

旅游导刊  2018 , 2 (6): 47-62 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.84

Research Paper



贵州民族大学旅游与航空服务学院 贵州贵阳 550025

Dimensions of Acculturation for Native in Ethnic Traditional Villages: An Empirical Study based on Three Dong Villages in Southeast Guizhou

FAN Lina

Department of Tourism and Air Service, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang 550025, China

中图分类号:  F59

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  2096-3238(2018)06-0047-16

收稿日期: 2018-06-4

修回日期:  2018-09-23

网络出版日期:  2018-11-30

版权声明:  2018 《旅游导刊》编辑部 《旅游导刊》编辑部 所有

基金资助:  本研究受国家民委民族研究项目基金“民族地区旅游精准扶贫与传统村落内生性参与能力培育研究”(项目编号:2018-GMH-005)、贵州省社科基金“文化适应与贵州民族旅游村寨‘美好生活需要’满足路径研究”(项目编号:18GZYB56)资助


[作者简介] 范莉娜(1979— ),女,上海人,博士,贵州民族大学旅游与航空服务学院副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:民族旅游与旅游扶贫。E-mail:flili79@sina.com




关键词: 文化适应 ; 民族传统村落 ; 社区居民 ; 文化适应维度


The purpose of this paper is to develop a multidimensional acculturation in the context of the development of ethnic traditional villages. Based on acculturation theory, the study selected 526 residents who were all from the three typical villages of Dong minority in the southeast of Guizhou. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were applied to the responses of two respective independent samples of native in villages on the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation Scale (SL-ASIA). Three correlated dimensions were found to underlie SL-ASIA items, namely ethnic identity, social communication and conducts of daily life. This paper not only verifies the validity of the SL-AISA scale in Chinese context, but also finds that although the SL-AISA scale is a single linear model, it is indeed multidimensional. As indicated by the empirical findings of this research, individuals can experience more than one culture at the same time. Residents in the dimension of social communication and ethnic identity are more manifested as Dong culture-oriented biculturalism, while residents in the dimension of daily life behavior are more manifested as true biculturalism. From the average of the three dimensions, it can be preliminarily determined that although the "Coca-Cola" phenomenon in the daily life behavior of the Dong minority is more obvious, however, the ethnic identity is still very strong. The percentage of use of the Dong language as a mother tongue is very high. The villagers have a narrow circle of interpersonal relationships and are deeply embedded in the small groups of the villagers' society. It is a typical society of acquaintances. Ethnic traditional village managers should know the acculturation status of local residents and on this basis help residents adapt to cultural changes and motivate their supportive behaviour for development, thus exploring a way for numerous ethnic villages to effectively improve the life quality and solve the livelihood issues of local residents, meanwhile to truly safeguard the ethnic dignity of individuals and protect unique cultural heritages.

Keywords: acculturation ; ethnic traditional villages ; community residents ; dimensions of acculturation


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范莉娜. 民族传统村落村民文化适应的维度研究——基于黔东南三个侗族村寨的实证研究[J]. 旅游导刊, 2018, 2(6): 47-62 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.84

FAN Lina. Dimensions of Acculturation for Native in Ethnic Traditional Villages: An Empirical Study based on Three Dong Villages in Southeast Guizhou[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2018, 2(6): 47-62 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.84


近年来,民族传统村落以其优美的自然生态环境、特色鲜明的民居建筑、异彩纷呈的民俗和热情淳朴的民风受到国内外旅游者的追捧,成为体验异质文化和回归自然的首选之地,吸引大量旅游者的涌入(范莉娜,2017)。然而,由于中国现代化、城镇化的发展,村落中外出务工人员增多,村内村外人员频繁流动,这些客观因素加速了外来文化对少数民族传统文化的冲击。在主动或被动地与外界接触的过程中,由于不同文化间的差异,留守村寨的村民普遍会面临两种不适应:一是社会文化不适应,如对社区现代化发展无法做出适宜的行为、学习适合的技能、适应新的人际间互动方式等;二是心理上不适应,如伴随旅游者这样的跨文化人群涌入产生一系列消极情感,包括挫折、焦虑、自卑、嫉妒、生气和迷惑等(Choney,Berryhill-Paapke & Robbins,1995;Berno,1999;Duran,2006)。这两种不适应若长期存在,会对个体造成身心伤害,对整个村落造成文化破坏,导致深刻的代际贫困和持续的身份冲突(Duran,2006)。文化适应是一个适应新文化环境的过程,包括一个人在新环境中态度、行为和认知的变化(Tsai,Chentsova-Dutton & Wong,2002)。它涉及跨文化交互环境下个体希望接受外来文化和保持自身文化的程度(Berry,2003)。需要指出的是,对文化适应的研究大多聚焦在移民、难民、旅居者或是在主流文化环境下学习的少数民族学生等群体而非东道主成员(彼得•史密斯、彭迈克、齐丹•库查巴莎,2009),少有学者去关注多民族国家或地区中的少数民族原住民在非自愿状态下与主流文化接触时的文化适应状况。事实上,理解民族传统村落居民的文化适应对于理解社区本土文化保留与传承的有效性(Choney,Berryhill-Paapke & Robbins,1995;Duran,2006),对于乡愁、乡情的营造都是非常必要的。

