

旅游导刊  2019 , 3 (6): 48-63 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.113



许忠伟, 曾玉文

北京第二外国语学院旅游科学学院 北京 100024

Perception and Support for 2022 Winter Olympics Games among Residents in Underdeveloped Areas: Evidence from Zhangjiakou

XU Zhongwei, ZENG Yuwen

School of Tourism Science, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100024, China

中图分类号:  F59

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  2096-3238(2019)06-0048-16

收稿日期: 2019-09-17

修回日期:  2019-12-1

网络出版日期:  2019-12-30

版权声明:  2019 《旅游导刊》编辑部 《旅游导刊》编辑部 所有

基金资助:  本研究受国家重点研发计划“科技冬奥”重点专项(项目编号:2019YFF0302600)、北京社科基金(项目编号:18JDGLB012)、北京市教委社科一般项目(项目编号:SM201910031003)资助


许忠伟(1976— ),男,湖北武汉人,北京第二外国语学院教授,博士,研究方向:节事活动与旅游企业研究。E-mail:imoses@sina.com;曾玉文(1992— ),女,湖北应城人,北京第二外国语学院会展管理专业硕士研究生,研究方向:节事会展旅游。




关键词: 居民感知 ; 支持度 ; 大型活动 ; 冬奥会


The paper explores the perceptions and support toward mega events (such as the 2022 Winter Olympics) among residents in underdeveloped areas (in this case, Zhangjiakou). Through field research and questionnaire analysis, it was found that Zhangjiakou residents’ support of the 2022 Winter Olympics has a significant positive relationship with the perceived economic, cultural, and social benefits of the event, but a non-significant negative relationship with the perceived costs. The study indicated that based on their different perceptions of the forthcoming Winter Olympics, residents of Zhangjiakou can be divided into three groups, namely optimists, realists and indifferent people. It can be inferred that residents’ support for mega events depends more on the perceived benefits rather than the perceived costs. Optimists have the highest support for the 2022 Winter Olympics. Furthermore, compared to previous research, it was found that support for mega events is basically the same in both underdeveloped and developed areas. Negative impact perception is not significant among Zhangjiakou residents.

Keywords: residents’ perception ; support ; mega events ; Winter Olympics


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许忠伟, 曾玉文. 经济欠发达地区居民对2022年冬奥会的感知及支持度研究——以张家口市居民为例[J]. 旅游导刊, 2019, 3(6): 48-63 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.113

XU Zhongwei, ZENG Yuwen. Perception and Support for 2022 Winter Olympics Games among Residents in Underdeveloped Areas: Evidence from Zhangjiakou[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2019, 3(6): 48-63 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.113


大型体育赛事的成功举办与举办地居民的大力支持密不可分,居民的支持态度对体育赛事的可持续发展发挥着越来越重要的作用(廉涛、黄海燕,2017)。友善好客的居民氛围有利于把特大体育事件变成城市节日,给社区和游客都创造一个美好的体验(Hiller,1990),居民的支持和参与也能提高赛事对社区的积极影响(Gursoy & Kendall,2006)。同时,举办大型体育赛事需要投入大量的人力、物力及财力,举办地政府需要依靠当地企业及居民的税收支撑大型活动的花费(Mihalik & Simonetta,1999),若大型体育赛事没有获得举办地居民的大力支持,将面临巨大的风险。

由于场馆、交通、住宿等原因,大型体育赛事往往在较为发达的城市举办,经济欠发达地区能举办国际性综合大型体育赛事的机会较少。大型体育赛事能够促进举办地经济发展,吸引投资,带动旅游、酒店、建筑等相关产业的发展(Deccio & Baloglu,2002;Chen & Tian,2015),进而为当地居民提供更多就业机会并且提高居民个人收入(Gursoy & Kendall,2006)。赛事带来的积极影响对于经济欠发达地区而言非常重要。有研究表明,发展中国家的居民对举办大型体育赛事能够改善当地基础设施的期望更高(Pranić,Pranić & Cetinić,2012)。因此,经济欠发达地区居民对大型体育赛事的感知与其他地区居民是否存在差异以及差异的具体表现值得深入研究。



Bowden、McDonnell和Allen等(2001)认为应该根据大型体育赛事的规模将其分类。国际性体育赛事可以分类为“大型活动”(Jafari,1988)和“标志性事件”(Ritchie,1984)。Ritchie(1984)将大型活动定义为在有限的时间里举办的一次性或者持续的活动。大型活动因为出席率、目标市场影响、设施规模等方面水平较高,给目的地带来较高媒体曝光率,能够提升目的地形象,促进旅游业的发展,进而对目的地经济产生拉动作用(Chalip,2006)。标志性事件和大型活动根据其规模、吸引力和重要程度的不同对目的地的影响也是不同的(Kim & Chalip,2004)。Crompton和Lee(2000)从大型体育赛事的销售额、举办地居民个人收入和居民就业水平等方面衡量了大型活动对目的地的经济影响,发现大型活动可以拉动目的地经济。但是,Jones(2001)指出有许多因素会影响大型活动的经济效益,这些因素包含但不限定于媒体曝光率、居民对事件影响的感知、事件本身的运行方式等。

