

旅游导刊  2018 , 2 (5): 37-53 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.83



陈希1, 韩冬2, 孙嘉1

1.澳门城市大学国际旅游与管理学院 中国澳门 999078
2.内蒙古大学历史与旅游文化学院 内蒙古呼和浩特 010021

A Study on Tourists’ Favoritism Towards Film and TV Dramas and Their Willingness to Pay for a Premium for Tourism Products

CHEN Xi1, HAN Dong2, SUN Jia1

1.City University of Macau, Macau 999078, China
2. Inner Mongolia University, Huhhot 010021, China

中图分类号:  F59

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  2096-3238(2018)05-0037-17

收稿日期: 2018-06-5

修回日期:  2018-09-10

网络出版日期:  2018-09-30

版权声明:  2018 《旅游导刊》编辑部 《旅游导刊》编辑部 所有


[作者简介] 陈 希(1986— ),女,北京人,澳门城市大学博士研究生,研究方向:影视旅游、民族旅游、旅游企业管理。E-mail:38052954@qq.com。韩 冬(1981— ),男,内蒙古自治区兴安盟人,内蒙古大学历史与旅游文化学院讲师,研究方向:旅游数据研究、旅游市场营销等。
通讯作者:孙 嘉(1985— ),女,河北承德人,澳门城市大学博士研究生,研究方向:酒店管理、旅游传媒。




关键词: 影视作品喜爱程度 ; 愿付溢价 ; 明星喜爱程度 ; 区域形象 ; 景点形象


Based on the effect of film and television preference on premiums of tourist products, this study uses SEM model to deeply analyze the forming process of premiums of tourist products and reveal the inherent mechanism of multiple mediators (regional image and scenic spot image) and the modulating variable (popularity of superstars). The founding is as follow: (1) The degree of film and television preference plays an important role in influencing regional image, scenic spot image and premiums of tourist products. There is a significant positive correlation among them, the higher the degree of consumers’ preference of the drama, the higher the evaluation of the presented region image. (2) Regional image and scenic spot image respectively have a significant positive correlation with the premiums of tourist products. (3) This multiple intermediary model explains the willing to pay premiums of tourist products. Regional image and scenic spot image have a significant partial mediation effect. The intermediary effect and influence of regional image are significantly stronger than those of scenic spot image. (4) In the case of a high popularity of superstars, the attribution of individual tourists to the degree of film and television preference is more likely to be converted into enhancement of regional image and scenic spot image. It is thus possible to make a decision to implement premiums of tourist products. The popularity of superstars and the image of the region and scenic spots are important factors that affect tourists’ willingness to pay premiums of tourist products.

Keywords: degree of film and television preference ; premiums ; popularity of superstars ; regional image ; scenic spot image


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陈希, 韩冬, 孙嘉. 影视作品喜爱程度对旅游产品愿付溢价的影响研究[J]. 旅游导刊, 2018, 2(5): 37-53 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.83

CHEN Xi, HAN Dong, SUN Jia. A Study on Tourists’ Favoritism Towards Film and TV Dramas and Their Willingness to Pay for a Premium for Tourism Products[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2018, 2(5): 37-53 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.83


近年来,影视作品对旅游目的地的带动作用越来越明显,影视旅游成为一种深受旅游者喜爱的专项旅游形式。影视旅游最早兴起于欧美国家,指将特定目的地拍摄于视频中,借此来加深或改变观众对目的地的印象,以促使其前往目的地旅游,增加地方经济收益(Kim & Richardson,2003;Lee,Ham & Kim,2015)。Rittichainuwat和Rattanaphinanchai(2015)指出影视作品是增加潜在旅游者对旅游目的地的意象认知及促进旅游动机的主要因素(潘丽丽,2005;魏宝祥、欧阳正宇,2007;刘力,2013;毛攀云,2013)。在我国,影视旅游发展迅速,一方面,横店影视城、镇北堡西部影城等专项影视旅游产品每年吸引着大量游客;另一方面,云南普者黑、内蒙古额济纳等地藉由《爸爸去哪儿》《英雄》等知名影视作品引发游客前往旅游也逐渐成为一种社会现象,并受到学者的广泛关注(马丽君、郭留留、吴志才,2016)。