本文基于社会心理学背景下的文化适应理论,利用已被广泛使用的亚洲人自我认同文化适应量表(The Suinn-Lew Asian Self-identity Acculturation Scale,SL-ASIA)测量模型,来分析贵州省黔东南侗族村寨原住民的文化适应状况。


1. 文化适应概念

当前,使用频率最高的是美国人类学家Redfield于1936年给出的定义,即文化适应是由个体组成且具有不同文化的两个群体之间发生持续的、直接的文化接触,导致一方或双方原有文化模式发生变化的现象(Sam & Berry,2006)。对文化适应的研究最初出现在人类学领域里,研究集中于群体水平的文化适应,关注社会结构、经济基础、政治组织以及文化习俗的改变(杨宝琰、万明钢,2010)。现今,这个概念更多地被引入心理学领域,对个体进行探究,关注面对面持续跨文化接触时不同群体及群体成员产生的改变,通常被用来解释个体与新文化碰撞时会发生些什么(Matsudaira,2006;王挺,2013)。研究结果一般是态度行为变化、情绪调整、压力处理、偏好选择以及价值观认同等,包括跨文化接触中的心理健康和生活满意度,或是能否与不同的文化群体进行有效的接触和互动(杨宝琰、万明钢,2010)。加拿大著名跨文化心理学家Berry(1980)把文化适应界定为两个或两个以上具有不同文化的群体及其成员在相互直接、持续的接触中所产生的文化和心理双方面的变化过程,发生改变的既可能是某一群体及其成员,也可能是接触双方。Choney(1995)等学者在研究北美印第安人原住民的文化适应时把文化适应界定为个体接受、拥护主流文化(白人/欧美文化)和部落文化的程度。我国学者王挺(2013)在对海南黎族的文化适应情况进行研究时认为,居民文化适应具体指经济建设和旅游发展背景下,社区居民与外来者(旅游者)在不同文化间持续、直接接触时对新环境的适应与经历的心理变化,包括客观外在的行为、态度和主观内在的认同,是个体心理及行为有意识、有倾向地对文化情境变化作出选择和调整的行为过程。到目前为止,对文化适应概念的界定在学术界并未取得共识。

2. 文化适应方式

对文化适应的研究通常从新文化和原文化两者之间的关系入手。新文化和原文化适应(或融入)的差异显示出个体间文化适应方式的差异。可以把文化适应方式看作新文化适应程度高低和原文化适应程度高低进行组合的各种模式。文化适应方式中最常见的两种理论模型是单线性模型和双线性模型(Graves,1967)。研究者们最初认为文化适应是一个一维线性的过程,一端是原文化,另一端是主流新文化,是一种个体从原文化的持有到原文化的完全丧失,成为主流文化的一员,接受所有主流文化的价值观念、态度、行为的模式(Flannery,Reise & Yu,2001)。在单线性模型中对主流文化的适应必然伴随着与自己原文化关系的弱化,以至于文化适应后的个体几乎完全放弃了自己的原文化(Flannery,Reise & Yu,2001)。文化适应双线性模型假设个体有可能在不放弃原文化的同时去适应主流文化,即个体把原文化和主流文化进行融合。由于单线性模型过于简单化使得双线性模型成为当前及未来的研究热点,但对虽然身处主流社会大环境中却世居于自己文化圈的少数民族原住民来说,绝大多数学者还是选择单线性模型来进行测量(Garrett & Pichette,2000;Liou,2013)。因为原住民虽然会受到外来文化冲击,但不会像移民、难民、旅居者、求学者们那样需要融入主流文化之中,主动或被动地去感受和进行变化。当原住民面对跨文化接触所引起的文化不适应时,熟悉的居住环境、社交圈子都是规避风险的屏障和缓减压力的良药,他们的文化适应过程与其他群体相比会更缓慢和更轻柔。Dao、Teten和Nguyen(2011)也认为单线性模型更适合解释多民族国家中,处于文化相对弱势的少数民族原住民在主流文化冲击下的文化适应,而双线性模型在诠释移民、旅游者、难民等群体在东道主地区的文化适应时更胜一筹。

