

旅游导刊  2018 , 2 (2): 75-92 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.57


基于Web of Science 数据库的旅游业能源消耗研究综述及启示

张燕, 章杰宽

信阳师范学院旅游学院 河南信阳 464000;

Review of Tourism Energy Consumption Research:An Analysis based on Web of Science

ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Jiekuan

School of Tourism, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China

中图分类号:  F59

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  2096-3238(2018)02-0075-18

收稿日期: 2017-07-22

修回日期:  2017-11-2

网络出版日期:  2018-03-30

版权声明:  2018 《旅游导刊》编辑部 《旅游导刊》编辑部 所有

基金资助:  本文受国家自然科学基金地区资助项目“低碳旅游地的系统反馈、政策生成和动态评价研究”(71764027)的资助


[作者简介] 张 燕(1985— ),女,河南邓州人,信阳师范学院旅游学院助教,研究方向:低碳旅游。章杰宽(1981— ),男,江苏沭阳人,信阳师范学院旅游学院讲师,研究方向:可持续旅游、低碳旅游。



本文基于对Web of Science数据库的文献计量学分析,对旅游业能源消耗研究进行总结评述,并对我国的旅游业能源消耗研究进行展望。研究显示:在学科分布上,环境生态学占据了主导;在主题方面,旅游业能源消耗研究大体可分为能源和环境与旅游业发展的关系、旅游业能源消耗的构成与测度、旅游业发展中的节能以及旅游业发展中新能源的应用等4个方面;在未来研究方面,能源消耗降低的对策及其影响分析、能源消耗的比较分析和能源消耗与二氧化碳排放的关系分析需要引起重视。对于国内相关研究而言,除上述3个方面,能源消耗的计算、能源消耗对我国旅游业可持续发展的影响以及能源消耗与利益相关者群体素养之间的关系等问题也需要学者给予更多的关注。

关键词: 旅游业 ; 能源消耗 ; Web of Science数据库 ; 研究进展


Despite not being a typical energy-consuming sector, the tourism industry has attracted ever-increasing attention in recent years, due to its steadily increasing levels of energy consumption. This phenomenon has generated numerous studies of tourism-related energy consumption. Compared with the international academic community, the researches of Chinese tourism energy consumption have just stated. Taking this into account, this study carries a research review of international tourism related energy consumption through a bibliometric analysis based on Web of Science. For one thing, our results will bring domestic academia a more comprehensive understanding of the academic front in this field. For another, our results can have a certain reference value to guide any relevant, and subsequent studies. Particularly, The paper also makes prospects on the research of energy consumption in China’s tourism industry. Our results indicate that the most important subject involved with tourism related energy consumption is Environmental sciences ecology. Our results also clearly show that four aspects are mostly focused on, including the relationship between energy, environment and tourism development, reducing energy consumption in tourism industry, the composition and measurement of tourism related energy consumption, and the application of new energy in the development of tourism industry. Despite those significant findings, some improvements should also be addressed in future work, such as the countermeasures of energy consumption reduction and their impacts, the comparison of different energy consumption in different tourism sectors as well as the relationship between energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Regarding Chinese research on tourism related energy consumption, besides those aspects indicated above, the measurement of tourism related energy consumption, the impact of energy consumption on the sustainable development of China’s tourism, and the relationship between energy consumption and stakeholders’ literacy deserve more efforts.

Keywords: tourism ; energy consumption ; web of science ; research progress


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张燕, 章杰宽. 基于Web of Science 数据库的旅游业能源消耗研究综述及启示[J]. 旅游导刊, 2018, 2(2): 75-92 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.57

ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Jiekuan. Review of Tourism Energy Consumption Research:An Analysis based on Web of Science[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2018, 2(2): 75-92 https://doi.org/10.12054/lydk.bisu.57


二氧化碳(CO2)排放造成全球气候变迁已经成为国内外学术界的共识。为了减缓或者遏制气候变暖,学者们付出了诸多努力以探讨如何降低CO2排放量。在这些研究中,有一个基本共识就是大部分CO2是由于能源消耗所引起的(Soytas,Sari & Ewing,2007;Wiedmann,Lenzen & Turner,et al.,2007;Omer,2008),即降低CO2排放实质上就是要降低全球的能源消耗。因此,越来越多的研究者开始关注能源消耗的降低问题。作为全球经济的重要组成部分,旅游业也不例外。