国内外关于影视旅游的研究主要集中于4个方面,分别是影视作品对旅游者与旅游目的地或旅游资源之间互动关系的研究、影视作品对旅游者行为意图或出游动机的影响研究、影视作品对旅游者感知体验的影响研究、影视作品对增强旅游地吸引力的作用或影响机制研究。Mercille(2005)指出影视作品对于旅游目的地经济增长的影响是显著的,能够快速提升旅游目的地形象,是一个行之有效的营销手段(潘丽丽,2005;马丽君、郭留留、吴志才,2016)。Bigné、Sánchez和Sánchez(2001)认为目的地能否吸引旅游者,旅游者是否愿意前往,主要取决于该旅游目的地在旅游者心中的目的地意象,而影视作品能够使旅游者对目的地产生行前意象,从而增加到访的意愿(魏宝祥、欧阳正宇,2007;刘力,2013;马丽君、郭留留、吴志才,2016)。Tak-Kee和Wan(2006)指出现在越来越多的地区,利用影视作品的积极影响来实现旅游业的快速发展,提升旅游者游憩体验,进而提升旅游目的地吸引力与知名度(潘丽丽,2005;马丽君、郭留留、吴志才,2016)。Murry、Lastovicka和Singh(1992)则提出观众对于影视作品的喜好,会引起观众对于影视作品中区域形象的正向情感,影视作品中的明星效应和故事情节对旅游意愿和目的地意象有正向的影响力(Kim,Agrusa & Lee,et al.,2007)。



1. 区域(景点)形象

旅游目的地形象是旅游者对某一旅游地的整体认识、情感和印象(Baloglu & McCleary,1999)。按照形象的“发射—接收”过程来说,旅游目的地形象通常被分为投射形象和感知形象(Barich & Kotler,1991)。其中,投射形象是旅游目的地通过营销活动塑造出的形象(Grosspietsch,2006),而感知形象是从旅游者的角度出发,强调其对该旅游地的印象、评价、感知,其形成过程相较于前者更加复杂,旅游者关于旅游目的地的知识积累及其在该地旅游活动中的体验等因素都会影响其对目的地的感知形象(Hu & Ritchie,1993)。目前,相关研究多是以感知形象作为研究重点(臧德霞、黄洁,2007),近年来逐渐有学者将特定旅游目的地的投射形象与感知形象进行对比研究(程圩、郭昳岚,2016)。本文所讨论的的区域形象与景点形象均属于感知形象范畴。


影视作品能够直观反映出一个区域内的社会、文化、历史、政治、地理和经济等层面的信息(杨杰,2008)。Su、Huang和Brodowsky等(2011)以及 Kim和Kim(2009)认为对影视作品的喜爱程度能提升观众对目标对象的认知评价,有助于观众在短时间内建立鲜明的场景印象,从而使其有意愿去拜访作品中出现的地区,并将这些地区视为理想的旅游景点。Breitsohl和Garrod(2016)指出,人们会受到所观赏场景图像的吸引,而造访某个旅游目的地。Connell(2005)表示电影和电视节目中的场景地点对于观光客而言有强烈的吸引力,进而有助于提升旅游目的地的游客人数。Beerli和Martí́n(2004)的研究表明,旅游者会由于自己的认知和情感对特定地点产生一种主观印象,此印象可由电影、电视、书籍甚至是报刊杂志等媒介,而使旅游者对目的地认知作出修正(潘丽丽,2005;毛攀云,2013)。综上,本文提出以下假设:



2. 产品愿付溢价








3. 明星喜爱程度的干扰效果

Chia和Poo(2009)将喜爱程度概念化为一种态度、情感、行为和认知,指出喜爱程度不仅是人们对目标对象的认知评价,也是他们渴望与目标对象主动联系或建立亲密关系的吸引力来源。邀请知名明星代言是企业营销的重要手段,因为明星的粉丝会因为喜爱明星而去购买其代言的产品(Pornpitakpan,2004)。消费者对喜爱的明星形成了强烈的依恋,并对这些明星代言的产品有正向的态度(Lee,Ham & Kim,2015)。Russell和Stern(2006)研究指出观众观看影视作品时,会对作品中的角色产生正向情感和亲近的感觉,角色成为了一个有意义的参照,使观众对于影视作品出现的地点有正向的态度。在影视作品中出现喜爱的明星,会强化观众对影视作品的喜爱程度与旅游目的地形象间的正向关系。因此本文提出以下假设:



4. 模型构建


图1   研究理论模型

Fig.1   Research theoretical model


1. 问卷设计

问卷内容包含人口统计学特征、旅游者基本信息和问卷主体量表三大部分,问卷主体量表包含影视作品喜爱程度、区域形象、景点形象、明星喜爱程度和产品愿付溢价5个维度的内容。问卷测量均采用李克特(Likert Scale)5点评量尺度,受访者依同意程度打1分(完全不同意)至5分(完全同意)。其中,影视作品喜爱程度的5个问项参考Lee、Ham和Kim(2015)以及Murry、Lastovicka和Singh(1992)设计的量表;区域形象的3个问项参考杨杰(2008)设计的量表;景点形象的4个问项参考Breitsohl 和Garrod (2016)以及Beerli和Martí́n(2004)设计的量表;明星喜爱程度的5个问项参考Lee、Ham和Kim(2015)设计的量表;产品愿付溢价的4个问项参考Netemeyer、Brashear-Alejandro和Boles(2004)设计的量表。