3. 对SL-ASIA量表的评价


文化适应单线性模型研究中最经典的当属SL-ASIA量表,它是第一个为亚裔美国人构建的单线性量表,也是文化适应测量中最普遍使用的量表(Suinn,Rickard-Figueroa & Lew,et al.,1987)。很多文化适应的测量量表都是在这个经典量表基础上进行构建的(Cheng & Hsu,1995;Zimmerman,Ramirez-Valles & Washienko,et al.,1996;Becker,Fay & Agnew-Blais,et al.,2010;Reynolds,Sodano & Ecklund,et al.,2012;Archibald & Rhodd,2013;Liou,2013),诸多学者用这个经典量表对特定原住民群体进行过测量研究(Kodama & Canetto,1995;Rudmin,2009;Becker,Fay & Agnew-Blais,et al.,2010;Reynolds,Sodano & Ecklund,et al.,2012;Liou,2013)。SL-ASIA量表有21个问项,包括个人行为偏好(5个问项)、语言使用(4个问项)、民族认同(4个问项)、朋友选择(3个问项)、代际/地域背景(4个问项)和态度(1个问项)。所有测量问项采用五级李克特量表来进行,依据文化适应程度分成了5类:非常亚洲化、亚洲文化导向的双文化主义、真正的双文化主义、英语导向的双文化主义和非常英语化。


1. 案例地概况


3个侗寨均是典型的民族传统村落,它们拥有独特的建筑(鼓楼、风雨桥、民居等)和保存完好的民俗文化(侗年、侗族大歌、芦笙舞、传统服饰、侗绣和本地饮食等)。尽管3个寨子处于旅游发展生命周期的不同阶段,但都把旅游业作为本地当前或未来的支柱产业。黎平黄岗侗寨地处黎平县东南部,全村有368户共1 719人,保存和延续着上千年的传统生产生活习俗。从江小黄侗寨位于从江县城东北部,全村有742户共3 339人,是天下闻名的“侗歌之乡”和“音乐天堂”,居民均系侗族。肇兴侗寨位于黎平县东南部,是贵州最出名的侗寨,也是中国最为知名的少数民族旅游村寨之一,距今已有850年历史,目前全寨有1 143户共4 500多人,99.5%以上人口为侗族。

2. 数据获取及使用程序

本研究首先开展小规模深度访谈,于2015年1月至2月在贵州黔东南肇兴侗寨、黄岗侗寨和小黄侗寨进行,访谈对象为寨中居民。在深度访谈基础上的大规模调研于2015年7月至8月在3个侗寨展开。本研究因时间和经费所限,参考马庆国(2002)提出的抽样建议,采取的是非概率抽样中的便利抽样方法(convenience sampling),即研究者在3个民族村寨中按照最方便的方式选择被调查人。因考虑到部分居民不会说汉语,调研团队6位成员里安排了2位会说侗语的大学生(其中一位便是肇兴侗寨本地居民)。在肇兴侗寨(7月16日至19日)和小黄侗寨(7月31日至8月2日)的调研过程中,虽然采取的是便利抽样调查方式,但考虑到周末、周中及白天、夜晚寨中村民类别存在差异,以上时段均选择了调研对象。黄岗侗寨调研时间(7月27日至29日)选择在当地最为盛大的节庆“喊天节”期间,有许多外出务工村民回家过节,这3天也吸引了四面八方的侗族村民前来黄岗做客、走亲戚。调研团队在黄岗侗寨采用随机拦截方式发放问卷,也在熟人帮助下随机选择民宅入户并请居民现场进行问卷填答。3个村寨共发放问卷600份。对于回收的问卷遵循下列原则进行筛选:(1)问卷中有关键变量项缺失的删除;(2)问卷整页全部选择一个选项的删除;(3)问项中正向条款与对应反向条款相互矛盾的删除。剔除74份无效问卷后最终得到有效问卷526份,问卷有效回收率为87.7%。