尽管举办大型体育赛事会耗费大量人力、物力,但是由于其显性和隐性的利益,许多国家还是会相互竞争以争取获得大型体育赛事的举办权(Lorde,Greenidge & Devonish,2011)。大型体育赛事对目的地的影响可以分为经济影响、政治影响、社会文化影响和环境影响(Ritchie,1984)。在经济影响方面,一些研究表明大型体育赛事会给目的地带来经济利益,如增加当地税收收入、给当地居民提供更多的就业机会等(Deccio & Baloglu,2002)。除了由游客花费带来的经济利益,大型体育赛事还可以吸引投资,为目的地带来更多的商业机会(Deccio & Baloglu,2002)。但是也有研究表明,通过比较大型体育赛事新增投资以及相关的游客消费发现,大型体育赛事的游客消费经济影响并不显著,对目的地的拉动作用有限(罗秋菊、卢相宇,2011)。在社会影响方面,大型体育赛事有助于增强举办地的城市形象,提高知名度(Ritchie,1984),改善城市环境,提高公共服务水平,完善基础设施(Chen & Tian,2015),增加当地居民的自豪感等。在文化影响方面,大型体育赛事的举办丰富了当地居民的休闲娱乐活动,提升了居民的文化认知水平(Hall,1997;Vetitnev & Bobina,2017),促进了居民与旅游者之间的文化交流。除了积极影响外,大型体育赛事也会给目的地带来负面影响,如导致交通拥堵、犯罪率上升(Mihalik & Cummings,1995;Liu & Wilson,2014)等。同时,大型体育赛事会使得举办地出现房价和物价上涨、居民生活成本增加、噪声加剧、垃圾污染、居住环境遭到破坏(Chen & Tian,2015)等问题。

2. 居民对大型体育赛事的感知

居民对大型体育赛事的感知主要体现在经济、社会、文化、环境影响感知等层面(见表1)。Deccio和Baloglu(2002)用社会交换模型研究了非举办地居民对2002年美国犹他州盐湖城冬奥会感知和支持度的影响因素,结果表明非举办地居民对2002年盐湖城冬奥会的支持度与居民可获得的机会、经济收益和资源的可利用性等因素呈正相关关系,与居民对生态环境的态度等因素呈负相关关系。不同学者基于不同维度研究了举办地居民对大型体育赛事影响的感知与支持度。Kim、Gursoy和Lee(2006)用社会文化收益、经济收益、环境收益、交通拥堵、生活成本提高、社会治安问题、基础建设投资成本7维度模型来研究韩国居民对韩国世界杯赛前及赛后影响的感知差异。Bob 和 Swart(2009)用财政投入、经济利益、社区利益、成本感知4维度模型研究举办地居民对南非世界杯影响的感知。陈方英(2010)通过经济利益、社会文化利益、形象提升利益、经济社会成本、环境利益5个维度研究了青岛市居民对2008年奥帆赛影响的感知与态度的纵向变化。王起静(2010)利用收益感知、成本感知、社区依附感知、参与度感知和准备度感知5个维度研究举办地居民对2008年北京奥运会支持度的影响因素。Vetitnev和 Bobina(2017)通过城市发展与居民生活品质、消极影响和旅游目的地的积极影响3个维度,发现索契居民对2014年俄罗斯索契冬奥会的支持度主要受经济和社会收益感知的影响。虽然不同学者对居民感知的维度划分不一致,但是分析各个维度的内容可以发现,居民对大型体育赛事影响的感知可分为感知收益和感知成本两大维度,即居民对大型体育赛事感知的积极影响和消极影响。

表1   大型活动居民感知因子对比

Tab. 1   Comparison of residents’ perception in Mega-events

Kim,Gursoy & Lee,2006赛前,居民更多感知到的是世界杯带来的文化、经济、自然资源方面的收益,以及其带来的交通拥堵、物价上升等问题。
Bob & Swart,2009居民认为世界杯会带来经济与文化方面的收益,尤其给举办地居民提供了工作机会和社区福利,也会带来环境污染、交通拥堵、生活成本提高、犯罪率上升等问题。
索契冬奥会(2014)索契Vetithev & Bobina,2017居民感知因子包含城市发展与居民生活品质、对旅游目的地的消极影响和积极影响。


