

旅游导刊  2018 , 2 (6): 33-46 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.87

Research Paper


宋昌耀1, 贾然2, 厉新建2

1. 北京大学政府管理学院 北京 100871
2. 北京第二外国语学院旅游管理学院 北京 100024

Transit Visa-free Policy and Inbound Tourism Growth: An Analysis based on PSM-DID Method

SONG Changyao1, JIA Ran2, LI Xinjian2

1. School of Government, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. School of Tourism Management, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100024, China

中图分类号:  F59

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  2096-3238(2018)06-0033-14

收稿日期: 2018-06-25

修回日期:  2018-09-7

网络出版日期:  2018-11-30

版权声明:  2018 《旅游导刊》编辑部 《旅游导刊》编辑部 所有

基金资助:  本文受北京社会科学基金重点项目(项目编号:18JDGLA011)和国家社会科学基金面上项目(项目编号:16BJY139)联合资助


[作者简介] 宋昌耀(1991— ),男,河北邢台人,北京大学政府管理学院博士研究生,研究方向:旅游经济与区域经济。E-mail:songchangyao@sina.com; 贾 然(1993— ),女,北京人,北京第二外国语学院旅游管理学院硕士研究生,研究方向:旅游经济与休闲经济。
厉新建(1973— ),男,浙江东阳人,博士,北京第二外国语学院教授,研究方向:旅游经济发展战略、旅游企业跨国(境)经营等。通讯作者。




关键词: 过境免签 ; 入境旅游 ; 双重差分 ; 倾向得分匹配 ; 京津冀地区


Researchers have been focusing on the tourism policies due to the varied policies implemented by the government significantly affecting the development of tourism industry. In particular, visa policies, as the fundamental institutional arrangements of international tourism flows, are attracting increasing attention in the study. Visa restriction and visa liberalization are the important instruments for controlling the movement of people. As a result, visa policy becomes a guarantee of national and economic security while it will also lead to economic loss from refusing potential trade, investment and tourists. Regardless of the reasons for visa policies, the positive impact of visa liberalization and the negative impact of visa restrictions on tourism have become the consensus of most studies. However, transit visa-free policy, as an effective and active visa policy internationally, has attracted few attention. In this paper, based on the panel data from 2008 to 2016 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in China, the combination of matching method and difference-in-difference (DID) method was innovatively used to verify the growth effect of transit visa-free policy on inbound tourism. The results showed that the policy significantly promoted the development of inbound tourism, and its promotion functioned immediately. However, due to the flaws of the policy, the effectiveness became weakened gradually. In addition, the regression results were still robust after the Placebo test. This paper is referable for the validity of visa policy, the implementation of visa-free policy and the improvement of research methods for policy evaluation in tourism research.

Keywords: transit visa-free policy ; inbound tourism ; PSM ; DID ; Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei


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宋昌耀, 贾然, 厉新建. 过境免签政策与入境旅游增长——基于PSM-DID方法的分析[J]. 旅游导刊, 2018, 2(6): 33-46 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.87

SONG Changyao, JIA Ran, LI Xinjian. Transit Visa-free Policy and Inbound Tourism Growth: An Analysis based on PSM-DID Method[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2018, 2(6): 33-46 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.87


进入21世纪以来,我国入境旅游发展呈现出疲软态势。2001年至2005年我国入境旅游人次增长率达到7.91%,2006年至2010年该项数据下降到2.21%,2011年至2013年则分别为1.24%、—2.2%和—2.51%(中国旅游研究院,2014),入境旅游从快速发展到发展速度放缓甚至停滞,与蓬勃发展的国内旅游及出境旅游比较,显得相形见绌。面对中国入境旅游发展的持续低迷问题,不同机构与专家提出各自见解。如中国旅游研究院认为入境旅游不景气是中国入境旅游在经历高速发展以后向常态复归的现象(中国旅游研究院,2013),具体原因为入境旅游客源国市场与目的地选择的结构性调整及发展水分的挤出;魏小安(2014)认为国内部分旅游城市入境游客数量同比增速放缓或呈现负增长态势为发展常态,不仅符合事物发展的客观规律,而且从侧面彰显出我国入境旅游市场发展的新机遇,作为排名全球入境目的地前五位的国家之一,中国具备进一步发展的潜力,总体向好成为后续调整的必然方向。除对我国入境旅游发展内在逻辑进行宏观分析外,面对入境旅游市场下滑的态势,相关学者亦具体指出了与之构成潜在因果关系的微观要素,如旅游商业环境和基础设施欠佳及旅游监管架构不完善(World Economic Forum,2017)、用卡环境限制(中国旅游研究院,2015)、营销乏力(吴必虎,2015)、签证政策过紧(王兴斌,2013)、汇率波动(王良举、李万莲,2012)等。其中,签证政策对我国入境旅游的制约已经成为共识,影响甚至决定着入境旅游的进一步发展。