2. 数据来源

本文的调研区域为安徽省乾县宏村与江西省婺源县篁岭村、汪口村,这些景区发展良好,具有较高知名度,游客接待量庞大,并且都是知名影视作品的拍摄取景地。其中,乾县宏村是全国首批历史文化名村、国家AAAAA级旅游景区,且被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,是《卧虎藏龙》《苏乞儿》《大祠堂》等影视作品的拍摄地;婺源县旅游资源丰富,旅游业较为发达,调研所选取的篁岭、汪口景区为《闪闪的红星》《欢乐颂2》等知名影视作品拍摄地。关于旅游产品溢价的探讨,具有旅游经验的旅游者更能反映出研究的目的(Kim & Richardson,2003;周玲强、程兴火、周天斌,2006;文首文、魏东平,2012)。因此,本研究选取问卷调查对象为正在宏村和婺源游览的旅游者。

课题组成员于2017年4月21日至25日分别赴上述区域采用便利抽样方法进行实地调研,在发放问卷前,由调研人员对填答者简要阐明研究目的。调研共发放问卷800份,回收796份,删除无观看该区域影视剧经验和填答不完整者,最终有效问卷为558份,有效问卷回收率为70.1%。受访者中,男性有132位(占23.7%)、女性有426位(占76.3%);年龄主要集中于21~45岁(占78.9%);在受教育程度方面,大专及以上者占64.2%,可以看出,旅游者文化程度较高;受访者职业类别方面,企事业单位有132位(占23.7%),其次为公务员121位(占21.7%)和学生108位(占19.3%);可支配收入方面,以2 001~6 000元为主,共389位(占69.7%),其次为6 001~10 000元,共77位(占13.8%)。


1. 结构方程模型验证性分析

根据Fornell和Larcker(1981)的建议,为确保研究论文的整体信度和效度,在进行CFA分析时,应删除因素负荷量和平均变异数抽取量小于0.5的问项。根据此标准,本文删除不符合要求的3个题项,最后用于结构方程模型分析的题项共18个。根据常态分配检验,18个题项的偏态值为 — 0.896~0.158,峰度值为 — 0.754~2.495,符合偏态数值绝对值小于3,峰度数值绝对值小于10的要求。

通过表1可以看出,各指标标准化因素负荷量为0.658~0.926,t值为13.910~24.242,测量指标信度较好。克隆巴赫(Cronbach’s α)系数均大于0.7,为0.819~0.879,组合信度(CR)为0.877~0.939,均大于0.85,表明指标符合信度检验。此外,各维度平均变异数抽取量(AVE)为0.620~0.836,可以看出,用于结构方程模型分析的指标均具有收敛效度。

表1   验证性因子分析的结果

Tab.1   Results of the confirmatory factor analysis

维度指标标准化因素负荷量Cronbach’s αt-valueCRAVE



表2   量表各维度平均变异数抽取量和相关系数

Tab.2   Correlations and average variance extracted of the scales



2. 结构模型分析

本文利用AMOS 21.0软件,以结构方程模型进行各维度假设关系的检验,结果表明模型的整体配适度指标良好,χ2/df=2.549,P<0.01,CFI=0.930,GFI=0.885,AGFI=0.832,NFI=0.915,RFI=0.892,RMSEA=0.058,达到CFI、GFI、AGFI、NFI、RFI值均超过0.8,RMSEA低于0.08的建议水准。


图2   结构模型结果

Fig.2   Results of the structural model 、

表3   整体结构模型估计结果

Tab.3   The estimation results of the structural model




3. 中介效果分析

检验中介效果最常用的方法是由Baron和Kenny(1986)提出的经典BK法和Sobel Z检验方法(Fornell & Larcker,1981),但这两种方法近来受到越来越多的质疑(MacKinnon,Fairchild & Fritz,2007;Hayes,2009;Rucker,Preacher & Tormala,et al.,2011),主要体现在两个方面:第一种观点主要认为运用BK法进行路径效应分析时,a和b分别显著,但是a×b未必显著,a×b往往呈现非常态分配状态(Lee,Shafer & Kang,2005;Zhao,Lynch & Chen,2010);第二种观点主要认为Sobel Z检验的检验力不足,尤其在估算间接效果时,Sobel Z的检验力往往较低(Preacher & Hayes,2004)。

Taylor、MacKinnon和Tein(2008)Hayes(2009)以及MacKinnon, Lockwood和Hoffman等(2002)建议,检验中介效果的显著性,应使用Bootstrapping算法加以验证,Bootstrapping算法可以运用编辑语法的方式对多重中介进行运算,同时也不需要考虑是否违背常态分配的假设。

