji. Tourism development and rural revitalization based on local experiences:Logic and cases[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2020, 35(3):39-49.] | |
[60] | 王鹭雅. 乡村文旅融合的特征与实现模式[J]. 辽宁经济, 2019(10):32-33. |
[ WANG Luya. Characteristics and realization mode of cultural and tourism integration in rural areas[J]. Liaoning Economy, 2019(10):32-33.] | |
[61] | 王韬钦. 文化振兴视阈下乡村文化旅游融合发展的内生逻辑及路径选择[J]. 科技促进发展, 2018, 14(12):1186-1192. |
[ WANG Taoqin. Endogenous logic and path choice of rural tourism integration development from the perspective of cultural revitalization[J]. Science & Technology for Development, 2018, 14(12):1186-1192.] | |
[62] | 文卫民, 肖志高, 张玉山. 构建文创型乡村推动乡村振兴高质量发展--基于两岸乡村建设的比较[J]. 长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2021, 36(2):110-116. |
[ WEN Weimin, XIAO Zhigao, ZHANG Yushan. Promoting rural revitalization with high-quality development by building cultural creativity rural areas:A comparison of rural construction on both sides of the Taiwan straits[J]. Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology(Social Science), 2021, 36(2):110-116.] | |
[63] | 翁伯琦, 仇秀丽, 张艳芳. 乡村旅游发展与生态文化传承的若干思考及其对策研究[J]. 中共福建省委党校学报, 2016, 12(5):88-95. |
[ WENG Boqi, QIU Xiuli, ZHANG Yanfang. Reflections on rural tourism development and ecological culture inheritance and their countermeasures[J]. Journal of Fujian Provincial Party School, 2016, 12(5):88-95.] | |
[64] | 翁钢民, 李凌雁. 中国旅游与文化产业融合发展的耦合协调度及空间相关分析[J]. 经济地理, 2016, 36(1):178-185. |
[ WENG Gangmin, LI Lingyan. The coupling coordination degree and spatial correlation analysis on integrational development of tourism industry and cultural industry in China[J]. Economic Geography, 2016, 36(1):178-185.] | |
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[ WU Jie, SU Weici. Thinking on promoting the innovative development of rural tourism in China by “culture + tourism”[J]. Agricultural Economy, 2019(3):35-36.] | |
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[67] | 徐翠蓉, 赵玉宗, 高洁. 国内外文旅融合研究进展与启示:一个文献综述[J]. 旅游学刊, 2020, 35(8):94-104. |
[ XU Cuirong, ZHAO Yuzong, GAO Jie. Research progress and insights on the integration of culture and tourism:A review of the literature[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2020, 35(8):94-104.] | |
[68] | 薛群慧. 民俗旅游村:活态文化保护与开发的一种载体[J]. 思想战线, 2007, 33(3):37-41. |
[ XUE Qunhui. Folk-custom village for tourism:A carrier of the protection and development of living culture[J]. Sixiang Zhanxian, 2007, 33(3):37-41.] | |
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[ YAN Weihong, LI Guanxi. Study on the creation of cultural elements in the leisure agriculture:Taking Xufu ecological garden in Lianyungang as an example[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 47(4):130-135.] | |
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[ YANG Chen, ZHOU Jian. Evolvement,methods and practices of rural cultural heritage preservation:A comparative study between China and France[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2016(6):109-116.] | |
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[ YANG Liu. Study on the integrated development mode of rural tourism and cultural creative industry in China[J]. Agricultural Economy, 2017(4):57-58.] | |
[72] | 杨颖. 从业态多样性现象透视旅游业转型发展--以旅游业与创意产业融合为例[J]. 旅游论坛, 2008, 1(6):379-383. |
[ YANG Ying. Analysis of the mode of tourism development-an example of the convergence between tourism and creative[J]. Tourism Forum, 2008, 1(6):379-383.] | |
[73] | 袁俊, 刘建徽. 文化产业与旅游业互动发展模式研究[J]. 改革与战略, 2011, 27(5):123-126. |
[ YUAN Jun, LIU Jianhui. Interactive development pattern of cultural industry and tourism[J]. Reformation & Strategy, 2011, 27(5):123-126.] | |
[74] | 张朝枝, 朱敏敏. 文化和旅游融合:多层次关系内涵、挑战与践行路径[J]. 旅游学刊, 2020, 35(3):62-71. |
[ ZHANG Chaozhi, ZHU Minmin. The integration of culture and tourism:Multi-understandings,various challenges and approaches[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2020, 35(3):62-71.] | |
[75] | 张红梅, 魏娅丽, 陶雨芳, 等. 文旅融合视域下贺兰山东麓葡萄酒旅游产业创新发展研究[J]. 中国酿造, 2021, 40(3):216-220. |
[ ZHANG Hongmei, WEI Yali, TAO Yufang, et al. Innovation and development of wine tourism industry at Helan Mountain’s east foothill from the perspective of integration of culture and tourism[J]. China Brewing, 2021, 40(3):216-220.] | |
[76] | 张凌云. 旅游产业融合的基础和前提[J]. 旅游学刊, 2011, 26(4):6-7. |
[ ZHANG Lingyun. The foundation and premise of tourism industry convergence[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011, 26(4):6-7.] | |
[77] | 张祝平. 乡村旅游如何激活地域文化密码[J]. 人民论坛, 2020(25):138-139. |
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