

旅游导刊, 2020, 4(5): 40-59 DOI: 10.12054/lydk.bisu.154




四川农业大学旅游学院 四川成都 611830

Research on the Influence of the Yi Torch Festival on the Ethnic Identity of Community Members : Based on the Application of the Multi-group Ethnic Identity Measure

TAO Changjiang

College of Tourism, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611830, China

收稿日期: 2020-01-13   修回日期: 2020-08-27   网络出版日期: 2020-10-30

基金资助: 本研究受四川省旅游业青年专家专项课题“旅游节庆对族群认同影响研究——以凉山彝族火把节为例”资助项目编号(SCTYETP2016L37)

Received: 2020-01-13   Revised: 2020-08-27   Online: 2020-10-30

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 族群认同; 多族群认同测量; 彝族火把节


This study explores factors influencing community members’ ethnic identity in relation to festivals and depicts the differences. The Multi-group Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) in the form of a questionnaire survey is conducted on the Yi ethnic community members attending the Yi Torch Festival in Sichuan Province, China. This study employs quantitative methods, including exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and multivariate variance analysis. The results show that the ethnic identity of festival attendees is reflected in two dimensions: ethnic identity commitment and ethnic identity exploration. Moreover, while the level of community tourism development is negatively correlated with members’ ethnic identity commitment, there is a positive correlation between the improvement of ethnic groups and their enthusiasm for and frequency of participating in community ethnic festivals. There is no clear difference in ethnic identity commitment between the festival performers and the festival spectators. However, as active participants of the festival, performers score much higher on ethnic identity exploration than spectators. Meanwhile, frequent participants exhibit greater levels of ethnic identity commitment and exploration than occasional participants. Gender and the level of education also play a vital role in personal ethnic identity. In comparison to the Yi females, the Yi males have higher ethnic identity commitment and exploration, while the educational level also affects the degree of ethnic identity commitment in a U-shaped pattern. This study is the first study applying MEIM in festival research and demonstrates the applicability of the MEIM scale in studying ethnic festivals.

Keywords: Ethnic Identity; the Multi-group Ethnic Identity Measure; the Yi Torch Festival

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陶长江. 彝族火把节对社区成员族群认同的影响——基于多族群认同测量(MEIM)的运用[J]. 旅游导刊, 2020, 4(5): 40-59 DOI:10.12054/lydk.bisu.154

TAO Changjiang. Research on the Influence of the Yi Torch Festival on the Ethnic Identity of Community Members : Based on the Application of the Multi-group Ethnic Identity Measure[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2020, 4(5): 40-59 DOI:10.12054/lydk.bisu.154

节庆是神圣或原始的庆祝时刻(Falassi,1987),是分享价值、思想、认同以及连续性的庆祝活动(Getz,2010),这些庆祝活动包括大型活动、有特色的表演和竞赛活动(Van Winkle,Woosnam & Mohammed,2013)。举办节庆可以产生显著的经济、社会文化效益(Yürük,Akyol & Şimşek,2017),以往研究已证实节庆对社区的经济影响(Crompton,2006;Rivera,Hara & Kock,2008;Andersson,Armbrecht & Lundberg,2012),如节庆中观众的消费会给当地居民和经济部门带来益处(Tohmo,2005),节庆在促进主办社区的经济繁荣方面起着重要作用(Saayman & Rossouw,2011;Diedering & Kwiatkowski,2015)。也有研究人员提出,节庆影响研究应该从关注经济效益的传统底线(bottom-line)模型转变为同时关注环境和社会文化影响的三重底线(triple-bottom-line)模型(Hede,2007;Woosnam,Jiang & Van Winkle,2016)。Getz(2010)认为,节庆的社会文化影响是节庆研究领域的3条主线之一,也是需要给予更多关注的研究方向(Mair & Whitford,2013),而节庆在族群认同建构中的作用就是节庆社会文化影响研究中的一个重要问题(Getz,2010)。族群认同(Ethnic Identity,EI)是个体作为族群成员的自我认同,它反映出个体对于整个族群的归属感和态度(Phinney,1990)。尤其对少数民族成员而言,族群认同是一个重要的个体特性(Phinney,1992)。为准确测量族群认同,Phinney(1992) ,Roberts、Phinney和Masse等(1999)提出了一个测量工具——多族群认同测量(Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure,MEIM)量表,被广泛运用于族群研究领域(Worrell,Conyers & Mpofu,et al.,2006;Yoon,2011;Burrow-Sanchez,2014;Sarno & Mohr,2016)。