本研究探讨影视作品喜爱程度是否通过区域形象和景点形象双中介变量对旅游产品愿付溢价产生影响。采用Taylor、MacKinnon和Tein(2008)建议的Bootstrapping算法验证中介效果,检验a×b的母体信赖区间(Confidence Interval,CI),以原始回归系数模拟路径重复取样5 000次,其后产生新的正态分布(此种检验亦适合小样本检验),因此可求出中介变量(a×b)的信赖区间,在(1—α)×100%的信赖区间,通常设定95%CI内不包括0,也就是在α的显著水准下达到统计显著,即p<0.05(Preacher & Hayes,2004),则拒绝原假设,证明中介变量具有中介效果(MacKinnon,2008;Preacher & Hayes,2008;Lau & Cheung,2012)。本文另外以逐步回归法加以验证分析,判定原则依据Baron和Kenny(1986)提出的建议,即中介变量是在自变量与应变量间加入的变数,用来解释其之间的关系,若中介变量加入后,使得原来自变量与应变量之间的关系变为不显著,则为完全中介效果;若加入中介变量后,使得原来自变量与应变量之间的关系变弱或不显著,则为部分中介效果。


表4   整体结构模型直接、间接与总效果分析表

Tab.4   The result of direct,indirect and total effect in the whole structure model



Bootstrapping 5 000次
Bias-Corrected95% CIPercentile95% CI



4. 调节作用的检验

本文对于“明星喜爱程度”因素所起的调节作用运用层级回归技术(Hierarchical Regression)进行检验。对“明星喜爱程度”在“影视作品喜爱程度”与“区域形象”、“影视作品喜爱程度”与“景点形象”之间的强化作用进行检验。检验过程使用SPSS 22.0软件,对旅游者样本数据进行分析。首先,分别将“区域形象”和“景点形象”设为因变量,然后引入自变量“影视作品喜爱程度”、调节变量“明星喜爱程度”以及自变量与调节变量的乘积项(即交互项),通过观察交互项系数的显著性水平来检验调节作用是否存在。


表5   调节效应检验结果

Tab.5   Results of moderating effect tests





图3   明星喜爱程度调节作用图示

Fig.3   Graphical representation of star like degree moderating effect



第一,影视作品喜爱程度是影响区域形象、景点形象和产品愿付溢价的重要因素,消费者对影视作品的喜爱程度越高,对影视作品中出现的区域评价也越高,影视作品喜爱程度与区域形象、景点形象和愿付溢价呈显著正相关关系,此结果与以往学者的研究结果一致。区域形象和景点形象是影响产品愿付溢价的重要因素,当消费者所购买的旅游产品具有良好的区域形象,而不是一个来自不好形象的区域时,他们愿意支付更高的价格(Koschate-Fischer,Diamantopoulos & Oldenkotte,2012)。同样,当旅游者对目的地形象的感觉越良好时,旅游意愿也会越高。研究发现区域形象和景点形象分别与产品愿付溢价呈现显著正相关关系,说明区域形象和景点形象是影响旅游产品愿付溢价的重要因素。





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[J]. Tourism Management, 2001, 22(6): 607~616.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

Numerous authors have pointed out the influence of tourism image on consumer behaviour. Tourism image will also exercise some influence on the quality perceived by tourists and on the satisfaction obtained from the holiday experience. This paper focuses on the relationship between the image of a destination as perceived by tourists and their behavioural intentions, and between that same image and the post-purchase evaluation of the stay. We will also examine the relationship between quality and satisfaction and between these variables and the tourist's behaviour variables. We place the accent on a joint analysis of these relationships, using a structural equation model. The results of the empirical study show that tourism image is a direct antecedent of perceived quality, satisfaction, intention to return and willingness to recommend the destination. The role of image as a key factor in destination marketing is thus confirmed. With reference to the other relationships, on the one hand, it is confirmed that quality has a positive influence on satisfaction and intention to return and that satisfaction determines the willingness to recommend the destination. However, the influence of quality on ‘willingness to recommend’ and the influence of satisfaction on ‘intention to return’ cannot be corroborated. In this sense, further research could be necessary.
[6] Breitsohl J, Garrod B.

Assessing tourists’ cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions to an unethical destination incident

[J]. Tourism Management, 2016(54): 209~220.

[本文引用: 2]     

[7] Chia S C, Poo Y L.

Media, celebrities, and fans: An examination of adolescents’ media usage and involvement with entertainment celebrities

[J]. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 2009, 86(1): 23~44.

[本文引用: 1]     

[8] Connell J.

Toddlers, tourism and Tobermory: Destination marketing issues and television-induced tourism

[J]. Tourism Management, 2005, 26(5): 763~776.

[本文引用: 1]     

[9] Eze U C, Tan C B,Yeo A L Y.

Purchasing cosmetic products: A preliminary perspective of Gen-Y

[J]. Contemporary Management Research, 2012, 8(1): 51~60.

[本文引用: 1]     

[10] Fornell C, Larcker D F.

Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement errors

[J]. Journal of Marketing Research, 1981, 18(1): 39~50.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

The statistical tests used in the analysis of structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error are examined. A drawback of the commonly applied chi square test, in addition to the known problems related to sample size and power, is that it may indicate an increasing correspondence between the hypothesized model and the observed data as both the measurement properties and the relationship between constructs decline. Further, and contrary to common assertion, the risk of making a Type II error can be substantial even when the sample size is large. Moreover, the present testing methods are unable to assess a model's explanatory power. To overcome these problems, the authors develop and apply a testing system based on measures of shared variance within the structural model, measurement model, and overall model.
[11] Godey B, Lai C.