国外学者较早关注到签证政策对于入境旅游的作用(Neumayer,2010),例如学者们分别以美国(Neiman & Swagel,2009)、日本(Lee,Song & Bendle,2010)、土耳其(Balli,Balli & Cebeci,2013;Karaman,2016)为研究对象,测量了签证政策对入境旅游的影响作用(Lawson & Roychoudhury,2016),反映出宽松的签证政策所带来的积极效益。同时,我国独特的国情亦成为国际学者展开签证政策与入境旅游关系探讨的研究对象,相关学者分别就我国内地居民赴台湾地区(Su,Lin & Liu,2012)、香港地区(Cheng,2012;Liu & McKercher,2014)签证宽松度的演变开展研究,分析积极的政策条件所带来的正面影响。也有学者以中国特殊事件为背景,以标准旅游需求函数为研究起点,综合考虑宏观经济变量的多方面要素,得出签证限制对国家级、地市级经济发展的双重消极影响(Song,Gartner & Tasci,2012),并在后续研究中探讨奥运会期间入境旅游不升反降的现象,将其归因于我国严格的签证政策制约,再次反映出签证政策对入境旅游的显著影响(Li & Song,2013)。

不难发现,签证政策已成为国内外学者探讨我国入境旅游问题的主要关注点之一,其作用不容忽视。然而,以《全球旅游业竞争力报告》为例,我国已连续在3个统计周期内(2013年、2015年、2017年)在“签证办理”这一统计指标上保持第129位,处在有统计的全球136个国家的尾部(World Economic Forum,2013/2015/2017),与全球一体化趋势仍存在显著差距,严重影响了我国在全球范围内旅游业的竞争力表现。实际上,我国政策制定方在一定程度上已经意识到签证政策的局限与不足。自2013年起,我国在采取“规范签证”等措施后,积极出台签证便利化与简化举措,截至目前已有51个国家的公民具备72小时与144小时过境免签政策资格。在此背景下,我国入境旅游发展也逐渐呈现企稳回升的态势。

那么,签证政策在对促进入境旅游增长方面的有效性究竟如何?这需要采用科学的方法进行验证。相比于中文文献更多采用定性论述,英文文献中已有研究基于时间序列数据(Lee,Song & Bendle,2010;Cheng,2012)或面板数据(Karaman,2016;Czaika & Neumayer,2017)进行实证检验,通过将签证政策设为虚拟变量作为影响因素纳入回归方程中,分析其对国际旅游的影响。然而,多数研究都难以克服因遗漏变量和选择性偏差而产生的内生性问题,因此不足以有力地证明二者间因果关系。实际上,研究者在对签证政策有效性的评估过程中需要克服以下困难:第一,由于只能观察到签证政策发生后的入境旅游经济绩效,无法观测实施该项政策的地区不实施该项政策的“反事实情形”,故而导致难以对政策实施效果进行直接测度。为此,本文将采用反事实检验的方法进行验证。反事实检验旨在测度研究对象在有无外界冲击两种情形下的绩效差别,由于外界冲击已经发生,寻找“真实的”如果没有外界冲击的情况下研究对象的发展结果最为关键。第二,即便能够对积极的签证政策进行准确评估,但由于政策实施行为是内生的,政策实施地区的选择存在挑选赢家的行为,亦即存在选择偏差(selection bias),换句话说,即便不采用积极的签证政策,这些政策实施地区也会出现入境旅游绩效的改善,内生性的存在导致政策绩效评估的偏误。为评估签证政策对入境旅游经济绩效的影响,并在“反事实框架”下准确评估这一政策效果,本文采用倾向得分匹配—双重差分法(PSM-DID)进行验证。其中,双重差分法和倾向得分匹配法分别用来克服上述第一个和第二个困难。