以往关于节庆与族群认同的研究,学者多通过质性研究方法说明节庆活动本身(Cervone,1998;Kaplan,Higdon & Crago,et al.,2004;Deagon,2008;Zeitler,2009)会影响社区居民的族群认同,缺少用定量方法来探索具体影响程度的研究。社区成员作为活动的表演者或观看者参与节庆(Amini & Safian,2013),其参与程度会对族群认同产生怎样的影响?虽然已有研究表明旅游者涉入程度会影响社区居民的族群认同(孙九霞,2010),但在旅游节庆发展程度不同的社区,是否有类似结论?而参与节庆的社区成员的个体特征(如年龄、性别、受教育程度等)又是如何影响族群认同的?基于此,本研究将MEIM引入节庆研究,以参与四川凉山彝族民间火把节的社区居民为研究对象,采用定量研究方法,验证社区成员参与火把节的程度、个体特征以及所在社区旅游发展程度对其族群认同的影响,以期深化族群认同研究和社区节庆研究。


1. 族群认同以及测量

族群认同概念来自3个相关的理论。Erikson(1968)的自我认同理论和Marcia(1980)的认同发展理论指出,个体通过批判和承认的过程可以构造出一个特定的认同。批判意味着个体对“有意义选择”的探索过程,承认则指个体对“个体自身”的探究(Cervone,1998)。Tajfel(1981)的社会认同理论指出,社会成员的认同指个体在所属社会组织(或群体)中自我形象的部分。从社会学角度看,族群认同包括两部分:关于社会群体成员的个体认识和个体与所属群体的价值、情感联系(Pegg & Plybon,2005;Worrell,Conyers & Mpofu,et al.,2006)。

为区分和比较不同人口的族群认同,Phinney(1992)首次开发了可用于各民族和种族的多族群认同测量量表。总体看,MEIM有3个版本被广泛地运用于族群认同研究中(见表1):Phinney(1992)的原始版(14项指标),Roberts、Phinney和Masse等(1999)的修订版(12项指标),Phinney和Ong(2007)的修订版(6项指标)。MEIM最早被用于青少年研究领域,但在成年人研究中也表现出良好的心理测量特性(Pegg & Plybon,2005;Feitosa,Lacerenza & Joseph,et al.,2017)。Roberts、Phinney和Masse等(1999)修订后的MEIM作为在不同环境下评估族群认同的有效方式而被广泛运用(Yoon,2011;Burrow-Sanchez,2014;Sarno & Mohr,2016)。MEIM的指标结构维度也有3种类型:单一结构、双因子结构和三因子结构(见表2)。虽有研究表明,在不同背景中运用MEIM可以产生更多的族群认同维度以准确评估族群认同的认知、情感和行为(Lee & Yoo,2004;Gaines,Bunce & Robertson,et al.,2010),但更多学者认为MEIM是由族群认同承诺和族群认同探索构成的稳定的双因子结构(Lee & Yoo,2004;Kazarian & Boyadjian,2008;Gaines,Bunce & Robertson,et al.,2010;Blozis & Villarreal,2014;Feitosa,Lacerenza & Joseph,et al.,2017)。其中,族群认同承诺指“成员意识和对群体的态度”(Roberts,Phinney & Masse,et al.,1999),族群认同探索指“寻求与族群相关的信息和经历”(Phinney & Ong,2007)。