在大多数旅游目的地,旅游业已经被认为是能源消耗较大的行业(Becken,Frampton & Simmons,2001)。早在21世纪初,Gössling(2002)就指出,2001年旅游业的能源消耗量约占全球总量的3.2%,并且将逐年增加。相应的,在由联合国环境规划署(UNEP)、世界气象组织(WMO)和世界旅游组织(UNWTO)共同组织召开的旅游发展与全球气候变迁大会上,全球旅游业都被号召有意识地、科学地降低能源消耗,从而助力全球气候问题的解决(UNWTO-UNEP-WMO,2008)。在此背景下,旅游业的能源消耗问题成为旅游业乃至气候变迁研究领域的重要热点,也催生了大量的研究成果。本文基于Web of Science(WOS)数据库,梳理旅游业能源消耗的研究现状,并对未来的研究方向作一展望。另外,考虑到我国旅游业发展的实际情况,本文对我国旅游业能源消耗的未来研究也提出了建议。


Web of Science数据库是全球具有较大权威性的引文索引数据库,由SCIE(科学引文索引)、SSCI(社会科学引文索引)和A & HCI(艺术与人文科学引文索引)3个子库组成,包含了全球较有影响力的英文研究文献。因此,本文以WOS数据库作为文献来源,文献数据的来源时间截至2016年12月10日。

本文以tourism(旅游)和energy consumption(能源消耗)作为主题检索词,在WOS数据库中进行检索,并且将文献类型界定为article(论文),共获得165 篇学术论文,其时间分布如图1所示。其中,最早的论文可追溯到1991年,Ito(1991)在其论文《Sludge incineration process of Kyoto City:The employment and heat balance of the step grate stoker furnace》中,提到了京都(日本)作为著名的国际旅游城市,在能源保护方面做出的一些努力。严格来说,该论文并非一篇典型的关于旅游业能源消耗的研究,其侧重点在于对京都这样古老的国际旅游城市,如何从技术和政策方面加大能源保护的探讨。此后,即便Becken、Frampton与Simmons(2001)和Gössling(2002)早已指出旅游业能源消耗的本质,关于旅游业能源消耗的研究都没有引起学者们足够的重视。直到2007年,旅游发展和全球气候变迁大会以后,关于旅游业能源消耗的研究论文数量增长才较为明显,且近5年来增长尤为迅速。

图1   旅游业能源消耗研究论文发表时间分布

Fig.1   Temporal distribution of tourism related energy consumption

表1反映的是旅游业能源消耗研究的不同学科方向分类。在学科方向上,旅游业能源消耗研究数量自高到低主要集中在environmental sciences ecology(环境生态学)、science technology other topics(科技其他主题)、social sciences other topics(社会科学其他主题)、energy fuels(能源燃料)、business economics(商业经济)、engineering(工程)、thermodynamics(热力学)、water resources(水资源)、physical geography(自然地理)和meteorology atmospheric sciences(气象与大气科学)等学科。其中环境生态学方面的论文所占比例最高,达到54.55%,凸显了旅游业能源消耗研究的环境科学特征。此外,旅游业能源消耗研究还涉及商业经济等社会科学方向,反映了全球旅游业能源消耗研究的跨学科属性,即既包含自然科学,又包含社会科学。

表1   WOS数据库中旅游业能源消耗研究论文涉及的前10名主要学科

Tab.1   Top 10 subjects involved with tourism energy consumption based on WOS

1environmental sciences ecology9054.55%
2science technology other topics3823.03%
3social sciences other topics3219.39%
4energy fuels3118.79%
5business economics2917.58%
7water resources84.85%
9physical geography63.64%
10meteorology atmospheric sciences53.03%