3. 居民对大型体育赛事感知的对比研究



这类研究主要分析居民对大型体育赛事前后影响的感知差异及这种差异产生的影响因素。Mihalik和Simonetta(1999)对1996年美国亚特兰大奥运会进行了长期深入的居民感知调查,发现当地居民更加注重奥运会带来的无形利益而非直接的经济利益,居民对于奥运会始终持支持态度。Waitt(2003)分别于1998年和2000年调查了举办地居民对2000年悉尼奥运会赛前和赛中的支持度,研究了居民支持度的变化和影响因素,发现2000年居民的参与意向相比于1998年更高,更愿意参与志愿者工作并向其他人传递奥运精神。Kim、Gursoy 和Lee(2006)研究了举办地居民对2002年韩日世界杯举办前后影响的感知差异,发现居民在世界杯举办后所感知到的实际利益低于预期值。辜应康和杨杰(2015)在上海世博会举办前后调查了居民对世博会影响的感知变化,发现居民在世博会举办后强化了对世博会消极影响维度的感知。Oshimi、Harada 和 Fukuhara(2016)在日本环法自行车赛赛前与赛后进行调查发现,当地居民在赛前对环法自行车赛的社会影响预期较高,对消极影响感知较低,在赛后发现其社会影响预期未得到满足,消极影响感知增强,但是居民对赛事活动的支持度一直较高。由此可见,同一人群在大型体育赛事前后对影响的感知是有区别的。一般而言,居民在赛前对大型体育赛事带来的积极影响感知较为明显,对消极影响感知不太明显,但是随着体育赛事的进行,积极影响感知逐渐减弱,消极影响感知逐渐增强,但这并不一定会影响居民对大型体育赛事的支持度。


关于不同举办地居民对同一大型体育赛事的影响感知的研究文献相对较少。Pranić L、Pranić和Cetinić(2012)通过对比研究发展中国家和发达国家居民对大型体育赛事影响的不同态度,发现发达国家在基础设施和公共服务方面己经比较完善,而发展中国家基础设施的数量和质量都比较落后,因此,发展中国家居民对举办大型体育赛事能够改善基础设施的期望更髙。Chen和Tian(2015)研究了北京市居民和青岛市居民对2008年北京奥运会赛后影响的感知,发现两地居民对2008年北京奥运会影响的感知收益均大于感知成本,但是北京市居民对2008年北京奥运会影响的感知更多关注环境因素,青岛市居民则更多关注城市形象因素。


世界银行用人均GDP或人均GNI的高低来区分高收入国家、中等收入国家和低收入国家,该划分标准具有较高的权威性。2017年,我国人均GDP为 59 660元,张家口市人均GDP为35 123元,低于全国平均水平。另外,张家口市现辖10个县、6个区、2个管理区和1个高新区。截至2018年9月,根据国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室公布的国家级贫困县名单,张家口市有8个县(张北县、康保县、沽源县、尚义县、蔚县、阳原县、怀安县、赤城县)和3个区(万全区、崇礼区和涿鹿县赵家蓬区)属于国家级贫困县。因此,张家口市目前看属于经济欠发达地区。


1. 问卷设计

本文的研究目的是考察张家口市居民对大型体育赛事的感知及支持度,问卷设计参考了国内外已有的居民感知和支持度领域的研究文献。调查问卷共包括3个部分:第一部分是关于举办地居民对2022年冬奥会影响感知维度的调查;第二部分是关于举办地居民对2022年冬奥会支持度及其影响因素的调查;第三部分是对举办地居民个人基本信息的收集。第一部分的测量采用李克特5点量表(Likert Scale),按顺序由1分到5分分别代表非常不同意、不同意、不知道、比较同意和非常同意。该部分共设计18个题项,主要涵盖经济影响方面的感知(增加就业机会及个人收入、吸引投资、促进相关产业发展、增加生活成本)、社会影响方面的感知(改善城市环境、完善基础设施、提高公共服务水平、增加民族自豪感、提升国际形象、造成交通拥堵)和文化影响方面的感知(丰富休闲娱乐活动、促进文化交流)3个层面(见表2)。第二部分就居民是否支持冬奥会共设计8个题项,采用李克特5点量表进行测量(见表3)。

表2   大型活动居民感知因素汇总

Tab. 2   Summary of residents’ perception of Mega-events

增加就业机会及个人收入Ritchie和 Smith(1991);Deccio和Baloglu(2002);Waitt(2003);Kim和 James(2005);王起静(2010);Chen 和Tian(2015)
加速城市发展,为城市带来新的商机Waitt(2003);Kim 和James(2005);Chen 和Tian(2015)
城市环境得到改善,更加重视环境保护Kim 和James(2005);Ritchie、Shipway和 Cleeve(2009);陈楠和乔光辉(2009);Chen 和Tian(2015)
提升城市的国际形象,提高知名度和影响力Waitt(2003);马明(2009);Chen和Tian(2015);Kim,Jun,Walker,et al.(2015)
导致房价和物价上涨,生活成本增加Deccio和Baloglu(2002);Waitt(2003);Kim和James(2005);罗秋菊和卢相宇(2011);Kim,Jun,Walker,et al.(2015)
加剧噪声、垃圾污染,破坏居住环境王起静(2010);Chen和Tian(2015);Kim,Jun,Walker,et al.(2015)
造成交通拥堵Deccio和Baloglu(2002);Kim和James(2005);王起静(2010);Chen和Tian(2015);Kim,Jun,Walker,et al.(2015)