表1   MEIM的指标和因子结构

Tab. 1  Factor dimensions and items about MEIM

Phinney(1992) Roberts,Phinney & Masse,et al.(1999)Phinney &Ong(2007)

注:(1)表格由作者根据文献(Phinney,1992;Roberts,Phinney & Masse,et al.,1999;Phinney & Ong,2007)整理得到;(2)表中因子结构名称的中英文对应包括族群认同成就(ethnic identity achievement)、族群行为(ethnic behaviors)、确认与归属(affirmation and belonging)、探索(exploration)、确认(affirmation)/属性(belonging)、承诺(commitment);(3)“*”表示笔者的理解,Phinney和Ong(2007)提出的修订版MEIM-R只有6项指标(3项探索、3项承诺),第3项“探索”指标原文为“我经常做一些事情来帮助我更好地了解我的族群背景”(I have often done things that will help me understand my ethnic background better),根据意思接近原则,将其分别对应Phinney(1992) , Roberts、Phinney和Masse等(1999)的第2项和第12项指标

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表2   MEIM的3类结构维度

Tab. 2  Three types of structural dimensions about MEIM

单结构Phinney,1992;Worrell,Conyers & Mpofu,et al.,2006族群认同“族群认同是个体自我概念的一部分,它来源于对社会群体(或群体)成员的认识,以及个体作为成员的价值和情感意义”(Tajfel,1981,引自Phinney,1992:156)
双因子结构Roberts,Phinney & Masse,et al.,1999;Pegg & Plybon,2005;Phinney & Ong,2007;Kazarian & Boyadjian,2008;Feitosa,Lacerenza & Joseph,et al.,2017(1)确认/
(1)“群体成员的意识和群体对个体的态度”(Roberts,Phinney & Masse,et al.,1999:302)
(2)“寻求与族群相关的信息和经历”(Phinney & Ong,2007:272)
三因子结构Gaines,Bunce & Robertson,et al.,2010(1)行为
(3)确认(Gaines,Bunce & Robertson,et al.,2010
Lee & Yoo,2004(1)认知识别

(1)“清晰的自我理解意识和归属感”(Lee & Yoo,2004:266)
(2)“对某一族群成员的积极影响”(Lee & Yoo,2004:266)
(3)“对族群活动参与的积极性”(Lee & Yoo,2004:267)

注:表格由笔者根据文献(Feitosa,Lacerenza & Joseph,et al., 2017)整理得到

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2. 节庆与族群认同

节庆有助于保留、传承和再现社区的宗教、地方传统和文化认同(Vahed,2002;Elias-Varotsis,2006),帮助社区成员保持积极的自我认同(De Bres & Davis,2001),重建地方认同和重构象征认同(Jeong & Santos,2004)。节庆也可以为参与者、利益相关者甚至社区带来有意义的社会成果,如强化成员关系、增加社会资本(Stadler,2013;Bagiran & Kurgun,2016)等。节庆还能够提高社区凝聚力和社区能力(Edwards,2012),增加社区福祉(Yolal,Gursoy & Uysal,et al.,2016)。当成员们参与节庆时,会创造社区意识(Irimoto,2004),节庆参与可以提高个体的社区自豪感、认同感和归属感(Kaplan,Higdon & Crago,et al.,2004;Yürük,Akyol & Şimşek,2017),促进形成社区成员间新的社交关系,增强社会凝聚力以创造社会资本(Arcodia & Whitford,2006)。