为确认SL-ASIA量表测量的有效性,本文将3个村寨获得的样本按各村寨人数比例随机分成人数基本相同的两组(Ecklund,2005;Reynolds,Ecklund & Terrance,2011)。使用一组样本借助探索性因子分析检验侗寨原住民的文化适应情况及内在维度,使用另一组样本借助验证性因子分析来交叉验证第一组样本里提出的维度模型,以观察和确认派生出的各个维度的内部一致性。

3. 测量



表1   样本人口统计学特征(n=526)

Tab. 1   Demographic profiles of the research sample(n=526)


10 000及以下29055.1
22943.510 001~40 00016831.9

18岁及以下9117.340 001~70 000478.9
19~30岁18134.470 001~100 000122.3
31~40岁8816.7100 000以上91.8





1. 样本1:探索性因子分析


表2   民族传统村落村民文化适应探索性因子分析结果(n=263)

Tab. 2   Results of exploratory factor analysis of ethnic traditional villagers’ acculturation scale items(n=263)

总方差解释比例(%) 51.830%

注:下划线“ ”表示此问项被删除;*指提纯后的KMO检验值。



表3列出了用SL-ASIA量表测量样本1中黔东南侗族村寨村民文化适应3个维度之间相互关系的描述性统计。各维度的Cronbach’s α系数范围为0.70~0.75,显示维度间有足够的内部一致性。从表3还可看出3个维度之间有显著正相关关系,侗寨村民民族认同感越强,与本族同胞交往交流的意愿越强烈,在日常生活行为中的侗族习俗偏好也会更明显。

表3   样本1中SL-ASIA量表维度的描述性统计和相关关系分析(n=263)

Tab. 3   Descriptive statistics and scale intercorrelations for SL-ASIA subscales in sample1(n=263)




2. 样本2:验证性因子分析

本文尝试通过对样本2数据的验证性因子分析(CFA)来交叉验证样本1中SL-ASIA量表的三维结构。对于验证性因子分析,首先要看模型的整体拟合指标。这里运用AMOS 20.0软件来进行民族传统村落村民文化适应维度的整体拟合度评价(见表4)。考虑到数据的偏离正态性和相对较小的样本量,研究采用Satorra和Bentler(1994)稳健的参数估计方法测试了两个模型,即单因子模型和三因子相关模型(见图1)。单因子模型的CFA结果表明:Satorra和Bentler标度卡方是显著的,χ2(65)=363.577,p<0.001,RMSEA=0.132。本文使用了常用的几个指标(CFI、TLI和NFI)来评估模型拟合效果。单因子模型中CFI=0.557、TLI=0.468、NFI=0.565,这几个指标数值远低于Bentler认为可接受的临界值0.90。三因子相关模型的CFA结果为:Satorra和Bentler标度卡方显著,χ2(62)=111.169,p<0.001,指标CFI=0.927、TLI=0.908、NFI=0.929、RMSEA=0.055,所有拟合指标均大于建议的临界值0.90。相对于单因子模型,三因子相关模型的拟合性显示出相当大的改进。由此可以认为黔东南侗族村寨村民的文化适应三维度结构间具有良好的区分效度,这种维度划分是可以接受的。

表4   样本2中民族传统村落村民文化适应模型整体拟合指数结果(n=263)

Tab. 4   Results of overall fitness index of villagers’ acculturation model in Ethnic Traditional Villages in sample 2(n=263)




图1   文化适应模型的潜在结构

Fig. 1   Two potential models of the structure of the acculturation scaleTwo potential models of the structure of the acculturation scale


表5   模型潜变量区分效度检验(n=263)

Tab. 5   Latent variable discriminant validity test(n=263)