在学科方向分析的基础上,本文还统计了刊文最多的相关期刊(见表2)。排名前10的期刊共刊登了76篇文章。其中,Tourism Management刊文最多,达到13篇,这表明作为国际知名的旅游研究杂志,Tourism Management成为刊发旅游业能源消耗研究论文的首要阵地。此外,Journal of Sustainable Tourism也是刊发旅游业能源消耗研究论文的重要旅游研究杂志。除了旅游研究杂志外,能源方向的杂志也刊发了大量关于旅游业能源消耗研究的论文,如Energy PolicyRenewable EnergyEnergy。而生态学方向的Ecological EconomicsEcological Indicators也成为旅游业能源消耗研究论文刊发的重要阵地。Journal of Cleaner Production是一个关注清洁生产和可持续发展的综合性杂志,自创办以来,其影响力不断扩大,刊发了10篇关于旅游业能源消耗研究方向的论文。

表2   WOS数据库中旅游业能源消耗研究刊文最多的10种期刊

Tab.2   Top 10 journals publishing articles of tourism energy consumption based on WOS

1Tourism Management3.140137.88%
2Energy Policy3.045106.06%
2Journal of Cleaner Production4.959106.06%
4Journal of Sustainable Tourism2.48084.85%
4Renewable Energy3.40484.85%
7Environmental Science and Pollution Research2.76063.64%
8Ecological Economics3.22753.03%
10Ecological Indicators3.19042.42%


下文立足这76篇论文,对国际上旅游业能源消耗研究的相关主题进行分析。之所以只选择这76篇论文,是基于以下考虑:这些论文发表的期刊既有旅游研究领域的权威期刊如Tourism ManagementJournal of Sustainable Tourism,又包含能源研究领域的知名期刊,如EnergyEnergy Policy(皆为中国科学院SCIE期刊分区中的一区期刊),同时还包含在可持续发展研究中享有较高声誉的Journal of Cleaner Production等期刊,并且这些期刊的平均影响因子达到3.491。因此,这些论文可以总体上反映国际旅游业能源消耗研究的基本现状。



旅游业的快速发展导致其能源消耗不断增加(Kuo & Chen,2009;Aall,2011),学者们开始关注能源对旅游业发展的影响。普遍的观点认为旅游业发展较大程度上依赖能源的消耗,能源消耗促进了旅游经济的增长(Lee & Chang,2008;Lai,To & Lo,et al.,2011;Tang & Abosedra,2014)。能源消耗被认为是区域低碳旅游系统的重要组成部分(Xu,Yao & Mo,2011),在旅游可持续性评估中有着重要影响(Castellani & Sala,2012)。此外,能源价格通过影响能源消耗量进而对旅游地的经济系统也有着重要影响(Heidari,Katircioglu & Saeidpour,2013;Katircioglu,2013)。

由旅游业发展引起的能源消耗所导致的环境问题也是相关论文研究的关注点。有研究发现,旅游业是一个相对的石油密集型行业,应该重视对石油消耗的检测(Becken,2008)。因此,限制化石能源消耗是实现可持续旅游发展的先决条件。但同时,相关管理部门和业界也担心提高能源价格(例如征收生态税)会降低旅游业的经济红利(Gössling,Peeters & Ceron,et al.,2005)。即便如此,降低能源消耗仍是降低旅游业环境影响的重要措施(Fortuny,Soler & Cánovas,et al.,2008;Aall,2011)。在旅游业能源消耗的环境影响方面,还有部分学者探讨了旅游业发展中能源消耗与气候变迁、空气污染之间的复杂因果关系(Sajjad,Noreen & Zaman,2014;Ozturk,2015)。Michailidou、Vlachokostas和Moussiopoulos(2015)认为能源消耗是一个重要的旅游环境影响指标。此外,能源在度假宾馆和其他住宿设施的资源管理中也发挥了重要作用(Gössling,2015)。

在能源、环境与旅游经济的关系研究中,还有一个重要的理论应用,即环境库兹涅茨曲线(Environmental Kuznets Curve,EKC)模型。EKC的存在在诸多研究中得到了证实(de Vita,Katircioglu & Altinay,et al.,2015;Zaman,Shahbaz & Loganathan,et al.,2016)。旅游业的发展加大了对能源的需求,并且旅游经济增长与能源消耗之间存在着倒U型关系。在不同旅游目的地,EKC模型也表现出不同的特征。其中,中高收入国家的旅游业EKC要比其他国家更明显(Ozturk,Al-Mulali & Saboori,2016)。同时,研究也指出环境保护不应该以牺牲旅游经济增长为代价(de Vita,Katircioglu & Altinay,et al.,2015)。