族群认同是个体自我概念的重要部分(Phinney,1992)。Ong、Fuller-Rowell和Phinney(2010)指出少数民族族群认同的发展过程经历了自我探索、改变和巩固的阶段。族群认同可以通过族群的价值符号得以发展,如民族节庆中的装束、音乐、语言和仪式。民族节庆也可以对社区成员族群认同的发展有积极影响:一方面,民族节庆的仪式性活动可以创造参与者的团结意识(Irimoto,2004),如舞蹈表演可以反映一个民族的社会文化政治冲突和转变,在形成成员族群认同方面至关重要(Deagon,2008),音乐表演作为一种建构地方的社会实践(魏琳琳,2020)和节庆仪式(唐雪琼、钱俊希、杨茜好,2017;魏琳琳,2020)可以强化少数民族的身份和族群认同;另一方面,节庆作为一个关键的对话工具,成员可以借此进行交流(Kaplan,Higdon & Crago,et al.,2004),还为参与者提供了一个理解不同群体间差异性和共同性的良好机会,并由此培育参与者对文化多样性的尊重和欣赏(Linden,1997)。已有研究证明在移民社区的族群中,节庆在明确族群边界、创造族群意识、构造族群成员间集体认同感方面起着至关重要的作用(Wang,2003;Kaplan,Higdon & Crago,et al.,2004;Yoon,2011);节日活动有助于增强移民群体的族群标记和对本族群的归属感(Chacko,2013),增进和维持族群认同(Davis,Jackson & Jackson,2009;Jackson,2020)。



1. 研究背景




2. 研究工具


3. 数据收集


表3   被访者个人特征

Tab. 3  Respondent characteristics


注:题项“参加火把节的活动类型”是多项选择题,数据经过了多重响应分析,故总数量为1 017

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4. 数据分析

本研究首先运用数据统计分析软件SPSS 17.0检验数据信度、效度,并作探索性因子分析确定MEIM的因子结构,再运用结构方程模型软件AMOS 24.0作验证性因子分析检测数据与测量模型的整体拟合度,最后用SPSS 17.0中多元方差分析比较社区节庆旅游发展程度、社区成员的个体特征和节庆中参与积极性及强度对族群认同影响的差异。


1. 探索性因子分析

(1)数据的信效度检验。SPSS 17.0分析计算结果显示,量表总Alpha系数α=0.703>0.7,表明量表内部一致性良好,即效度较好;再经KMO样本测度和Bartlett球形度检验,结果显示KMO=0.858>0.8,显著性水平p=0.000<0.0001,说明各变量存在一定相关关系,问卷数据适合进行因子分析。


表4   探索性因子分析

Tab. 4  Results of exploratory factor analysis (n = 490)


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(3)对因子进行命名。通过方差最大化正交旋转法,旋转在3次迭代后收敛,得到旋转成分矩阵。经因子分析后保留了11项指标,这11个因子的载荷量为0.525~0.776,指标7“我很清楚我的彝族同胞对我意味着什么”因指标载荷量较低而被去掉。克隆巴赫系数两个维度的值为0.691和0.859,表明了测量的内在一致性。参考以往学者(Tajfel,1981;Roberts,Phinney & Masse,et al.,1999;Phinney & Ong,2007;Burrow-Sanchez,2014)运用MEIM量表进行研究的命名方式,将两个主成分分别命名为族群认同探索(Ethnic Identity Exploration,简称EIE,包括5项指标)和族群认同承诺(Ethnic Identity Commitment,简称EIC,包括6项指标)。EIC反映了个体在族群态度方面的表现,而EIE用于衡量个体在族群行动方面的表现。