3日常生活行为2.980.7680. 191*0.324**0.62




1. 结论


本文在贵州黔东南3个侗族传统村落,利用经典量表SL-AISA把526位村民随机分成了两组独立样本,进行特定族群的文化适应检验。对样本1数据进行探索性分析后得出了黔东南侗寨原住民文化适应由民族认同、社会交往交流、日常生活行为3个相关维度组成的结论。对样本2数据进行验证性分析的结果支持了三因子相关模型的结构有效性,确定了文化适应中民族认同、社会交往交流、日常生活行为3个特定维度。本研究的三维结论与Kim和Abreu(2001)对文化适应的认知、社交、行为三维度解释相符。Cuellar、Harris和Jasso(1980)对墨西哥裔美国人,Landrine 和Klonoff(1994)对非裔美国人,Zimmerman、Ramirez-Valles和Washienko等(1996)以及Garrett和Pichette(2000)对生活在美国的印第安原住民,Deng和Walker(2007)对加拿大华人,张劲梅和张庆林(2008)对中国西南地区少数民族大学生,Lerman、Maldonado和Luna(2009)对墨西哥裔西班牙人,Becker、Fay和Agnew-Blais等(2010)对斐济原住民,Reynolds、Sodano和Ecklund等(2012)对美国原住民,Archibald和Rhodd(2013)对美洲加勒比原住民及王挺(2013)对中国海南黎族原住民的文化适应测量中都析出过类似的因子,这些学者在相同因子的赋名上略有不同,但意思相近,说明生活在主流文化中的少数群体其文化适应包含的组成部分具有一定普适性。




从本研究可以看出,个体是能够独立连接两个文化的。这一发现与文化适应的传统观点并不一致,也与SL-AISA量表的建构初衷有偏差。在文化适应传统观念中,它是一个单线性过程,一端是个体的原文化,另一端是个体接受的主流文化(Schwartz,Unger & Zamboanga,et al.,2010)。与之相反的是,本文的实证结果表明个体能同时适应两种文化。居民在社会交往交流维度和民族认同维度上更多体现为侗文化导向的双文化主义,他们对本民族的认同感很强,社会交往交流的圈子非常稳固,大多通过侗族语言和行为方式来与本族同胞交往,村落处于典型熟人社会。而居民在日常生活行为维度上更多表现为真正的双文化主义,比如对侗歌、流行歌曲及食物的偏好上。在有些方面汉化趋势增大,尤其体现在服饰和所看电视节目的选择上(见表2)。这个结论也支持了Berry(Berry,Trimble & Olmedo,1986;Berry;2003)的观点,即当个体在成为主流文化不可分割的一部分时,能够保持自己的民族文化认同,此时文化适应的整合过程就产生了。

2. 管理启示







The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Archibald C, Rhodd R.

A measure of acculturation for Afro-Caribbean youth

[J]. The ABNF Journal, 2013, 24(2): 42~46.

n [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The purpose of this study was to develop and test a measure of acculturation for Afro-Caribbean teens who might be at high risk for including () and . Adaptation needs become challenging as many Caribbean immigrants to the United States who are undocumented or without financial fortitude, often live in substandard urban communities with highest rates of and . After obtaining permission to revise the instruments and participants' consents, two existing measures of acculturation were used in this instrument . Eight Afro-Caribbean adolescents served as judges to revise the instruments for appropriateness to Afro-Caribbean culture; they developed a composite of the two instruments. Afro-Caribbean community experts and a researcher with instrument expertise further checked for readability and content validity. The new instrument with good content validity and high reliability was tested among 42 Afro-Caribbean youth. The results are discussed.
[2] Becker A E, Fay K, Agnew-Blais J, et al.

Development of a measure of “Acculturation” for ethnic Fijians: Methodologic and conceptual considerations for application to eating disorders research

[J]. Transcultural Psychiatry, 2010, 47(5): 754~788.

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[3] Berno T.

When a guest is a guest: Cook Islanders view tourism

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 1999, 26(3): 656~675.

[本文引用: 1]     

[4] Berry J W.

Acculturation as varieties of adaptation

[M]//A Padilla(Ed.). Acculturation:Theory,Models and Findings. Boulder:Westview,1980:9~26.

[本文引用: 1]     

[5] Berry J W.

Conceptual approaches to acculturation

[C]// Chun K M, Organista P B, Marín G. Acculturation: Advances in Theory, Measurement, and Applied Research. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2003: 17~37.

[本文引用: 2]     

[6] Berry J W, Trimble J E, Olmedo E L.

Assessment of acculturation

[M]// Lonner W J, Berry J W. Field Methods in Cross-Cultural Research. London: Sage, 1986: 291~324.

[本文引用: 1]     

[7] Cheng A T, Hsu M.