作为传统的旅游核心要素,住宿业的能源消耗引起研究者较多关注。酒店是新西兰旅游业中最大的能源消耗主体,占比约67%,并且占整个商业能源消耗的4.4%,占整个国家的0.4%(Becken,Frampton & Simmons,2001)。其他研究也表明酒店和住宿设施占有相当大的旅游业能源消耗比例(Tsai,Lin & Hwang,et al.,2014)。针对此,有学者调查了酒店业员工在家庭和工作场所的能源节约行为,并认为这对于降低整个旅游业的能源消耗具有重要的促进作用(Wells,Taheri & Gregory-Smith,et al.,2016)。还有的学者比较了不同类型酒店的能源消耗状况,结果显示高星级酒店的能源消耗要远大于低星级酒店(Trung & Kumar,2005),并提出了降低酒店业能源强度、提升能源绩效等对策建议(Filimonau,Dickinson & Robbins,et al.,2011)。与住宿业或酒店业相比,交通运输业的能源消耗问题更加突出。交通占据了旅游活动中能源消耗的最大比例,其中航空部门尤其突出(Kuo & Chen,2009)。与上述研究不同,Penela和Villasante(2008)的研究则更为宏观,根据能源投入产出表评估了整个旅游地的能源生态足迹。

此外,还有研究者关注了旅游地不同类型能源的消耗情况,如旅游地的电力使用和发电问题(Kaldellis & Zafirakis,2007)、全球旅游业发展对化石燃料的需求(Gössling & Peeters,2015)等。研究还显示,在旅游地,旅游部门涉及的相关能源消耗要大于非旅游部门。与当地居民相比,游客在旅游过程中的能源消耗要更加突出(Patterson,Niccolucci & Bastianoni,2007;Kuo & Chen,2009),并且旅游业的建筑要比当地社区的其他建筑耗费更多的能源和自然资源(Feio & Guedes,2013)。Solís-Guzmán、Marrero和Ramírez-de-Arellano(2013)也考察了旅游业建筑建设中的能源消耗情况。另外,旅游业能源消耗的计算方法也引起了相关学者的重视。如Warnken、Bradley和Guilding(2004)总结了旅游住宿业的3种能源消耗核算方法——面积法、多元回归法和强制报告法,并通过对影响能源消耗的诸多因素的考察,认为强制报告法在核算住宿业能源消耗方面最为有效。Sun(2014)则设计了一种融合旅游卫星账户和环境投入产出模型的方法,计算中国台湾地区旅游业发展中的天然气和电力消耗状况。

在全球气候变迁的背景下,研究如何降低能源消耗显得十分必要和迫切。一些学者探讨了影响旅游业能源消耗的主要因素,这些因素包括技术(Becken & Simmons,2001;Nepal,2008;Dalton,Lockington&Baldock,2009;Irsag,Pukšec & Duić,2012;Pace,2016;Sun,2016),管理方式(Becken & Simmons,2001),能源结构(Becken & Simmons,2001;Nepal,2008),态度、住宿容量和成本(Nepal,2008),经济因素(Dalton,Lockington & Baldock,2009),制度和法律框架(Nepal,2008;Irsag,Pukšec & Duić,2012;Benromdhane,2015),旅游者数量(Becken & Simmons,2001;Kaya & Yalcintas,2010)等。技术手段适用性强、效率高,成为学者公认的降低旅游业能源消耗的重要方法。还有一些学者研究了不同旅游部门评价能源保护以及碳减排效果的指标,如酒店业(Beccali,La Gennusa & Coco,et al.,2009)和餐饮业(Hu,Horng & Teng,et al.,2013)。这些指标既可以看成是旅游业节能减排的影响因素,也可以看成是能源保护的评价或执行指标。