Construction of international brand portfolios: Impact on local brands

[J]. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 2011, 20(5): 402~407.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

Purpose - In the literature, the question of how the strategies of brand portfolios affect performance remains open and subject to contradictory developments. This paper aims to highlight the various steps involved in the analysis of international brand portfolios as well as issues specific to each of these phases. Design/methodology/approach - This article relies on the results of a longitudinal case study conducted in collaboration with the marketing direction of Procter & Gamble's European Business Unit "Laundry and Fabric Care" from 2004 to 2009. Findings - The authors present the strategic and operational movements that led to the reduction of the P&G brand portfolio in the laundry category. The authors then compare them with the current results of the company in this market to assess the performance of this strategy of rationalization. Originality/value - While the best way forward to construct international brand portfolios has not yet been specifically defined and many questions remain, this article provides an illustration of a methodology tested by an international company
[12] Grosspietsch M.

Perceived and projected images of Rwanda: Visitor and international tour operator perspectives

[J]. Tourism Management, 2006, 27(2): 225~234.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

The present study was conducted with the purpose of determining and comparing the images of Rwanda as a tourist destination as perceived by visitors and as projected by international tour operators. The employed instruments consisted of two independent, but in their main parts, identical questionnaire surveys that featured both structured and unstructured methods in order to capture the various components of the image construct. The study identified several important differences between the perceptions of visitors and tour operators, thereby indicating that the latter project inadequate or even negative images of the country. The three main discrepancies appeared to be the evaluation of the current safety situation, opinions about the range of activities offered, and views concerning the value of visitors encounters with the local people at the destination. The results offered valuable policy implications for future marketing strategies in Rwanda.
[13] Hayes A F.

Beyond baron and Kenny: Statistical mediation analysis in the new millennium

[J]. Communication Monographs, 2009, 76(4): 408~420.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

This article proposes a new measure of network centralization and reports the results of a simulation designed to determine the sampling distribution of the proposed measure. The measure is based on the information-theoretic concept of entropy and is appropriate for those networks in which traffic flows over paths and propagates by means of transference. Tables of critical values are constructed which allow the researcher to conduct tests of significance.
[14] Hu Y Z, Ritchie J R B.

Measuring destination attractiveness: A contextual approach

[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 1993, 32(2): 25~34.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examines two different types of holiday experiences as the experimental factors and empirically incorporates a context specific approach into the measurement of destination attractiveness. A total of 400 respondents were interviewed by telephone. Three areas were examined for two different holiday experiences: (1) the relative importance of touristic attributes in contributing to the...
[15] Kim H, Richardson S L.

Motion picture impacts on destination images

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2003, 30(1): 216~237.

[本文引用: 3]     

[16] Kim S S, Agrusa J, Lee H, et al.

Effects of Korean television dramas on the flow of Japanese tourists

[J]. Tourism Management, 2007, 28(5): 1340~1353.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study investigated the effects of the Korean television (TV) drama series titled, Winter Sonata, on the potential or actual Japanese tourist flow to Korea. More specifically, this research explored the reasons for the popularity of the Korean TV drama series, the change of perceived image as an impact of the melodrama, and the preferred products of soap opera-induced tourism. The objectives of this study were achieved through two ways: (1) review of articles in newspapers, magazines, and reports; (2) analyses of a survey of Japanese tourists visiting featured locations of the Winter Sonata TV drama series. The results of this study indicated that this Korean TV series had a variety of impacts in relation to Korea and Japan. Interestingly, Japanese respondents in their 40s and over-preferred Korean TV dramas and indicated a stronger desire to take a Hallyu trip. Additionally, a high level of interest and empathy for leading actors and actresses were the key reasons for their preference for Korean dramas. Results of the canonical analysis indicated that respondents preferred the Korean TV dramas due to all five reason dimensions which demonstrated higher levels and agreement for the development of five out of the eight product types from this study.
[17] Kim S S, Kim M J.

Effect of Hallyu cultural products in Thai society on enhancement of Korean national image and intention to visit

[J]. Tourism Management, 2009, 23(4): 101~125.

[18] Koschate-Fischer N, Diamantopoulos A, Oldenkotte K.

Are consumers really willing to pay more for a favorable country image? A study of country-of-origin effects on willingness to pay

[J]. Journal of International Marketing, 2012, 20(1): 19~41.

[本文引用: 2]     

[19] Lau R S, Cheung G W.