Development of a new scale for measuring acculturation: The Taiwan Aboriginal Acculturation Scale (TAAS)

[J]. Psychological Medicine, 1995, 25(6): 1281~1287.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

As part of the Taiwan Aboriginal Study Project (TASP), a new acculturation scale (the Taiwan Aboriginal Acculturation Scale, or TAAS) has been developed among the aboriginal minorities of Austronesian origin in Taiwan. The design of the original 54 items was based on Milton Gordon's concept of assimilation in association with a careful consideration of cross-cultural validity. These items were administered to 144 subjects stratified by age and sex who were randomly sampled from four major Taiwanese aboriginal groups. Item analysis and factor analysis were applied to select an 18-item scale which has three subscales (factors): cultural assimilation, social assimilation, and social attitude. Results of validity and reliability studies of the TAAS were found to be acceptable. The development of TAAS demonstrates the applicability of the concept of acculturation as a process that involves changes both in attitude, and in behaviour, to non-western societies.
[8] Choney S K, Berryhill-Paapke E, Robbins R R.

The acculturation of American Indians: Developing frameworks for research and practice

[M]// Ponterotto J G, Casas J M, Suzuki L A, et al. Handbook of Multicultural Counseling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1995: 73~92.

[本文引用: 3]     

[9] Cuellar I, Harris L C, Jasso R.

An acculturation scale for Mexican American normal and clinical populations

[J]. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 1980, 2(3): 199~217.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT 222 Mexican American psychiatric inpatients and hospital staff/students were administered an acculturation scale (given in English/Spanish and scored on a 5-point Likert scale) to differentiate between 5 levels of acculturation: Very Mexican, Mexican-Oriented Bicultural, True Bicultural, Anglo-Oriented Bicultural, and Very Anglicized. ANOVA and factor analysis confirmed the hypothesis that acculturation levels are lowest for 1st-generation Mexican Americans and that they increase with each subsequent generation. The concept of considerable heterogeneity within the Mexican American population was supported, and the scale's reliability and validity were established. (Spanish abstract) (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
[10] Dao T K, Teten A L, Nguyen Q.

Linear and orthogonal models of acculturation and its relations to cultural variables: An examination of the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation Scale (SL-ASIA)

[J]. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2011, 35(1): 61~68.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation Scale (SL-ASIA) is the most widely used measure of acculturation for Asians. The purpose of the current study was twofold: First, the study explored the consistency of the SL-ASIA in characterizing Asian American men's level of acculturation – Asian-Identified, Western-Identified, Bicultural – using the items of the scale in orthogonal versus linear approaches. Second, the study examined the association between the two scoring methods and characteristics indicative of Asian culture—family allocentrism, loss of face, and affect intensity. An orthogonal approach suggests individuals may identify both with Asian and Western cultures, whereas a linear approach indicates an individual identifies with one culture at the expense of the other (e.g., high Asian, low Western identified). We examined the classification rates of these two methods using a large sample of Asian-American collegiate men (02=02521) and then within each ethnic subgroup of Asian men (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Korean). Results suggested the two methods of characterizing men consistently diverged. Across the Asian subgroups, the overall agreement rates using linear and orthogonal methods were approximately at chance. Furthermore, significant correlations were observed among acculturation scoring methods and variables indicative of social integrity and family attitude. The implications for these findings and potential future directions for the study of acculturation are discussed.
[11] Deng J Y, Walker G J.

Chinese acculturation measurement

[J]. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2007, 39(1-2): 187~217.

[本文引用: 1]     

[12] Duran E.Healing the Soul Wound: Counseling with American Indians and Other Native Peoples[M]. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 2006: 57.

[本文引用: 3]     

[13] Ecklund T R.The relationship between psychosocial development and acculturation among American Indian college students[D]. Buffalo: SUNY Buffalo, 2005: 36~38.

[本文引用: 1]     

[14] Flannery W P, Reise S P, Yu J J.

An empirical comparison of acculturation models

[J]. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2001, 27(8): 1035~1045.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract The unidirectional and bidirectional models of acculturation were compared in a sample of 291 Asian Americans. Both models produced good predictions of Asian preferences, cultural knowledge, ethnic identification, and generational status. The bidirectional model, however, failed to demonstrate its reputed independence across home culture and host culture orientations. The unidirectional model is recommended as an economical proxy measure of acculturation, the bidirectional model is recommended for full theoretical investigations of acculturation, and a speculative tridirectional model is proposed to clarify the distinction between acculturation and ethnogenesis (the creation of a new ethnicity).
[15] Garrett M T, Pichette E F.