表3   居民支持度指标来源

Tab. 3   Sources of residents support indicators


我支持在张家口市举办此次冬奥会Ritchie和Smith(1991);Deccio和Baloglu(2002);马明(2009);王起静(2010);Chen和Tian(2015);Kim,Jun,Walker,et al.(2015)


2. 数据收集



1. 人口统计特征


表4   样本人口统计特征

Tab. 4   Sample profle

月收入4 000元以下11040.7%
4 000~6 999元6022.2%
7 000~10 000元6323.3%
10 000元以上3713.8%


2. 居民对冬奥会感知及支持度的因子分析

按照因子分析的前提要求,本研究首先采用Bartlett球形检验及KMO取样适当性量数检验各变量观测值之间的相关性。利用统计分析软件SPSS 18.0处理数据,得出张家口市居民感知KMO的检验值为0.939,Bartlett球形检验相伴概率p=0.000,说明统计数据适合做因子分析。张家口市居民感知因子中,积极影响感知因子有2个,消极影响感知因子1个,对其分别命名为经济和文化利益感知、社会利益感知、冬奥会成本感知,累计方差贡献率为66.19%;对提取的各公因子进行信度分析,信度系数均较高(见表5)。


表5   居民感知因子分析结果

Tab. 5   Results of residents’ perception factor analysis



表6   居民支持度因子分析结果

Tab. 6   Results of residents’ support factor analysis



3. 影响因素与居民支持度的相关性分析

运用SPSS 18.0计算居民支持度和各影响因素之间的斯皮尔曼相关系数。结果显示,张家口市居民对2022年冬奥会的支持度与经济和文化利益感知、社会利益感知两个影响因素呈显著正相关关系。张家口市居民的负面感知因素,即成本感知对冬奥会支持度无显著影响(见表7)。

表7   影响因素与居民支持度的相关性

Tab. 7   Correlation between residents’ support and factors



4. 居民对冬奥会感知因子与支持度的关系


表8   感知因子与居民支持度的回归分析

Tab. 8   Regression analysis of residents’ perception and support





5. 张家口市居民对冬奥会感知和支持度的聚类分析


表9   居民对冬奥会感知影响的聚类分析

Tab. 9   Cluster analysis of residents’ perception of Winter Olympics









再次,根据居民对冬奥会影响感知和支持度的不同,可以将居民分为乐观者、现实主义者和漠视者。乐观者居民能认识到冬奥会带来的积极影响和消极影响,但他们认为冬奥会带来的积极影响高于消极影响;现实主义者居民认为冬奥会带来的积极影响和消极影响相当;漠视者居民对冬奥会带来的积极影响和消极影响感知都较小。调查结果显示,经济欠发达地区的居民期望从大型体育赛事中获得收益的同时也能感知到其带来的消极影响,这与发达地区居民对大型体育活动的感知有着较为明显的差异(Fredline & Faulkner,2000)。同时,不同类型的居民对2022年冬奥会的支持度存在显著差异,乐观者的支持度最高,因此,政府在2022年冬奥会的宣传推广过程中,应着力使现实主义者和漠视者向乐观者转化,提高居民对2022年冬奥会的支持度。




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n [本文引用: 3]     

[2] Bowden G,

McDonnell I, Allen J, et al. Events Management

[M]. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, 2001.

[本文引用: 1]     

[3] Chalip L.

Towards social leverage of sport events

[J]. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 2006, 11(2): 109~127.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