Estimating and comparing specific mediation effects in complex latent variable models

[J]. Organizational Research Methods, 2012, 15(1): 3~16.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This teaching note starts with a demonstration of a straightforward procedure using Mplus Version 6 to produce a bias-corrected (BC) bootstrap confidence interval for testing a specific mediation effect in a complex latent variable model. The procedure is extended to constructing a BC bootstrap confidence interval for the difference between two specific mediation effects. The extended procedure not only tells whether the strengths of any direct and mediation effects or any two specific mediation effects in a latent variable model are significantly different but also provides an estimate and a confidence interval for the difference. However, the Mplus procedures do not allow the estimation of a BC bootstrap confidence interval for the difference between two standardized mediation effects. This teaching note thus demonstrates the LISREL procedures for constructing BC confidence intervals for specific standardized mediation effects and for comparing two standardized mediation effects. Finally, procedures combining Mplus and PRELIS are demonstrated for constructing BC bootstrap confidence intervals for the difference between the between-part and within-part path coefficients in multilevel models and for examining models with interactions of latent variables.
[20] Lee B, Ham S, Kim D.

The effects of likability of Korean celebrities, dramas, and music on preferences for Korean restaurants: A mediating effect of a country image of Korea

[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2015(46): 200~212.

[本文引用: 4]     

[21] Lee B K, Shafer C S, Kang I.

Examining relationships among perceptions of self, episode-specific evaluations, and overall satisfaction with a leisure activity

[J]. Leisure Sciences, 2005, 27(2): 93~109.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] MacKinnon D P. Introduction to Statistical Mediation Analysis[M]. New York: Taylor and Francis Press, 2008.

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] MacKinnon D P, Fairchild A J, Fritz M S.

Mediation analysis

[J]. Annual Review of Psychology, 2007(58): 593~614.

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] MacKinnon D P, Lockwood C M, Hoffman J M, et al.

A comparison of methods to test mediation and other intervening variable effects

[J]. Psychological Methods, 2002, 7(1): 83~104.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

A Monte Carlo study compared 14 methods to test the statistical significance of the intervening variable effect. An intervening variable (mediator) transmits the effect of an independent variable to a dependent variable. The commonly used R. M. Baron and D. A. Kenny (1986) approach has low statistical power. Two methods based on the distribution of the product and 2 difference-in-coefficients methods have the most accurate Type I error rates and greatest statistical power except in 1 important case in which Type I error rates are too high. The best balance of Type I error and statistical power across all cases is the test of the joint significance of the two effects comprising the intervening variable effect.
[25] Mercille J.

Media effects on image: The case of Tibet

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2005, 32(4): 1039~1055.

[本文引用: 1]     

[26] Murry J P Jr, Lastovicka J L, Singh S N.

Feeling and liking responses to television programs: An examination of two explanations for media-context effects

[J]. Journal of Consumer Research, 1992, 18(4): 441~451.

[本文引用: 2]     

[27] Netemeyer R G, Brashear-Alejandro T, Boles J S.

A cross-national model of job-related outcomes of work role and family role variables: A retail sales context

[J]. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2004, 32(1): 49~60.

[本文引用: 4]     

[28] Persson N.

An exploratory investigation of the elements of B2B brand image and its relationship to price premium

[J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 2010, 39(8): 1269~1277.

[本文引用: 1]     

[29] Pornpitakpan C.

The effect of celebrity endorsers’ perceived credibility on product purchase intention: The case of Singaporeans

[J]. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 2004, 16(2): 55~74.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

This research examines the effect of three celebrity credibility dimensions (attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise) on purchase intention with 880 Singaporean undergraduates, using four Asian celebrities as stimuli. In contrast to the results in Ohanian (1991), which indicate that the dimensions attractiveness and trustworthiness do not affect product purchase intention, the results in this study show that all of the three credibility dimensions positively relate to purchase intention. Explanations for the different findings and managerial implications are discussed.
[30] Preacher K J, Hayes A F.

SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models

[J]. Behavior Research Methods, Instrument & Computers, 2004, 36(4): 717~731.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

Researchers often conduct mediation analysis in order to indirectly assess the effect of a proposed cause on some outcome through a proposed mediator. The utility of mediation analysis stems from its ability to go beyond the merely descriptive to a more functional understanding of the relationships among variables. A necessary component of mediation is a statistically and practically significant indirect effect. Although mediation hypotheses are frequently explored in psychological research, formal significance tests of indirect effects are rarely conducted. After a brief overview of mediation, we argue the importance of directly testing the significance of indirect effects and provide SPSS and SAS macros that facilitate estimation of the indirect effect with a normal theory approach and a bootstrap approach to obtaining confidence intervals, as well as the traditional approach advocated by Baron and Kenny (1986). We hope that this discussion and the macros will enhance the frequency of formal mediation tests in the psychology literature. Electronic copies of these macros may be downloaded from the Psychonomic Society's Web archive at www.psychonomic.org/archive/.
[31] Preacher K J, Hayes A F.

Asymptotic and resampling strategies for assessing and comparing indirect effects in multiple mediator models

[J]. Behavior Research Methods, 2008, 40(3): 879~891.

[32] Rittichainuwat B, Rattanaphinanchai S.

Applying a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative design in explaining the travel motivation of film tourists in visiting a film-shooting destination

[J]. Tourism Management, 2015(46): 136~147.