另有一些学者研究讨论了旅游部门进行能源保护的具体措施,包括对住宿业的能源消耗进行标杆管理(Warnken,Bradley & Guilding,2005),旅游地环境友好型交通工具的使用、能源效率的提升以及环境标识的应用(Sanyé-Mengual,Romanos & Molina,et al.,2014),游客行为的有效干预(Wells,Manika & Gregory-Smith,et al.,2015)等。在政策应用上,为改变航空运输业中规模扩张与当前全球生态系统低碳化趋势相背离的现状,急需相关政策实施来改变大众的飞行行为(Higham,Cohen & Cavaliere,et al.,2016)。相似的,Zhang、Wu和Un(2016)也指出有效的交通管理对中国澳门地区旅游业节能发展的重要性。在技术层面,学者们比较关注技术的具体应用来促进能源回收效率的提升,从而降低旅游地的能源消耗(El-Sadek & Mabrouk,1992;Karameldin,Lotfy & Mekhemar,2003;Bataineh,2006;Stover,2007;Sadhwani & Veza,2008)。部分学者还从一些独特视角来探讨旅游业的节能研究,如游客人均能源消费的收敛性(Mishra & Smyth,2014)、酒店水资源管理中的能源节约(Styles,Schoenberger & Galvez-Martos,2015)等。


技术、经济、法律和体制上的障碍被认为会对克罗地亚旅游业太阳能的应用产生不利影响(Hrastnik & Franković,2001)。有研究指出:风能和光伏能源的应用,将推动旅游业快速发展,如旅游地日本屋久岛可以接待当前4倍的旅游者数量(Uemura,Kai & Natori,et al.,2004);沼气、小水电和太阳能等作为替代能源,可以有效促进旅游经济的增长(Li,Tang & Xia,et al.,2005);如果旅游业的电力供应由风能、太阳能等可再生能源提供,将会很快实现行业节能减排的目标(Liu & Wu,2010)。除了常见的可再生能源(太阳能、风能、地热能)外,大力开发废物能源(如垃圾发电)也得到了学者们的关注。研究认为,运用绿色垃圾制造能源,对于减少旅游地的垃圾和增加能源供应都具有显著效果(Shi,Du & Yang,et al.,2013;Jebli,Youssef & Apergis,2015)。

由于酒店业本身的能源消耗密集型特征,以及酒店业能源供应系统的集中性现状,在酒店业建立可再生能源供应系统就显得非常重要且较为可行(Dalton,Lockington & Baldock,2008;Michailidou,Vlachokostas & Moussiopoulos,et al.,2016)。Fazelpour、Soltani和Rosen(2014)通过计算,认为具有电池存储功能的风力—柴油混合动力系统可以满足一个中等规模的酒店(拥有约125间客房)的电力需求,并且也是最有效的系统。而在其他住宿设施方面,同样的,引进新兴的可再生能源技术也有助于能源消耗的降低,进而一定意义上促进气候问题的解决(Coles,Dinan & Warren,2015)。

除上文4个比较集中的研究主题,还有其他丰富多样的关于旅游业能源消耗研究的视角,如关于能源消耗预测的研究(Lai,To & Lo,et al.,2008)和能源消耗认知的研究(Dawson,Stewart & Lemelin,et al.,2010;Liu,Upchurch & Curtis,et al.,2016)等。关于能源消耗与CO2排放关系的研究在近些年逐渐成为一个热点,代表性的有Filimonau、Dickinson和Robbins(2014),Cadarso、Gómez和López等(2015),Meng、Xu和Hu等(2016)以及Robaina-Alves、Moutinho和Costa等(2016)。此外,还有一些多元化的与旅游业相关的能源研究,如季节性旅游消费对能源供应的影响(Comodi,Cioccolanti & Gargiulo,2012)、高等教育发展对旅游地电力消耗以及石油消耗的影响(Katircioğlu,2014)、传统的旅游地化石燃料高消耗企业的增长对旅游地传统格局的影响(Ginard-Bosch & Ramos-Martín,2016)等。



本文认为:(1)当前在探究旅游业能源消耗降低的对策方面,除关注技术和法律因素外,还应对全球气候变迁中发挥重要作用的碳排放交易系统(Emission Trading Scheme,ETS)和碳税进行重点关注,这在诸多国家和地区已有大量相关研究。(2)基于旅游业的综合性特征考虑,未来的研究还应重点考虑综合性框架分析,从而对旅游业能源消耗降低的对策有更全面的认知。(3)各种对策对旅游业能源消耗降低的影响研究也很关键,因为具体的影响程度对于决策制定以及低碳旅游的科学管理更具指导意义。因此,未来研究还需要关注各种对策对旅游业能源消耗的影响,这些影响包括总体影响、时间维度的影响、部门维度的影响等。而在研究方法上,政策仿真工具——可计算一般均衡模型(Computable General Equilibrium,CGE)——的扩展和应用值得期待。