Red as an apple: Native American acculturation and counseling with or without reservation

[J]. Journal of Counseling & Development, 2000, 78(1): 3~13.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

The United States has a long history of advocating policies of both extermination and assimilation of Native peoples. This historical context provides an important backdrop for understanding issues of trust/mistrust and the impact of acculturation on Native Americans who often find they have to reconcile 2 cultures. Therefore, counselors must assess a Native American client's level of acculturation rather than making assumptions based on the limited information offered by appearance or other personal characteristics. The Native American Acculturation Scale is presented as an operationalized means of formally or informally assessing a Native American client's cultural identity.
[16] Graves T D.

Psychological acculturation in a tri-ethnic community

[J]. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 1967, 23(4): 337~350.

[本文引用: 1]     

[17] Kim B S K, Abreu J M.

Acculturation measurement: Theory, current instruments, and future directions

[M]// Ponterotto J G, Casas J M, Suzuki L A, et al. Handbook of Multicultural Counseling. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2001: 394~424.

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] Kodama K, Canetto S S.

Reliability and validity of the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-identity Acculturation Scale with Japanese temporary residents

[J]. Psychologia, 1995(38): 17~21.

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] Landrine H, Klonoff E A.

The African American acculturation scale: Development, reliability, and validity

[J]. Journal of Black Psychology, 1994, 20(2): 104~127.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Lerman D, Maldonado R, Luna D.

A theory-based measure of acculturation: The shortened cultural life style inventory

[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2009, 62(4): 399~406.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper describes a model of acculturation for classifying minority consumers into distinct categories depending on their attitudes and behaviors toward their minority culture and toward the majority culture. These categories are assimilation, segregation, and integration. The model differs from previous models of acculturation in consumer research in that it does not assume a linear progression toward assimilation. The acculturation categories identified by the model can be used to segment minority markets. A reduced version of a previous scale based on that acculturation model is developed and validated in two empirical studies in a consumer research setting. Our scale can be used by managers to segment minority populations.
[21] Liou G B.Ecotourism cultural impact analysis[D]. Michigan: Michigan State University, 2013.

[本文引用: 3]     

[22] Matsudaira T.

Measures of psychological acculturation: A review

[J]. Transcultural Psychiatry, 2006, 43(3): 462~487.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

This article reviews conceptual and methodological issues in the measurement of psychological acculturation. The major issues involve the question of dimensionality and the assessment of specific domains of cultural change. Bidimensional scales that cover both overt and internal domains are more informative for the assessment of general levels of psychological acculturation. The validity of such scales must be examined in terms of the actual exposure of individuals to and involvement in each culture, and the influence of sociocultural factors on the course of acculturation. The parallel application of qualitative and quantitative methods may be useful for validity studies. The complementary use of emic and etic approaches will enhance the psychometric soundness of acculturation scales.
[23] Reynolds A L, Ecklund T R, Terrance D.

Race related stress, academic motivation, cultural congruity, acculturation, and resilience of American Indian students

[Z]. Unpublished manuscript, 2011.

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] Reynolds A L, Sodano S M, Ecklund T R, et al.

Dimensions of acculturation in native American college students

[J]. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 2012, 45(2): 101~112.

[本文引用: 3]      摘要

Abstract Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were applied to the responses of two respective independent samples of Native American college students on the Native American Acculturation Scale (NAAS). Three correlated dimensions were found to underlie NAAS items and these dimensions may also comprise a broader higher order dimension of Native American acculturation.
[25] Rudmin F.

Constructs, measurements and models of acculturation and acculturative stress

[J]. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2009, 33(2): 106~123.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

This critique of acculturation research is anchored on an historical examination of the development of acculturation constructs and their operationalizations as psychometric scales. An historical search finds the origins of acculturation in derogatory beliefs about aboriginal and immigrant minorities, finds the old and continuing paradox that acculturation is presumed to improve mental health and to damage mental health, finds the near universal inter-twining of acculturation with mental health issues, and finds that nearly one century of such research has had little utility. Measurements of acculturation by bipolar scales since the 1940s and by unconstrained ipsative scales since the 1970s have confounded the research record. Measurements of acculturative stress by scales designed for mental health screening have confounded dependent and independent variables. More recent measures based on factor analytic sub-scales have confounded acculturative stress with acculturation and with other constructs. This review recommends (a) that acculturation be defined as second-culture acquisition, (b) that acculturative motivations, learning, and changes be conceived, measured, and sometimes studied independently of health issues, (c) that bilineal measures be used, (d) that acculturative stress be discontinued as an intervening variable, and (e) that SES and discrimination always be controlled by covariate methods.
[26] Sam D L, Berry J W.The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology[M]. London: Cambridge University Press, 2006: 56~64.