[本文引用: 1]     

[33] Rucker D D, Preacher K J, Tormala Z L, et al.

Mediation analysis in social psychology: Current practices and new recommendations

[J]. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2011, 5(6): 359~371.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

A key aim of social psychology is to understand the psychological processes through which independent variables affect dependent variables in the social domain. This objective has given rise to statistical methods for mediation analysis. In mediation analysis, the significance of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables has been integral in theory testing, being used as a basis to determine (1) whether to proceed with analyses of mediation and (2) whether one or several proposed mediator(s) fully or partially accounts for an effect. Synthesizing past research and offering new arguments, we suggest that the collective evidence raises considerable concern that the focus on the significance between the independent and dependent variables, both before and after mediation tests, is unjustified and can impair theory development and testing. To expand theory involving social psychological processes, we argue that attention in mediation analysis should be shifted towards assessing the magnitude and significance of indirect effects.
[34] Russell C A, Stern B B.

Consumers, characters, and products: A balance model of sitcom product placement effects

[J]. Journal of Advertising, 2006, 35(1): 7~21.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examines the influence of product placements in television serial comedies on consumer attitudes toward the products. Proposing a "Balance Model of Sitcom Product Placement Effects," the study integrates genre theory to analyze character--product associations in sitcoms, parasocial theory to consider consumer--character referential relations, and balance theory to address the main research issue of the way that characters' relations to placed products and consumers' relations to the characters affect consumers' attitudes to the products. The model is based on balance theory, in which attitude alignment is the explanation for links between a triad composed of the consumer, the sitcom character, and the placed product. The influence of two consumer--character variables (attitude and parasocial attachment) and two character--product variables (valence and strength of association) are tested in a real-world situation. The methodology uses real televised sitcoms as stimuli, real viewers as respondents, and a real-time on-line survey to measure the relationship among the variables. Study findings support the predictions that consumers align their attitudes toward products with the characters' attitudes to products and that this process is driven by the consumers' attachment to the characters.
[35] Su H J, Huang Y A, Brodowsky G, et al.

The impact of product placement on TV-induced tourism: Korean TV dramas and Taiwanese viewers

[J]. Tourism Management, 2011, 32(4): 805~814.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

This study examines of the ways in which Korean TV dramas affect Taiwanese consumers’ attitudes toward the locations where the dramas are filmed (onscreen locations). Previous studies have incorporated balance theory into product–character association models and have demonstrated that consumers tend to align their attitudes toward products with the valence of a character’s attitudes toward the products. Unlike previous studies, this article attempts to investigate the product–character association model in a cross-cultural setting where the ‘products’ considered are the onscreen locations. To account for the effect of similarity between Taiwanese culture and Korean culture, the concept of perceived cultural proximity is introduced into the balance-theory-based model. The results show that consumers’ parasocial relationships with a character and consumers’ attitudes toward the character are related to their attitudes toward the location. However, this relationship is significant only for those viewers with high perceived cultural proximity between Taiwan and Korea.
[36] Sung S Y L.

The role of Hallyu in the construction of East Asian regional identity in Vienna

[J]. European Journal of East Asian Studies, 2012, 11(1): 155~171.


ABSTRACT Ethnographic research in Vienna from 2009 to 2010 revealed how East Asians construct a collective regional identity by consuming Korean popular culture, known as hallyu. This paper is the first attempt at studying these immigrants as a group; scholars in Asian studies have previously focused on one nation. Unlike conventional studies of immigration, which focus largely on assimilation and integration in the new society and culture, this paper shows how immigrants construct their independent identities across national borders, and how advanced technology enables them to choose cultural content that evokes Asian values and sentiments. Hallyu thus informs their identity construction as East Asians in Europe.
[37] Tak-Kee H, Wan D.

Predictive model for repeat visitors to Singapore

[M]// Chen J S. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006.

[本文引用: 1]     

[38] Taylor A B,

MacKinnon D P, Tein J Y. Tests of the three-path mediated effect

[J]. Organizational Research Methods, 2008, 11(2): 241~269.

[本文引用: 2]     

[39] Zhao X S, Lynch J G Jr, Chen Q M.

Reconsidering baron and Kenny: Myths and truths about mediation analysis

[J]. Journal of Consumer Research, 2010, 37(2): 197~206.

[本文引用: 1]     

[40] 程圩, 郭昳岚.


[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 46(6): 902~906.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

[41] 高琴, 敖长林, 毛碧琦, .


[J]. 资源科学, 2017, 39(5): 893~901.