(2)能源消耗对中国旅游业可持续发展的影响分析。降低能源消耗进而降低CO2排放应对全球气候变暖趋势是实行低碳战略的重要构成部分,因此,必须对能源消耗与可持续旅游发展的关系有着更为清晰的认知。相关研究有必要衡量能源消耗管理在中国旅游业可持续发展系统中的地位,在未来研究中参考借鉴国际研究成果,如系统动力学或者微分动态系统模型(Xu,Yao & Mo,2011)等。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Aall C.

Energy use and leisure consumption in Norway: An analysis and reduction strategy

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,2011, 19(6): 729~745.

n 摘要

This article discusses the environmental impacts of leisure activities. Calculations are presented for the time-use, money expenditure and energy use involved in leisure services and goods consumed by Norwegians in 2001. The paper draws upon a two-year project financed by the Research Council of Norway. Leisure consumption represented around 23% of the total energy use within private and public consumption in Norway. The energy intensity of leisure consumption, measured in energy use per amount of expenditure, was 20% lower than that of everyday household consumption but 380% times higher than that of public consumption. Surveys show that around half of Norwegian leisure time is spent at home, with considerable use of electronic goods, but that the major energy users are holidays, outdoor recreation and second homes. Growing mobility in leisure patterns is a dominating problem. Leisure consumption is growing rapidly and energy-intensive forms of leisure consumption are growing fastest. A 10-point strategy for reducing the environmental impacts of leisure consumption is presented, including strategies for changing leisure production, changing patterns of leisure consumption, changing the volume of leisure consumption and utilising leisure as an educational arena.
[2] Bataineh K M.

Multi-effect desalination plant combined with thermal compressor driven by steam generated by solar energy

[J]. Desalination,2016(385): 39~52.


61Simulation model for MED- TVC desalination plant driven by solar energy is built.61The solar field along N- S provides 68% of the energy required to produce 40L/m2.61MED- TVC plants produce 35-45L/m2/day when solar radiation above 4.8kWh/m2/day.
[3] Beccali M, La Gennusa M, Coco L L, et al.

An empirical approach for ranking environmental and energy saving measures in the hotel sector

[J]. Renewable Energy,2009, 34(1): 82~90.


The energy demand of the hotel sector of an Italian region is here utilized for hierarchizing, by means of an empirical method, efficient measures devoted to energy saving and reduction of CO emissions.Due to the large number of consumers present in the selected territorial area and the lack in detailed data, the energy demand assessment is here carried out by the analysis of a sample of representative consumers.A short set of indexes, referring to energy and environmental performances, are defined and calculated for different clusters of hotels, grouped on the basis of site characteristics, opening periods, number of beds, and building age. Such indexes are utilized to establish lists of actions with assigned priorities stemming from energy, environmental and economics issues.Energy planners and decision makers can easily use this approach for defining, implementing and monitoring energy efficiency as well as sustainability policies in the tourist sector of a given geographical area, starting from a limited set of data. The method has been proposed by authors within the assessment of the Sicilian Energy Masterplan.
[4] Becken S.

Developing indicators for managing tourism in the face of peak oil

[J]. Tourism Management, 2008, 29(4): 695~705.


In its present form, tourism is dependent on the availability of oil and is comparatively oil-intensive. While forecasts for future tourism growth are optimistic, there is also increasing evidence about the imminence of a peak in oil production and the economic effects that this would cause. Globally and on a destination level it will be necessary to consider how a transition towards fossil-fuel free economies might look like for tourism.It is therefore timely and prudent for the tourism sector to consider its current oil requirements and derive indicators for monitoring its oil consumption. In particular, destinations need indicators of the amount of oil consumed by the various markets from which they receive visitors. New Zealand is used as an example for assessing the oil-intensity of its Top 10 countries of origin based on the 10 indicators. Overall, the least exposed markets for New Zealand with respect to oil are Australia, China, Singapore, and Taiwan, although a more detailed analysis would be required for markets that display very heterogeneous travel behaviour. Among the indicators, eco-efficiency is particularly important as it allows comparison of resource inputs with economic outputs.
[5] Becken S, Frampton C, Simmons D.