2. 验证性因子分析

运用AMOS 24.0对样本数据的2个潜变量、12个观测变量作验证性因子分析(见表5)。删除1项因子载荷小于0.6的观测变量“我很清楚我的彝族同胞对我意味着什么”,数据与测量模型的整体拟合度良好,拟合指数chi-square=87.232,df=32,chi-square/df=2.726,GFI=0.936,p=0.000,AGFI=0.902,CFI=0.912,TLI=0.907,RMEEA=0.078,均达到理想值;所有显变量与潜变量之间的测量路径均在99%的置信区间内(双尾)显著。根据Bagozzi (1981)的观点,标准化因子负荷量Std. >0.7为理想值,大于0.6为可接受值;SMC是FL的平方,SMC>0.5为理想值,大于0.36为可接受值;组成信度CR>0.8为理想值,大于0.7为可接受值;收敛效度AVE>0.5为理想值,大于0.36为可接受值。样本因子的标准化载荷均大于0.6,收敛效度AVE均大于理想值0.5,SMC大部分为理想值,EIC1、EIC5和EIE1的SMC值也在可接受范围。这表明潜变量具有良好的内部一致性和收敛效度,各潜变量很好地聚合于相应显变量,量表的观察变量能较好地被结构变量所解释。最后,两个潜变量间的皮尔森相关值为0.531,小于0.71,表明两个潜变量之间有显著区分,潜变量的大部分信息只能被自身的观测变量解释,与另一潜变量的观测变量相关性极低(MacKenzie,Podsakoff & Podsakoff,2011)。

表5   观测变量基本统计量与验证性因子分析结果

Tab. 5  Items with descriptive statistics and results of CFA



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3. 多元方差分析


表6   多元显著效应(p<0.05)

Tab. 6  Significant multivariate effects(p<0.05)


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表 7   单变量显著效应(p<0.05)

Tab. 7  Significant univariate effects(p<0.05)

其他县(如昭觉、金阳) (N=11)0.324—0.2480.895


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(3)族群成员的性别、受教育程度显著影响族群认同。一方面,男性彝族成员在族群认同承诺和探索方面均高于女性。这可能跟彝族的传统家庭文化有关,男性在家庭中处于主导地位,女性处于从属地位,男性在社会活动中表现得更为自信和积极。另一方面,受教育程度对族群认同探索无显著影响,但对族群认同承诺的影响呈“U”形,即未上过学和仅上过小学的群体族群认知程度最高,上过初中和高中的群体族群认知程度最低,而上过大专、大学和研究生的群体族群认知程度又有一定程度上升。可能原因是彝族孩子多在西昌市接受初中和高中教育,而西昌市更多受多民族文化影响,导致族群认知程度降低;未上学和仅上过小学的群体多在当地,长期接受本族群文化的影响,会强化他们的族群认同;到外地甚至外省上大学的彝族群体,在与其他族群接触的过程中,会唤起族群意识,明确族群边界,进而增强族群认同承诺,原因类似于以往移民社区成员族群认同得以增强的研究(Kaplan,Higdon & Crago,et al.,2004;Chacko,2013)。数据分析还表明,年龄对族群认同并不会产生显著影响。


1. 研究结论

(1)MEIM量表在民族节庆研究领域存在族群认同承诺和族群认同探索两个维度,且具有测量稳定性。研究表明Roberts、Phinney和Masse等(1999)修订的MEIM量表的12项指标具有很强的内在一致性,并表现出与已有研究(Tajfel,1981;Roberts,Phinney & Masse,et al.,1999;Burrow-Sanchez,2014;Feitosa,Lacerenza & Joseph,et al.,2017)相一致的双因素结构。然而,本研究中两个维度的某些部分与以往研究存在些许差异:EFA和CFA分析均表明题项7(我很清楚我的彝族同胞对我意味着什么)的因子载荷量很低,这说明在新环境下,题项7能否作为一个可靠指标尚待进一步研究,正如Yap、Donnellan和Schwartz等(2014)所提出的,MEIM在不同的族群研究中是否具有等价性存在争议。出现研究结论差异可能是由于文化多样性(Mastrotheodoros,Dimitrova & Motti-Stefanidi,2012)和本研究被访者对测量项目理解存在偏差导致的。本研究首次将MEIM的运用从人类学、社会学领域扩展到节庆研究,证实了MEIM在民族节庆研究中具有一定的适用性。