We analyse the lower ionosphere disturbances in the time period around the Mw 5.4 Kraljevo earthquake (EQ), which occurred on 3 November 2010 in Serbia. The results presented herein are based on analysis of the amplitudes of three VLF signals emitted in Italy, UK, and Germany and recorded in Serbia whose variations primarily result from changes in the electrical properties of the lower ionosphere at a distance more than 120 km from the epicentre of the EQ. The primary goals of this study are to reveal specific variations as possible EQ precursors as well as disturbances following the EQ event recorded by the observational equipment, and to investigate whether better time resolution data can affect the analysis of the lower ionosphere disturbances possibly connected to the EQ. We process two sets of data with sampling periods of 1 min and 0.1 s. As the first analysis indicates the absence of long-term disturbances, which can clearly be connected to the Kraljevo EQ, our attention is focused on the study of short-period noise amplitude and the excitation and attenuation of acoustic and gravity waves in the lower ionosphere. Processing of the amplitudes of three VLF signals during the nights of the four EQs with magnitude greater than 4 that occurred in Serbia, as well as EQs of all magnitudes during the three days of 3, 4, and 9 November, indicates that the detected ICV radio signal noise amplitude reduction starting before the Kaljevo EQ is also observed for 13 additional EQ events near the signal propagation path, and occurred during all three days (for all EQs with magnitude greater than 4 and several less intensive events). Excitation and attenuation of acoustic waves are also found for all these EQ events with a magnitude greater than 4.
[4] Chen F Y, Tian L C.

Comparative study on residents’ perceptions of follow-up impacts of the 2008 Olympics

[J]. Tourism Management, 2015(51): 263~281.

[本文引用: 15]      摘要

Current doping trends overshadow the traditional interpretation of using prohibited performance-enhancing drugs to improve training and/or sports results. Its definition has evolved due to several recent cases of unconventional manipulation in sports. In this article, we present a case study of an intentional intoxication against the Spanish National Field Hockey team that resulted in its ineligibility for the 2008 Summer Olympics. The events occurred during the pre-qualifying Olympic tournament held in Azerbaijan. The Spanish team won the final match of the tournament against the hosting team and gained qualification for the Olympic Games. One month later, the International Hockey Federation (IHF) informed that two players of the Spanish National Hockey Team had tested positive for MDMA and would subsequently disqualify the Spanish National team from the tournament. The Spanish Hockey Federation then started an appeal process to demonstrate 1) contamination through team's hotel air ventilation and 2) tampering of a urine sample. This process ended with the IHF's final ruling that overturned the sanctions imposed on the Spanish National Team. This manuscript not only outlines a deliberate case to exclude a team from the Olympic Games, but also a federation's difficult efforts to prove an intentional intoxication that resulted in adverse findings.
[5] Crompton J L, Lee S.

The economic impact of 30 sports tournaments, festivals, and spectator events in seven U.S. cities

[J]. The Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 2000, 18(2): 107~126.

[本文引用: 1]     

[6] Deccio C, Baloglu S.

Nonhost community resident reactions to the 2002 winter Olympics: The spillover impacts

[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2002, 41(1): 46~56.

[本文引用: 10]     

[7] Fredline E, Deery M, Jago L.

Host Community Perceptions of the Impacts of Events: A Comparison Of Different Event Themes in Urban and Regional Communities

[M]. Gold Coast, Qld: CRC for Sustainable Tourism, 2005.

[本文引用: 1]     

[8] Fredline E, Faulkner B.

Host community reactions: A cluster analysis

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2000, 27(3): 763~784.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

The cell wall polysaccharides of certain oral streptococci function as receptors for the lectin-like surface adhesins on other members of the oral biofilm community. Recognition of these receptor polysaccharides (RPS) depends on the presence of a host-like motif, either GalNAcbeta1-3Gal (Gn) or Galbeta1-3GalNAc (G), within the oligosaccharide repeating units of different RPS structural types. Type 2Gn RPS of Streptococcus gordonii 38 and type 2G RPS of Streptococcus oralis J22 are composed of heptasaccharide repeats that are identical except for their host-like motifs. In the current investigation, the genes for the glycosyltransferases that synthesize these motifs were identified by high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis of genetically altered polysaccharides. RPS production was switched from type 2Gn to 2G by replacing wefC and wefD in the type 2Gn gene cluster of S. gordonii 38 with wefF and wefG from the type 2G cluster of S. oralis J22. Disruption of either wefC or wefF abolished cell surface RPS production. In contrast, disruption of wefD in the type 2Gn cluster or wefG in the type 2G cluster eliminated beta-GalNAc from the Gn motif or beta-Gal from the G motif, resulting in mutant polysaccharides with hexa- rather than heptasaccharide subunits. The mutant polysaccharides reacted like wild-type RPS with rabbit antibodies against type 2Gn or 2G RPS but were inactive as co-aggregation receptors. Additional mutant polysaccharides with GalNAcbeta1-3GalNAc or Galbeta1-3Gal recognition motifs were engineered by replacing wefC in the type 2Gn cluster with wefF or wefF in the type 2G cluster with wefC respectively. The reactions of these genetically modified polysaccharides as antigens and receptors provide further insight into the structural basis of RPS function.
[9] Gursoy D, Kendall K W.