Energy consumption patterns in the accommodation sector:The New Zealand case

[J]. Ecological Economics,2001, 39(3): 371~386.


The concept of sustainability is more and more established as an integral component in modern economies. A major threat to sustainability is the escalating demand for energy resulting in the depletion of natural resources and a concomitant threat to the global climate from the emissions produced. Although tourism and its sub-sectors, such as transport, accommodation, and attractions, constitute an increasingly important part of many economies, their contribution to energy use is not well researched. Particularly, in popular tourist destinations, such as New Zealand, tourism could be a significant contributor to energy consumption. As every tourist relies on the provision of accommodation, this is considered a core sub-sector within tourism. Previous case studies have indicated that accommodation is an energy-intense sector, however, comprehensive research on energy use patterns is missing. This paper contributes to the understanding of energy use within the accommodation sector by analysing the New Zealand scenario. The main objectives are the exploration of differences in energy consumption between hotel, bed and breakfast, motel, backpacker, and campground accommodation categories, and the role of factors such as business size in this consumption. Based on this analysis benchmarks are established for each category for total annual energy use and energy intensities, such as energy use per visitor night. When aggregated the total energy use of the accommodation sector in New Zealand is also estimated. The results reveal that hotels are the largest (net and per capita) energy consumers in the accommodation sector, making up 67% of the total 1.74 PJ consumed in 1999 in the accommodation sector. This constitutes 4.4% of the commercial sector's energy use and 0.4% of the total energy use in New Zealand.
[6] Becken S, Simmons D G.

Understanding energy consumption patterns of tourist attractions and activities in New Zealand

[J]. Tourism Management,2001, 23(4): 343~354.


A major threat to the sustainability of tourism is the escalating demand for energy resulting in the depletion of natural resources and an associated threat to the global climate. It is argued that tourism, and particularly the recreational part of the product, may contribute considerably to a country's ‘energy bill’. This study analyses tourist attractions and activities in New Zealand with the purpose to understanding the energy use of different categories, sub-categories, and operator types. The results of a survey across a wide range of tourism businesses ( N=107) show that tourist attractions, such as museums (10 MJ/visit), or experience centres (29 MJ/visit) generally consume less energy than tourist activities, such as scenic flights (344 MJ/flight) or jet boating (255 MJ/ride), on a per capita basis. Various factors influence the total energy cost of a business and the consumption per tourist, particularly when motorised travel is used to overcome physical barriers. Such factors include visitor numbers, management style, technical equipment, and fuel mix. A detailed examination of the energy use pattern of an operator can often improve the energy efficiency.
[7] Benromdhane S A.

Energy efficiency through integrated environmental management

[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2015, 22(10): 7973~7979.


Integrated environmental management became an economic necessity after industrial development proved to be unsustainable without consideration of environmental direct and indirect impacts. Energy dependency and air pollution along with climate change grew into major challenges facing developed and developing countries alike. Thus, a new global market structure emerged and changed the way we do trade. The search intensified for alternatives to petroleum. However, scientists, policy makers, and environmental activists agreed to focus on strategic conservation and optimization of energy use. Environmental concerns will remain partially unaddressed with the current pace of consumption because greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise with economic growth. This paper discusses energy efficiency, steady integration of alternative sources, and increased use of best available technologies. Energy criteria developed for environmental labeling certification are presented. Our intention is to encourage manufacturers and service providers to supply consumers with less polluting and energy-consuming goods and services, inform consumers of the environmental and energy impacts, and thereby instill sustainable and responsible consumption. As several programs were initiated in developed countries, environmental labeling requirements created barriers to many exports manufactured in developing countries, affecting current world trade and putting more pressure on countries to meet those requirements. Defining an institutional and legal framework of environmental labeling is a key challenge in implementing such programs for critical economic sectors like tourism, textiles, and food production where energy needs are the most important aspect to control. A case study of Tunisia and its experience with eco-labeling is presented.
[8] Cadarso M Á, Gómez N, López L A, et al.

Quantifying Spanish tourism's carbon footprint: The contributions of residents and visitors:A longitudinal study

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,2015, 23(6): 922~946.