[本文引用: 3]      摘要

生态系统服务价值评估是环境管理政策制定的决策基础。选择实验法通过个体支付意愿对非市场物品进行价值评估,其有效性和可靠性是学者们非常重视的问题。本文以三江平原湿地为例,构建基于计划行为理论的湿地生态系统服务支付意愿评估方法,探讨受访者对湿地生态系统服务功能支付意愿潜在动机,提高仅包含社会经济信息参数的传统选择实验(Choice Experiments,CE)研究结果的可靠性及科学性。通过对湿地生态系统服务效用函数选取不同的多项Logit模型进行拟合,实证分析了受访者对湿地面积、生物多样性、水源涵养和自然景观等四个生态系统服务属性的支付意愿及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)居民对于湿地生态系统服务功能偏好由高到低分别为水源涵养、湿地面积、自然景观和生物多样性;(2)模型检验结果表明,引入行为态度、主观规范以及知觉行为控制变量后的多项Logit模型拟合程度表现更优,能更好地解释受访者的选择行为;(3)各生态系统服务功能属性的边际价格分别为:为了在未来实现三江平原生态系统服务功能各指标预设目标,为改善水源涵养意愿支付的成本为98.92元/(人·a);为维持现有湿地面积意愿支付的成本为58.90/(人·a);为改善自然景观意愿支付成本为54.09元/(人·a);为提高生物多样性意愿支付的成本为46.06元/(人·a)。
[42] 刘力.


[J]. 旅游学刊, 2013, 28(9): 61~72.


[43] 马丽君, 郭留留, 吴志才.


[J]. 旅游科学, 2016, 30(3): 57~68.

[本文引用: 6]      摘要

[44] 毛攀云.

影视湘西: 想象共同体及其与湘西旅游的共生发展

[J]. 经济地理, 2013, 33(5):143,165~167.

[本文引用: 4]     

[45] 潘丽丽.


[J]. 经济地理, 2005, 25(6): 928~932.

[46] 潘丽丽, 孙玉勤.


[J]. 地理科学, 2015, 35(4): 440~447.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

Tourists' willingness to pay for the tourist areas' admission is closely related to the development of the tourist areas and the tourists'travel experience. This study, a case study of Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou, examines the tourists' willingness to pay for the tourist areas' admission. The willing to pay for admission is decomposed into three hierarchical indicators, which are the lowest, the best and the highest ones. Factorial analysis and regression analysis are conducted to investigate the factors influencing tourists' willingness. It is shown that the current admission fee is reasonable, which constrains the tourists' highest willingness to pay. Meanwhile, the best admission and the lowest admission are way lower than the current admission fee. The characteristics of the admission fee, resort image recognition, facilities, value, travel motivation all influence the willingness to pay for the admission. Of all the factors, the characteristics of the admission fee and the image recognition contribute more to the willingness to pay than the other factors.
[47] 盛亚军, 包薇, 孙丽辉.


[J]. 当代经济研究, 2014(6): 85~91.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

[48] 石玲, 马炜, 孙玉军, .


[J]. 长江流域资源与环境, 2014, 23(2): 180~188.

[本文引用: 1]      摘要

[49] 魏宝祥, 欧阳正宇. 影视旅游:


[J]. 旅游学刊, 2007(22): 32~39.

[本文引用: 2]     

[50] 文首文, 魏东平.


[J]. 经济地理, 2012, 32(10): 170~176.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

为有计划性、引导性的倡导使用者付费的理念,建立公开透明、科学合理的定价机制,运用条件价值评估法(CVM)对全国12个省12个旅游景区的中国游客进行了实地抽样调查,分析游客对教育服务项目的支付意愿。基于2 800份有效问卷数据,获得了受访者支付意愿的分布形态和规律,构建了游客支付意愿与其影响因素之间关系的模型。结果显示:49.40%的游客愿意支付教育服务费用,平均支付额度为28.6元;游客的年龄、婚姻状态、学历、职业、收入与其教育服务支付意愿之间存在显著性关系,旅游地游客教育水平也直接影响游客的支付意愿,而性别与其支付意愿没有显著的差异。同时,游客的年龄、学历、职业、收入对支付方式的影响较大,64.1%的游客想通过门票支付,27.5%的游客想通过小费支付。
[51] 杨杰.

区域形象量表的研制与效度检验: 以安徽为例

[J]. 华东经济管理, 2008, 22(12): 33~38.

[本文引用: 2]      摘要

文章以M artin Ingrid与Saving Eroglu研制的"国家形象量表"为基础,结合文献研究与专家讨论,从社会公众的主体知觉角度出发,运用区域形象理论与语义差别量表技术,编制了适合中国国情的省域形象量表。研究总计获得来自全国25个省、自治区、直辖市410名被试的有效回答,对其中的139名有效被试的回答进行探索性因素分析,发现了省域形象由政府治理形象、自然禀赋形象、人口素养形象三维度构成。对另外236名有效被试开展的验证性因素分析证实了该量表的构想效度,内部一致性分析也表明该量表具有较好的信度。
[52] 臧德霞, 黄洁.

国外旅游目的地形象研究综述——基于Tourism ManagementAnnals of Tourism Research近10年文献

[J]. 旅游科学, 2007, 21(6): 12~19.

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[53] 周玲强, 程兴火, 周天斌.


[J]. 经济地理, 2006, 26(1): 140~144.

[本文引用: 2]     

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