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] Satorra A, Bentler P M.

Corrections to test statistics and standard errors in covariance structure analysis

[M]// von Eye A, Clogg C C. Latent Variables Analysis: Applications for Developmental Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994: 399~419.

[本文引用: 1]     

[28] Schwartz S J, Unger J B, Zamboanga B L, et al.

Rethinking the concept of acculturation: Implications for theory and research

[J]. American Psychologist, 2010, 65(4): 237~251.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article presents an expanded model of acculturation among international migrants and their immediate descendants. Acculturation is proposed as a multidimensional process consisting of the confluence among heritage-cultural and receiving-cultural practices, values, and identifications. The implications of this reconceptualization for the acculturation construct, as well as for its relationship to psychosocial and health outcomes, are discussed. In particular, an expanded operationalization of acculturation is needed to address the "immigrant paradox," whereby international migrants with more exposure to the receiving cultural context report poorer mental and physical health outcomes. We discuss the role of ethnicity, cultural similarity, and discrimination in the acculturation process, offer an operational definition for context of reception, and call for studies on the role that context of reception plays in the acculturation process. The new perspective on acculturation presented in this article is intended to yield a fuller understanding of complex acculturation processes and their relationships to contextual and individual functioning.
[29] Suinn R M, Rickard-Figueroa K, Lew S, et al.

The Suinn-Lew Asian self-identity acculturation scale: An initial report

[J]. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1987, 47(2): 401~407.

[本文引用: 1]     

[30] Tsai J L, Chentsova-Dutton Y, Wong Y.

Why and how researchers should study ethnic identity, acculturation, and cultural orientation

[M]// Hall G C N, Okazaki S O. Asian American Psychology: The Science of Lives in Context. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2002: 41~65.

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] Zimmerman M A, Ramirez-Valles J, Washienko K M, et al.

The development of a measure of enculturation for Native American youth

[J]. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1996, 24(2): 295~310.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

Enculturation is the process by which individuals learn about and identify with their ethnic minority culture. It is distinguished from acculturation which refers to the process by which an ethnic minority individual is assimilated into the majority culture. Three studies with Native American youths are reported that describe the development of a measure of enculturation for Native American youths. Development of a measure of enculturation provides a foundation upon which to build a body of literature that focuses on strengths in a youth's life rather than on deficits. Results of the first study ( n =120), a confirmatory factor analysis, indicated that cultural affinity, Native American identity, and family involvement in traditional activities adequately represent the construct of enculturation. The study also provides some convergent validity for this interpretation. The second study examines factor invariance for enculturation among youths with data from over 2 years ( n =69). The factor structure was similar across time. The third study replicates the factor structure and validity analyses with a new sample ( n =42). Usefulness of the measure for assessing protective factors and stressing ethnicity over simple assessment of race categories is discussed.
[32] 彼得•史密斯, 彭迈克, 齐丹•库查巴莎. 跨文化社会心理学[M]. 严文华, 权大勇, 译. 北京: 人民邮电出版社, 2009: 44~48.

[本文引用: 1]     

[33] 范莉娜.


[J]. 旅游学刊, 2017, 32(7): 108~118.

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[34] 马庆国. 管理统计:数据获取、统计原理、SPSS工具与应用研究[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2002: 25~45.

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[35] 荣泰生. AMOS与研究方法[M]. 重庆: 重庆大学出版社, 2010: 145~147.

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[36] 王挺. 黎族的文化适应: 特征、影响因素及理论模式[D]. 上海: 华东师范大学, 2013.

[本文引用: 4]     

[37] 王毅.


[J]. 改革与开放, 2011(10): 193~195.

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[38] 杨宝琰, 万明钢.


[J]. 世界民族, 2010(4): 1~9.

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[39] 张劲梅, 张庆林.


[J]. 广西民族研究, 2008(4): 82~87.

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