北京作为我国入境旅游者首选的目的地之一,在过境免签政策实施方面具有表率性意义。为进一步贯彻落实“国务院关于加快发展旅游业、努力把旅游业培育成国民经济战略性支柱产业”的重要指示精神,北京市政府提出了“在北京口岸实行对部分外国人适当延长过境免签时限政策”的申请,并于2012年4月28日获国务院批准,自2013年1月1日起对45个国家持有第三国签证和联程机票的外国人在北京口岸实行72小时过境免签政策。就政策效果而言,一方面,入境免签政策的颁布着实具备了提升北京旅游吸引力、提振入境旅游市场的深远意义;但另一方面,该政策虽对国际旅客在北京中转有所促进,但效果远不如预期。以首都机场为例,2014年国际旅客量达到2 073万人次,仅约2万人次享受了入境免签政策的便利,占中转时间逾24小时的国际转国际旅客总数的28%。究其原因,相关学者分别从宏观背景、顶层设计、市场需求、限定条件、推广力度、产品与服务配套6个方面给出了解释(中国民航报,2015)。



1. 研究方法

双重差分法(Difference-in-differences,DID)是经典的评估政策有效性的验证方法,在设定处理组(实施过境免签政策)和对照组(未实施过境免签政策)的基础上通过差分的方法消除不同分组之间的共同特征并且控制不可观测但不随时间变动的组间差异,得到两组地区在政策实施后入境旅游绩效的平均差异,进而测度过境免签政策对入境旅游的平均处理效应(Average Treatment Effect on the Treated,ATT)。

双重差分法的使用具有一定的前提条件,它要求政策变量与因变量变动不相关,亦即在政策实施前实施地区与未实施地区的发展轨迹须是平行的(共同趋势假定),否则会造成选择偏误问题,导致估计结果有偏误且偏向未知(Besley & Case,2000)。为满足这一假定,可以采用倾向得分匹配法(Propensity Score Matching,PSM)与双重差分法相结合来提高估计结果的准确性(Heckman,Ichimura & Todd,1998)。

倾向得分匹配法可以控制处理组与对照组之间不可观测且不随时间变化的组间差异(Heckman,LaLonde & Smith,1999)。此方法的核心逻辑是针对样本数据中不存在实施过境免签政策地区在没有实施此项政策情况下的入境旅游绩效的“反事实情形”,采用半参数估计方法估计实施地区未实施该项政策的倾向得分值,进而为实施地区选择匹配特征尽可能接近的未实施地区,保证处理组与对照组在政策实施前的发展轨迹基本“平行”。


2. 计量模型


inboundit=β0+β1policyit+β2timeit+β3policyit×timeit)+β4Xit+αi+γt+Vit (1)





inboundit=α0+α1policyit×timeitT+...+policyit×timeitT+N)+α2Xit+Vit (2)


3. 数据来源与描述性统计




表1   描述性统计结果

Tab.1   Descriptive statistics




1. 基于PSM-DID的过境免签政策效应评估


表2   共同趋势检验

Tab. 2   Common trend hypothesis test

policy—0.984***—0.059 8
Log Likelihood—550.4—418.8




表3   匹配回归结果[模型(2)]

Tab. 3   Regression results of matching[model(2)]



表4   匹配前后结果比较

Tab. 4   The results of before and after the matching

(Pseudo R2
(LR chi2)



表5   基于双重差分法的平均处理效应检验[模型(4)结果]

Tab. 5   Average treatment effect test based on DID method[results of model(4)]




2. 过境免签政策的时间效应

考虑到公共政策实施的时间效应问题,本文将2013年过境免签政策实施以来的各年份纳入回归方程中,结果如表6所示。其中,模型(5)(6)(7)分别是混合回归模型(OLS)、固定效应模型(FE)和随机效应模型(RE)。基于面板数据,综合F检验和Hausman检验(Hausman检验P值为0.095 2),可知固定效应更佳。模型(6)中交叉项系数是本文关注的重点。可以发现,自2013年过境免签政策实施以来,交叉项系数大小呈现倒U型变化,2016年该政策的估计系数不显著。这反映出过境免签政策的实施具有以下特征:第一,过境免签政策的入境旅游增长效应显著。虽然个别年份估计系数不显著,但总体来看,过境免签政策显著地促进了入境旅游的增长。政策效应是当即有效的,这也符合该项政策的特点;并且在实施的第二年达到最大值(2014年享受免签的旅客量较上年有较大幅度的增长)(史博利,2015),这是由于政策的宣传和实施具有一定的迟滞性。72小时过境免签政策的推介主要依赖旅游企业,缺乏政府层面统一制定的有针对性的宣传方案,单纯依靠企业行为推广这一政策,效果显现较慢(中国民航报,2015)。第二,该项政策的实施效果具有一定的短期性特征。虽然总体而言是显著的,但是从总体趋势上看,估计系数越来越小,甚至在2016年已经不显著。换句话说,该政策存在一定的缺陷致使其难以持续发挥预期效应。究其原因,这既与宏观环境有关,也与该项政策本身的局限性有关。宏观层面,不景气的全球经济走势制约着我国入境旅游的发展;微观层面,对免签游客严格限定区域及时间,免签国家的航线与我国航空公司航线网络匹配程度较低,较为粗放和滞后的政策宣传策略,以及缺乏相应的旅游产品开发与服务配套,都体现出该项政策在顶层架构层面未集成合力,从而造成了在持续吸引入境旅游上的乏力。这就有待在政策后续实施中进一步改进,以形成更强的拉动力。