(3)社区成员参与民族节庆的程度和强度正向影响成员族群认同。参与民间火把节具体活动项目的族群成员在族群认同探索上显著高于观看者;经常参与火把节的族群成员在族群认同(承诺和探索)方面高于偶然参与者。以往研究表明民族节庆的舞蹈(Deagon,2008)、音乐(魏琳琳,2020)和节庆仪式(唐雪琼、钱俊希、杨茜好,2017;魏琳琳,2020)会强化少数民族群体的族群认同,但这些研究均采用归纳与演绎的定性分析方法;同时,以往研究只是笼统表明节庆活动对少数民族成员族群认同有强化作用,并不清楚族群成员对这些民族节庆活动的参与程度、强度与他们族群认同之间的关系。本研究结论深化了节庆研究和族群认同研究,率先为族群成员参与民族节庆对族群认同的影响提供了实证依据,并表明在民族节庆中将族群认同探索因素和族群认同承诺因素共同考虑时,族群认同的框架和功能会在许多方面受到改变。基于MEIM(Roberts,Phinney & Masse,et al.,1999)两个维度的分析,本研究表明族群成员参与民族节庆会改变个人的族群认同,积极参与节庆的各项活动会促进其发展族群认同探索,经常参加节庆会强化其族群认同承诺和族群认同探索,本研究为未来更多有关节庆对族群认同的影响研究奠定了基础。


2. 管理建议

(1)本研究加深了对民族节庆潜在社会影响的了解,为民族节庆活动的组织举办提供了管理建议。对当地社区而言,节庆组织者积极参与节庆组织非常重要(Van Winkle,Woosnam & Mohammed,2013)。为获得社会效益,当地人也应在发展和传承节庆中扮演积极角色(Clarke & Jepson,2011)。在我国,各级政府越来越多地参与主办地方节庆,尤其是在欠发达的少数民族地区,为通过节庆旅游来促进地方经济发展,政府往往是唯一的节庆组织者。旅游是一种文化探索的方式(Greenwood,1989),基于地方文化保护和旅游可持续发展,应确保少数民族在组织节庆方面得到应有的尊重和自由。本研究表明在民族节庆中当地人民的族群认同不容忽视,当地政府应鼓励民众通过节庆来保护文化,采取有效方式激励当地民众参与节庆。民族节庆不仅有利于当地经济发展,也是一个有效的保护民族传统、增强族群认同的平台。

(2)鼓励社区成员参加民族节庆可以有效培育参与者的族群认同。我国是多民族国家,在乡村振兴战略倡导下,各民族地区普遍希望通过举办特色节庆活动以振兴当地经济、保护民族文化,节庆组织者应通过民族音乐、舞蹈、食物等形式来尽可能多地吸引参与者。社会成员积极参与节庆可有效保持和增强他们的族群认同感,从而促进社会团结和维持文化多样性(Lee & Huang,2015)。




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This brief research report shows how different applications of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) can have implications for the interpretation of the role of ethnic identity in research. Throughout the MEIM's widespread use, notable inconsistencies lie in how the measure has been applied. This report uses empirical data to demonstrate differences in statistical inference due to these differences in usage.

Burrow-Sanchez J J .

Measuring Ethnic Identity in Latino Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders

[J]. Substance Use & Misuse, 2014,49(8):982~ 986.

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The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) is a frequently used instrument to assess the level of ethnic identity in adolescents. The factor structure of the MEIM has extensively been studied in diverse nonclinical samples, while research with clinical samples of adolescents is lacking. The purpose of the current study is to identify the factor structure of the MEIM in a clinical sample of Latino adolescents (N = 106) with substance use disorders. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to test three competing factor structure models of the MEIM. Results indicated that a six-item two-factor model best fit the data for Latino adolescents in this study. Implications of these results and suggestions for further research are discussed.

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Economic impact of events and festivals on host regions:Methods in practice & potential sources of bias

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Gympie’s country music Muster: Creating a cultural economy from a local tradition

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 2012,28(4):517~ 527.