Hosting mega events: Modeling locals’ support

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2006, 33(3): 603~623.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要


This study develops and tests a structural model to assess key factors on residents’ perceptions of the impacts of the 2002 Winter Olympics as a mega tourism event and how these perceptions affect their support. The model is based on previous literature and uses data collected during the event. Community backing for mega events is affected directly and/or indirectly by five determinants of support: the level of community concern, ecocentric values, community attachment, perceived benefits, and perceived costs. There are interactions between costs and benefit factors, and support relies heavily on perceived benefits rather than costs. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.


L’accueil des méga-événements: modelage du soutien des habitants. Cette étude développe et met à l’essai un modèle structurel pour évaluer des facteurs clé pour les perceptions des habitants au sujet des impacts des Jeux Olympiques d’hiver 2002 comme méga-événement de tourisme et voir comment ces perceptions influent sur leur soutien. Le modèle est basé sur la littérature antérieure et utilise des données cueillies pendant l’événement. Le soutien communautaire des méga-événements est influé directement et/ou indirectement par cinq déterminants: niveau de préoccupation communautaire, valeurs écocentriques, attachement communautaire, bénéfices perçus et coûts perçus. Il y a des interactions entre les facteurs liés aux coûts et bénéfices, et le soutien dépend beaucoup des bénéfices perçus plutôt que des coûts. On discute des implications théoriques et gestionnaires.

[10] Hall C M.

Mega-events and their legacies

[M]//Murphy P E. Quality Management in Urban Tourism. Chichester: Wiley, 1997: 75~87.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

Sports mega-events, such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games, have the potential to inspire increases in population physical activity, yet investigations concerning such legacy outcomes have been inconclusive. This may be due to research design limitations or inconsistent leveraging of potential hosting benefits by event organizers. This systematic review aims to identify current knowledge about the capacity of sports mega-events to inspire increases in physical activity participation among adult populations and develop a research agenda to guide future legacy evaluations. Peer-reviewed, English-language studies published on or after the year 2000 were considered. Six academic databases and grey literature sources were searched, and articles were assessed for methodological quality. Reporting followed PRISMA conventions for systematic reviews. Nine studies were selected after quality evaluation, including previous reviews, quantitative and qualitative research. Most studies found no evidence for long-term physical activity outcomes associated with hosting sports mega-events, although limitations and gaps were identified. These included lack of longitudinal or cohort studies, limited differentiation of subpopulations, use of non-validated instruments, and lack of triangulation for qualitative findings. Only one cohort study from Japan identified sustainable and significant physical activity increases resulting from a previous sports mega-event. Considering theory, the commonly cited Demonstration Effect was reportedly an unreliable framework, although the Festival Effect and Social Ecological Model appear more promising for anticipating and explaining legacy effects. With less than two years until the Tokyo 2020 Olympiad, it is appropriate to commence high-quality legacy research drawing on lessons learned from previous studies.
[11] Hiller H H.

The urban transformation of a landmark event: The 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics

[J]. Urban Affairs Review, 1990, 26(1): 118~137.

[本文引用: 1]     

[12] Jafari J.

Tourism mega-events

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 1988, 15(2): 272~273.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

Presented data is related to the research article "Sochi 2014 Olympics on Twitter: Perspectives of Hosts and Guests" [2].  The data were collected through regular API Twitter search for five months windowing 2014 Sochi Olympic Games and further used for cluster analysis and analysis of the sentiment on the Games. The main dataset contains 616 thousand tweets, rigorously cleaned and filtered to remove irrelevant content. To comply with the Twitter API user agreement, the dataset presented in this article includes only generalized daily data with all information contained in individual tweets removed. The proposed use of the dataset is academic research of changing discussion on the topics related to Mega-events in conjunction with political events.
[13] Jones C.

Mega-events and host-region impacts: Determining the true worth of the 1999 Rugby World Cup

[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2001, 3(3): 241~251.

[本文引用: 1]     

[14] Kim H J, Gursoy D, Lee S B.

The impact of the 2002 World Cup on South Korea: Comparisons of pre-and post-games

[J]. Tourism Management, 2006, 27(1): 86~96.

[本文引用: 3]     

[15] Kim N S, Chalip L.

Why travel to the FIFA World Cup? Effects of motives, background, interest, and constraints

[J]. Tourism Management, 2004, 25(6): 695~707.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要


Events have become a significant component of destination marketing. Previous work suggests that event interest, risk constraint, and financial constraint will affect potential attendees’ desire to attend and their sense that it is feasible to attend. For large sport events, interest in the event and perceived constraints should derive from the level of fan motives, travel motivations, and the potential attendee's background. These expectations are tested in a survey of 556 members of American soccer clubs prior to the FIFA World Cup. Results were generally consistent with expectations, although some motives had both positive and negative effects. Event interest and constraints fully mediated the effects of motives and background on respondents’ sense that it was feasible for them to attend. Financial constraint did not affect desire to attend. The desire to learn about the host country had direct effects on interest in the event and the desire to attend the event. Results suggest the value of segmented sport event marketing that appeals to both travel and fan motives.