表6   过境免签政策的时间效应检验

Tab. 6   Time effect test for visa-free policy

policy×time2011—0.1810.254—0.016 1
policy×time2012—0.1150.300—0.000 398
resource0.053 0—0.2780.069 2
pollution0.048 6—0.109—0.066 5
Log Likelihood—379.7—310.1








The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Semiparametric difference-in-differences estimators

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n [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The difference-in-differences (DID) estimator is one of the most popular tools for applied research in economics to evaluate the effects of public interventions and other treatments of interest on some relevant outcome variables. However, it is well known that the DID estimator is based on strong identifying assumptions. In particular, the conventional DID estimator requires that, in the absence of the treatment, the average outcomes for the treated and control groups would have followed parallel paths over time. This assumption may be implausible if pre-treatment characteristics that are thought to be associated with the dynamics of the outcome variable are unbalanced between the treated and the untreated. That would be the case, for example, if selection for treatment is influenced by individual-transitory shocks on past outcomes (Ashenfelter's dip). This article considers the case in which differences in observed characteristics create non-parallel outcome dynamics between treated and controls. It is shown that, in such a case, a simple two-step strategy can be used to estimate the average effect of the treatment for the treated. In addition, the estimation framework proposed in this article allows the use of covariates to describe how the average effect of the treatment varies with changes in observed characteristics.
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Impacts of exported Turkish soap operas and visa-free entry on inbound tourism to Turkey

[J]. Tourism Management, 2013(37): 186~192.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

We examine the main determinants of the recent boost in the number of tourist inflows to Turkey, focussing on the indirect marketing effect of the Turkish soap operas exported abroad and recent changes in the Turkish government's foreign policies. Applying a traditional tourist demand gravity model, we explore that the recent increase in the popularity of the Turkish soap operas in the Middle East and Eastern Europe has boosted the number of inbound tourists to Turkey from those countries, and as the number of hours of Turkish soap operas aired in a particular country increases, the tourist flows from that country to Turkey increase as well. We also consider the Turkish government's recent bilateral agreements with other countries to waive the visa requirements for ordinary foreign visitors, and indicate that the termination of visa requirements has increased the tourist flows from those countries to Turkey.
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Unnatural experiments? Estimating the incidence of endogenous policies

[J]. The Economic Journal, 2000, 110(467): 672~694.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT There are numerous empirical studies that exploit variation in policies over space and time in the U.S. federal system. If state policy making is purposeful action, responsive to economic and political conditions within the state, then it is necessary to identify and control for the forces that lead to these policy changes. This paper investigates the implications of policy endogeneity for a specific policy context - workers' compensation benefits. We contrast different methods of estimation and their pros and cons in this context. To estimate the effect of policies on economic behaviour, one needs a source of policy variation. It has long been recognised that the spatial and temporal variation in laws afforded by a federal system holds great potential for estimat- ing the effect of government policies on economic outcomes. However, time- varying state level policies can be studied as either left or right hand side variables. Indeed, there is a political economy literature that addresses the determinants of state policy variation where the policies are themselves taken as outcomes of interest.1 If state policy making is purposeful action, responsive to economic and political conditions within the state, then it may be necessary to identify and control for the forces that lead policies to change if one wishes to obtain unbiased estimates of a policy's incidence. This paper compares different methods used in incidence analysis to exploit variation in state policy, and contrasts the ability of these methods to deal adequately with the consequences of policy endogeneity. We hope to clarify when it is reasonable to treat differences in state laws as 'natural experiments', a term increasingly used to describe exercises that exploit cross-state policy variation.2 Our investigation is focused on a particular policy choice. Workers' compen- sation insurance is a state-based programme that provides medical expense reimbursement and indemnity payments for losses incurred as a result of job- related injury, illness or disease.3 We choose to analyse it for a number of
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Visa restrictions and economic globalization

