
The Construction of Collective Memory of Dark Tourism Sites and its Influence on Tourists’ Behavioral Intentions: A Case Study of the Earthquake-stricken Old Town of Beichuan County
QIAN Lili,LI Hanliang,JI Jing
表5 游客集体记忆、满意度、行为意愿结构方程路径系数估计
Tab.5 Path coefficient estimation of structural equation model of tourists’ collective memory,satisfaction and behavior intentions
作用路径 UNSTD STD S.E. C.R. P
H1 灾难记忆(DM) 满意度(TS) 0.134 0.167 0.064 2.077 0.038**
H2 抗灾记忆(FDM) 满意度(TS) 0.116 0.158 0.057 2.031 0.042**
H3 灾难认知(DC) 满意度(TS) 0.315 0.246 0.111 2.827 0.005**
H4 负面情感(NA) 满意度(TS) 0.228 0.193 0.092 2.486 0.013**
H5 观念启示(IA) 满意度(TS) 0.342 0.230 0.104 3.298 0.000***
H6 满意度(TS) 保护意愿(PI) 0.410 0.587 0.054 7.549 0.000***
H7 满意度(TS)
重访推荐意愿(BRI) 0.666 0.346 0.131 5.077 0.000***