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This paper provides an historical analysis of the National Country Music Muster, a country music festival held in a forest outside of Gympie, a town in rural southeast Queensland, Australia, between the period 1982 and 2006 (the first twenty-five years of the event). This article analyses the origins of the Muster, demonstrating how local events are often developed as a result of regional traditions and assets, or 'countryside capital' (Garrod et al., 2006). While this countryside capital was used to develop the Muster, this paper will demonstrate the event created its own capital, which the Gympie community has then utilised. The Muster has enabled the development of community capacity in three key ways: community not-for-profit groups have received increased income through participation as volunteers at the Muster; collaborative efforts between groups have developed senses of community on site; and the Muster has fostered social capital development by encouraging volunteer groups to work on site, all of which, of course, ensures the Muster continues to operate. Additionally, the Muster has provided the impetus for the creation of two country music focused cultural institutions in Gympie, as well as several spin-off events, which seek to capitalise on the increased traffic through town during the Muster period. Each of these institutions and spin off events has helped embed country music within Gympie's cultural economy. Further, they provide a clear demonstration of a rural community actively and creatively deploying its cultural capital in order both to buttress itself against fluctuations in the town's fortunes and to assert a locally relevant country identity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

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Ethnic identity: Factor structure and measurement invariance across ethnic groups

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Considering a historically diversified (and growing) population in the United States, one's ethnic identification is often an important psychological-as well as social and political-construct because it can serve as a hindrance to interpersonal interaction. Despite the importance of ethnic identity in psychological research, the most widely developed ethnic identity measurement tool, the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM; Phinney, 1992), lacks consensus regarding its psychometric properties. The purpose of this article is to identify the factor structure of this measure and identify whether it exhibits measurement equivalence/invariance (ME/I) across ethnicities. The current findings offer several contributions to the state of the literature. First, our data suggests a two-factor model, including affirmation/commitment and exploration factors, is the most appropriate structure when considering fit and parsimony indices via confirmatory factor analysis. Second, configural and metric measurement equivalence was found across Caucasian and non-Caucasian participants. Interestingly, partial scalar invariance was established when comparing Caucasians with the minority groups with the exception of the Hispanic subgroup, which exhibited no scalar invariance. Third, differences in ethnic identity factor means were found, especially across Caucasians and African Americans. In conclusion, the use of the two-factor model of the MEIM is recommended, and results suggest that the MEIM is an appropriate measure of ethnic identity in most ethnic groups. Limitations and future research are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record

Gaines Jr S O, Bunce D, Robertson T , et al.

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This paper considers festivals as place-contingent cultural politics and examines them as political instruments and promotional products at the same time. Conflicts between globalization, tradition, and place identity are discussed by examining the Kangnung Dano festival in Korea. Findings suggest that the contested meaning of place leads to the reconstruction of regional identities and the reframing of symbolic identities. Kangnung Dano is read as a “cultural framework” reflecting simplistic and dualistic classifications of festivals into sacred and secular, public and private, and social conflicts and cohesion through place identification. The paper proposes that regional identity has been dynamically constructed and is re-constructing due to contested meanings of place.


Politique culturelle et identité de lieu contestée. Cet article considère d’abord les festivals comme des événements de la politique culturelle qui dépendent d’un lieu, et ensuite il les examine simultanément en tant qu’instruments politiques et produits promotionnels. On discute des conflits entre la mondialisation, la tradition et l’identité de lieu en examinant le festival de Kangnung Dano en Corée. Les résultats suggèrent que la signification contestée du lieu mène à la reconstruction des identités régionales et recadre des identités symboliques. Kangnung Dano se lit comme un « cadre culturel » qui reflète des classifications simplistes et dualistes des festivals entre sacré et profane, publique et privé et conflit ou cohésion sociaux selon l’identification de lieu. L’article soutient que l’identité régionale a été construite de façon dynamique et qu’elle est en train de se reconstruire grâce aux significations de lieu contestées. Mots-clés: politique culturelle, festivals, identité de lieu, mondialisation.