[J]. Applied Geography,2017(84):75~82.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

States have a general interest in facilitating the cross-border mobility of people in order to benefit from economic globalisation. Yet, mainly due to security concerns, most governments grant visa-free mobility only very selectively. Drawing on a new bilateral visa policy database covering up to 194 destination and 214 origin countries over the 1995 to 2013 period, our analysis finds that the introduction of a visa restriction by a destination country for citizens from a particular origin country deters tourism inflows by more than 20 percent. Visa restrictions also reduce bilateral trade and foreign investment, but to a smaller extent than previous studies have suggested. Exploring heterogeneity across countries, we find visa restrictions to be economically most harmful for poorer countries. We further find that some of the deterred flows in tourists, goods and services, and capital are redirected to other visa-free destinations
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[J]. Current Issues in Tourism, 2012, 15(3): 167~181.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper examines the determinants of Hong Kong tourism demand for the top-three major tourist arrival countries, namely Mainland China, Taiwan, and Japan, with an error correction model. Specifically, this paper will examine the effects of relaxing the visa requirement, the launch of the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS), for Mainland Chinese tourists in 2003. Empirical results show that tourists are income-elastic and consider international tourism to be a luxury good. Tourists are more sensitive to changes in the nominal exchange rate than to changes in the foreign pricing level. The positive effect of the launch of the IVS for Mainland Chinese tourists outweighs the adverse impact of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) on tourism demand for Hong Kong.
[6] Heckman J J, Ichimura H, Todd P.

Matching as an econometric evaluation estimator

[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 1998, 65(2): 261~294.

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[7] Heckman J J, Lalonde R J, Smith J A.

The economics and econometrics of active labor market programs

[J]. Handbook of Labor Economics, 1999(3): 1865~2097.

[本文引用: 1]     

[8] Karaman A S.

The pernicious impact of visa restrictions on inbound tourism: The case of Turkey

[J]. Turkish Studies, 2016, 17(3): 502~524.

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Abstract Visa policies have been important instruments of control for the movement of people and what they effectuate depends on their character. They impede the flow of people when they are restrictive; they facilitate the entry and admission of people when they are liberal. Turkey has been using visa policies liberally for long to stimulate tourism growth. In this paper, the log-linearized version of gravity-type models is used to analyze Turkey tourism demand relating inbound travel to visa requirements, macroeconomic variables, distance and regional contiguity. The countries are segmented into clusters according to travel freedom their citizens enjoy using the Henley & Partners Visa Restrictions Index by employing the two-step cluster analysis. It is found that the visa restrictions imposed on a country has a detrimental impact of 29 percent on average on inward mobility and this impact is on the higher side for countries with almost visa-free travel.
[9] Lawson R A, Roychoudhury S.

Do travel visa requirements impede tourist travel?

[J]. Journal of Economics and Finance, 2016, 40(4): 817~828.

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(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)To the end that the People may be kept in the requisite...
[10] Lee C K, Song H J, Bendle L J.

The impact of visa-free entry on outbound tourism: A case study of South Korean travellers visiting Japan

[J]. Tourism Geographies, 2010, 12(2): 302~323.

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Although visa-free entry is important to tourism flows across borders there has been limited academic research into the effects of this arrangement on international tourism demand. Using the ARIMA, the ARIMA intervention, Winters Exponential Smoothing and the Stepwise Autoregressive models, this study examined the effect of visa-free entry on tourism demand between South Korea and Japan, and estimated the impact of this visa-free travel on tourism numbers and receipts. The results showed that for Koreans visiting Japan, introducing visa-free travel was statistically significant with a positive sign. In the first year tourists increased by 12.1 percent and receipts by $US246 million and in the second year tourists increased by 25 percent and receipts by $US792 million. The key finding is that in a market with strong effective demand, the influence of a change to visa-free entry could be greater than 20 percent. However, as individual, national and external reasons modulate each context, further research into the influence of visa controls on various established tourism markets is recommended.
[11] Li S N, Song H Y.

Economic impacts of visa restrictions on tourism: A case of two events in China

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2013(43): 251~271.

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Increasing attention has been paid to evaluate the impacts of large scale events on tourism demand. For providing policy suggestions, it should consider the economic impact of both events themselves and other factors. This paper evaluates the economic effects of visa restrictions on tourism as a result of the 1989 Tian'an Men Square Incident and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games by using an innovative combination of econometric and computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. The results show that both events generated economic losses. The unexpected negative economic impact of the Beijing Olympics seems attributable to visa restrictions. Suggestions for the alleviation of the negative impact of visa regulations are provided.
[12] Liu A Y, McKercher B.