[16] Kim S S, James P F.

Residents’ perceptions on impacts of the FIFA 2002 World Cup: The case of Seoul as a host city

[J]. Tourism Management, 2005, 26(1): 25~38.

[本文引用: 7]     

[17] Kim W, Jun H M, Walker M, et al.

Evaluating the perceived social impacts of hosting large-scale sport tourism events: Scale development and validation

[J]. Tourism Management, 2015(48): 21~32.

[本文引用: 5]     

[18] Liu D F, Wilson R.

The negative impacts of hosting mega-sporting events and intention to travel: A test of the crowding-out effect using the London 2012 Games as an example

[J]. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 2014, 15(3): 12~26.

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] Lorde T, Greenidge D, Devonish D.

Local residents’ perceptions of the impacts of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2007 on Barbados: Comparisons of pre- and post-games

[J]. Tourism Management, 2011, 32(2): 349~356.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study analysed Barbadians' perceptions of the impacts on Barbados of jointly hosting the International Cricket Council Cricket World Cup 2007. The aim was to investigate the pre- and post-perceptions of Barbadian residents on the impacts (direct and indirect) of hosting the ICC CWC 2007. Statistically significant differences between pre- and post-games perceptions were found for all seven factors: benefits of cultural exchange, social problems, economic benefits, natural resource and cultural development, traffic congestion and pollution, price increases, and construction costs. While pre-games expectations were that the costs of hosting CWC 2007 would outweigh the benefits, after the games Barbadians perceived that the benefits had outweighed the costs. Within this context, it is recommended that there be a greater level of engagement with local residents prior to hosting a mega-event, to maximise benefits, minimise costs, and ensure successful outcomes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
[20] Mihalik B J, Cummings P.

Host perceptions of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics: Support, attendance, benefits and liabilities

[C]//Travel and Tourism Research Association 26th Annual Proceedings. Wheat Ridge, CO: Travel and Tourism Research Association, 1995: 397~400.

[本文引用: 1]     

[21] Mihalik B J, Simonetta L.

A Midterm assessment of the host population’s perceptions of the 1996 Summer Olympics: Support, attendance, benefits, and liabilities

[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 1999, 37(3): 244~248.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] Oshimi D, Harada M, Fukuhara T.

Residents’ perceptions on the social impacts of an international sport event: Applying panel data design and a moderating variable

[J]. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 2016, 17(4): 294~317.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

Digoxin is cardiac glycosylated steroid like drug which is the fifth most commonly prescribed in US. Since the health of human population is largely determined by pharmacy they utilized, toxicity and side effects of pharmaceutics can put the safety of people in jeopardy and lead to some devastating impacts. Therefore, it is essential to detect and monitor small molecules like digoxin more meticulously. Although digoxin has positive inotropic and batmotropic impact on heart muscle, it has also negative chronotropic and dromotropic effect. The prescription dose of this drug is 1-2 ng/ml and more than 2.8 ng/ml of this medication cause toxicity. Hence, there is small variation between therapeutic and toxic dosage of digoxin. Abundant conventional methods have been introduced for digoxin monitoring such Liquid chromatography (LC), LC-MS, HPLC. However, they suffer expensive equipment, long lasting procedure and high limit of detection. Hence, various advance immunosorbent, biosensors and aptasensors have been introduced. The purpose of this review is limited to pointing convention methods drawbacks and introducing novel digoxin enzyme-linked or non-enzymatic immunosorbent assays, and biosensors paying special attention to their basic strategies and detection abilities. Future trends in Bio and immune sensors used for onset monitoring and detection of digoxin are also highlighted.
[23] Pranić L, Pranić L, Cetinić L.

Host population perceptions of the social impacts of sport tourism events in transition countries

[J]. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 2012, 3(3): 236~256.

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] Ritchie J R B.

Assessing the impact of hallmark events: Conceptual and research issues

[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 1984, 23(1): 2~11.

[本文引用: 5]     

[25] Ritchie J B R, Smith B H.

The impact of a mega-event on host region awareness: A longitudinal study

[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 1991, 30(1): 3~10.

[本文引用: 2]     

[26] Ritchie B W, Shipway R, Cleeve B.