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An exploration of events research: Event topics, themes and emerging trends

[J]. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 2013,4(1):6~ 30.

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Measurement invariance of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) across Bulgarian, Dutch and Greek samples

[J]. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2012,9(4):508~ 515.

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The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM; Phinney, 1992) is a widely used instrument to quantify the way people think, feel, and behave regarding their ethnic origin. This instrument is commonly used to compare groups of people from different ethnic and/or cultural backgrounds. However, in order for these comparisons to be accurate, measurement invariance between groups needs to be tested and this is what has been done in the current study. First, confirmatory factor analyses were conducted separately for data sets with Bulgarian, Dutch, and Greek adolescents. Second, configural and scalar invariance were tested. Finally, comparisons between Bulgarian, Dutch, and Greek adolescents were made on their scores on MEIM.

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Ethnic identity is central to the psychological functioning of members of ethnic and racial minority groups, but research on the topic is fragmentary and inconclusive. This article is a review of 70 studies of ethnic identity published in refereed journals since 1972. The author discusses the ways in which ethnic identity has been defined and conceptualized, the components that have been measured, and empirical findings. The task of understanding ethnic identity is complicated because the uniqueness that distinguishes each group makes it difficult to draw general conclusions. A focus on the common elements that apply across groups could lead to a better understanding of ethnic identity.

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This paper estimates the economic value of South Africa's longest running national arts festival, the Grahamstown National Arts Festival in the Eastern Cape Province. The Eastern Cape is a middle-income province (6.6% of national GDP), settles 9.6% of the South African population and has a high unemployment rate. A survey was conducted in July 2009, with 450 visitors completing a structured questionnaire at various sampling locations across the festival area. A social accounting matrix (SAM) for the province was used to estimate the economic value of the arts festival to the region's economy (adopting the classical SAMs multiplier approach) with visitor depending data. This research shows that the festival makes a significant contribution to revenue generation as well as to job creation, thereby confirming that investments made by government in arts and culture can address economic objectives.

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In this article, we evaluate the factor structure of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM; Phinney, 1992) and test whether the MEIM exhibits measurement invariance across ethnic groups taken from a diverse sample of students from 30 different colleges and universities across the United States (N = 9,625). Initial analyses suggested that a bifactor model was an adequate representation of the structure of the MEIM. This model was then used in subsequent invariance tests. Results suggested that the MEIM displayed configural and metric invariance across 5 diverse ethnic groups (i.e., White, Black, Hispanic, East Asian, and South Asian). There were indications that the MEIM displayed a similar factor structure with roughly equivalent factor loadings across diverse ethnic groups. However, there was little evidence of scalar invariance across these groups, suggesting that mean-level comparisons of MEIM scores across ethnic groups should be interpreted with caution. The implications of these findings for the interpretation and use of this popular measure of ethnic identity are discussed.

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This study examined the newly developed ethnic identity measures of the Ethnic Identity Scale (EIS) and the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure-Revised (MEIM-R) from psychometric and theoretical perspectives. Survey data from 289 counseling students in California were analyzed. Confirmatory factor analyses supported three correlated factors of the EIS (exploration, resolution, and affirmation) and two correlated factors of the MEIM-R (exploration, commitment) for both European American and minority students. Consistent with the theories of Erikson's and Marcia's identity development, the EIS and the MEIM-R nicely depicted (a) Marcia's 4 (2 x 2) identity statuses of diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement and (b) the hierarchy of identity statuses in relation to subjective well-being as an indicator of adjustment, especially for minority students. Additionally, European American and minority students revealed differences as to the salience and importance of ethnic identity. Recommendations for using the EIS and the MEIM-R are provided.

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