The impact of visa liberalization on tourist behaviors:The case of China outbound market visiting Hong Kong

[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2014, 55(5): 603~611.

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The potential offered by the China outbound tourism market will create pressure on destinations to relax their visa requirements in order to capitalize on the opportunities it presents. Prior research into the impacts of visa liberalization indicates that the volume of arrivals increases substantially. However, little research has been conducted examining changes in profile of visitors and their resultant behaviors. This study examines changes in the Chinese pleasure visitor market to Hong Kong from 1998 to 2012. The study is grounded in market access theory. In addition to the significant increase of arrivals during that time, behavior patterns have changed almost completely, as independent tourists have been freed from the constraints imposed by tour group participation. The study has valuable implications for other destinations that are likely to relax visa requirements for markets like China.
[13] Neiman B, Swagel P.

The impact of post-9/11 visa policies on travel to the United States

[J]. Journal of International Economics, 2009, 78(1): 86~99.

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American and foreign businesses, politicians, and media have all pointed to post-9/11 changes in visa policies as being responsible for the sharp decline in travel to the United States following the attacks. Using an empirical model which distinguishes the impact of visa policy from economic and country-specific factors, we find that changes in visa policy were not important contributors to the decrease in travel to the United States. Rather, the reduction in entries was largest among travelers who were not required to obtain a visa.
[14] Neumayer E.

Visa restrictions and bilateral travel

[J]. The Professional Geographer, 2010, 62(2): 171~181.

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The vast majority of states impose visa restrictions on travelers from some foreign countries. Such restrictions are likely to deter foreign visitors from affected countries. They will therefore reduce the flow of tourists, businesspeople, and other travelers and thereby damage a country's tourism industry, reduce its trade, and affect its scientific, cultural, and other exchanges with foreign countries. This study estimates the damaging effect exerted by visa restrictions on bilateral travel in a country dyad data set covering the period from 1995 to 2005. It finds that, depending on the exact model specification chosen, visa restrictions reduce such travel by on average between 52 and 63 percent but with substantial regional variation. Given this large detrimental effect of visa restrictions on bilateral travel, the article discusses the determinants of why states impose such restrictions.
[15] Song H Y, Gartner W C,

Tasci A D A. Visa restrictions and their adverse economic and marketing implications:Evidence from China

[J]. Tourism Management, 2012, 33(2): 397~412.

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Governments spend considerable public resources, including tax dollars, on marketing their cities or countries in order to become a strong brand attractive for exports, foreign direct investment and tourism. Ironically at the same time, self-imposed and strict visa regulations that can potentially hamper the productivity of marketing and branding are fairly common. There are valid reasons for imposing strict visa regulations, two of the most important being national and economic security. Although strict visa regulations are a common phenomenon around the world, the tourism academia have yet to argue against strict visa regulations by providing empirical evidence on their potential impact on tourism demand, and hence the economy. The current study is a pioneer attempt to generate awareness about the potential detrimental impacts of visa restrictions on a country economy, by using the case of People Republic of China, one of the countries known to have a history of strict visa regulations. The research reported in this paper was based on the standard tourism demand function, which models the causal relationship between tourism demand and a number of macroeconomic variables. The autoregressive distributed lag model (ADLM) was used since it has a dynamic specification that takes the time path of the tourist decision-making process into consideration by using both current and lagged values of variables. Results show the negative effect of visa regulations on both country-level and prefecture-level economies. Implications are discussed and recommendations provided.
[16] Su Y W, Lin H L, Liu L M.

Chinese tourists in Taiwan: Crowding out effects, opening policy and its implications

[J]. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2012(4): 45~55.

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78 We study the impact of a legislation allowing Chinese tourists to travel into Taiwan. 78 Tourist arrival from China to Japan is used as a reference for opening policies. 78 Chinese outbound tourism is highly related to policies in destination countries. 78 Chinese tourists crowd out Taiwan's international tourists from Japan and U.S. 78 Model parameters are jointly estimated with outlier effects.
[17] World Economic Forum.

Travel and tourism competitiveness report 2013

[R]. Geneva: WEF, 2013.

[18] World Economic Forum.

Travel and tourism competitiveness report 2015

[R]. Geneva: WEF, 2015.

[19] World Economic Forum.

Travel and tourism competitiveness report 2017

[R]. Geneva: WEF, 2017.

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