Resident perceptions of mega-sporting events: A non-host city perspective of the 2012 London Olympic Games

[J]. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 2009, 14(2~3): 143~167.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

We analyse the lower ionosphere disturbances in the time period around the Mw 5.4 Kraljevo earthquake (EQ), which occurred on 3 November 2010 in Serbia. The results presented herein are based on analysis of the amplitudes of three VLF signals emitted in Italy, UK, and Germany and recorded in Serbia whose variations primarily result from changes in the electrical properties of the lower ionosphere at a distance more than 120 km from the epicentre of the EQ. The primary goals of this study are to reveal specific variations as possible EQ precursors as well as disturbances following the EQ event recorded by the observational equipment, and to investigate whether better time resolution data can affect the analysis of the lower ionosphere disturbances possibly connected to the EQ. We process two sets of data with sampling periods of 1 min and 0.1 s. As the first analysis indicates the absence of long-term disturbances, which can clearly be connected to the Kraljevo EQ, our attention is focused on the study of short-period noise amplitude and the excitation and attenuation of acoustic and gravity waves in the lower ionosphere. Processing of the amplitudes of three VLF signals during the nights of the four EQs with magnitude greater than 4 that occurred in Serbia, as well as EQs of all magnitudes during the three days of 3, 4, and 9 November, indicates that the detected ICV radio signal noise amplitude reduction starting before the Kaljevo EQ is also observed for 13 additional EQ events near the signal propagation path, and occurred during all three days (for all EQs with magnitude greater than 4 and several less intensive events). Excitation and attenuation of acoustic waves are also found for all these EQ events with a magnitude greater than 4.
[27] Vetitnev A M, Bobina N.

Residents’ perceptions of the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games

[J]. Leisure Studies, 2017, 36(1): 108~118.

[本文引用: 2]     

[28] Waitt G.

Social impacts of the Sydney Olympics

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2003, 30(1): 194~215.

[本文引用: 7]      摘要


This paper, drawing on social exchange theory, examines the changes in enthusiasm between 1998 and 2000 towards Sydney’s Olympics among a socially diverse sample of host city residents. In particular, it studies variables that differentiate respondents’ altering attitude. Results suggest that for the majority the reaction to Sydney’s Olympics intensified from 1998, reaching euphoria in September 2000. Elation was particularly evident among those living in the city’s western suburbs, those with dependent children, those from non-English backgrounds, or who perceived the event’s wider economic benefits as outweighing personal costs. Implications arising from this project are considered for future researchers and organizers of hallmark events.


Impact social des Jeux olympiques de Sydney. Cet article, qui fait appel à la théorie d’échange social, examine les changements dans le niveau d’enthousiasme entre 1998 et 2000 envers les JO de Sydney parmi un échantillon socialement divers des habitants de la ville d’accueil. En particulier, il examine les variables qui différencient les attitudes changeantes des personnes interrogées. Les résultats suggèrent que, pour la majorité, la réaction aux Jeux olympiques s’intensifiait dès 1998 et a atteint l’euphorie en septembre 2000. L’exultation était évidente surtout parmi ceux qui habitaient la banlieue ouest de la ville, ceux qui avaient des enfants à charge, ceux des milieux non anglophones et ceux qui percevaient que les bénéfices économiques plus larges l’emportaient sur les coûts personnels. Les implications suscitées par ce projet sont considérées pour les chercheurs futurs et pour les organisateurs d’événements de marque.

[29] 陈方英.


[J]. 旅游学刊, 2010, 25(10): 77~84.

[本文引用: 4]     

[30] 陈楠, 乔光辉.


[J]. 兰州学刊, 2009(3): 184~188.

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] 崔晓明, Ryan C.


[J]. 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2010, 31(8): 187~191.

[本文引用: 1]     

[32] 戴林琳, 盖世杰.


[J]. 人文地理, 2011, 26(4): 109~114.

[本文引用: 1]     

[33] 辜应康, 杨杰.


[J]. 经济管理, 2015, 37(7): 127~137.

[本文引用: 4]     

[34] 胡军.


[J]. 体育与科学, 2011, 32(6): 53~57.

[本文引用: 2]     

[35] 廉涛, 黄海燕.


[J]. 中国体育科技, 2017, 53(1): 17~26.

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] 卢松, 张捷, 李东, .


[J]. 地理学报, 2008, 63(6): 646~656.

[本文引用: 1]     

[37] 罗秋菊, 卢相宇.


[J]. 体育科学, 2011, 31(9): 3~18, 50.

[本文引用: 5]     

[38] 吕君.


[J]. 世界地理研究, 2012, 21(2): 118~128.

[本文引用: 1]     

[39] 马明.


[J]. 中国体育科技, 2009, 45(5): 111~115.

[本文引用: 3]     

[40] 王起静.


[J]. 旅游科学, 2010, 24(3): 63~74.

[本文引用: 5]     

[41] 许春晓, 柴晓敏, 付淑礼.


[J]. 旅游学刊, 2007, 22(11): 89~94.

[本文引用: 2]     

[42] 杨杰, 辜应康, 苑炳慧.


[J]. 华东经济管理, 2010, 24(6): 29~33.

[本文引用: 1]     

[43] 宗圆圆.


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[本文引用: 1]     

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