This paper develops and explains an input utput model to quantify the carbon footprint linked to residents' and visitors' tourist consumption in the Spanish economy between 1995 and 2007, thus offering a rare longitudinal review of a national carbon footprint. Two measures are calculated: a domestic one similar to the producer responsibility criterion and a total measure that includes imported intermediate and final goods, similar to the consumer responsibility measure. The important role of tourism in Spain explains why its domestic carbon footprint represented 10.6% of total CO2 emissions in 2007. Visiting tourists represented 47% of this figure, households 36%, business tourism represented 14% and public administration expenditures 3%. By industry, transport (26%) was positioned as the highest emitter in 2007, with hotels and restaurants the second (21%) (benefitting indirectly from energy and environmental efficiency improvements over the period). The Spanish reliance on imported oil products and the growing importance of foreign-based air services has caused the total carbon footprint of tourism to increase by more than 100%. Therefore, climate change mitigation plans must include imports, and action must take place through the whole global production chain and in the transport sector, particularly air transport. Future mitigation policies are discussed.
[9] Castellani V, Sala S.

Ecological footprint and life cycle assessment in the sustainability assessment of tourism activities

[J]. Ecological Indicators,2012(16): 135~147.


Within the recent debate about the needs for improving Ecological Footprint (EF) method, Kitzes and colleagues highlighted the necessity of standardised and detailed Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies to support the calculation of specific impacts accounted in EF. As EF has been identified as a useful method for the evaluation of sustainability of tourism activities, this article presents a comparative study about sustainability evaluation of tourism activities, including LCA of a holiday and a hotel structure. The methodology for a joint use of the two methods was expected to provide more robust and detailed sustainability assessment as LCA is more comprehensive in terms of coverage of impact categories but disregard the carrying capacity of the system/limit of resource assessed by EF. The methodology was applied to two case studies in Northern Italy. The case studies showed that there is a correlation between the results of the two assessments, due to the relevance of energy and fossil fuel consumption as main drivers of impact.
[10] Coles T, Dinan C, Warren N.

Climate change mitigation and the age of tourism accommodation buildings: A UK perspective

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,2015, 23(6): 900~921.


Recent research on climate change mitigation has emphasized decision-making within tourism businesses is vital for sustainable futures. However, there has been little consideration of how the age of buildings and (historic) property frames, modifies or constrains the sector's response to climate change. Through surveys of accommodation providers in South-West England, this paper explores relationships between property age, energy performance and pro-environmental innovations requiring adjustment to the fabric of buildings. Findings are presented from empirical research with small- and medium-sized tourism enterprises occupying properties often well over a century old. This paper's large-scale data-set and series of intensive case histories demonstrate that property age does not play a straightforward role in encouraging or hindering efforts among accommodation providers to tackle climate change. Some (but not all) businesses with the oldest buildings performed and responded strongest, successfully introducing the latest renewable energy technologies, although adapting older buildings was not without complications and cost implications. Conceptually, this research points to the limits of calls for greater pro-environmental behaviour change without clearer understanding of the contexts and settings in which such behaviour takes place. Its findings are important to heritage-based destinations worldwide: accommodation in heritage buildings can be a unique selling point.
[11] Comodi G, Cioccolanti L, Gargiulo M.

Municipal scale scenario: Analysis of an Italian seaside town with MarkAL-TIMES

[J]. Energy Policy,2012(41): 303~315.


78 The main sectors investigated are transportation, household, and public sector. 78 To account of touristic season holyday homes are modelled separately. 78 Energy efficiency and renewables can help to highly reduce local consumptions. 78 Micro-chp increases local consumption internalizing electricity self-production. 78 Provide an insight on the adequacy of the use of TIMES at municipal scale.
[12] Dalton G J, Lockington D A, Baldock T E.

Feasibility analysis of stand-alone renewable energy supply options for a large hotel

[J]. Renewable Energy,2008, 33(7): 1475~1490.


This paper provides a feasibility analysis of renewable energy supply (RES) for a stand-alone supply large-scale tourist operation (with over 100 beds). The analysis utilises the power load data from a hotel located in a subtropical coastal area of Queensland, Australia. The assessment criteria of the analysis are net present cost, renewable factor and payback time. Due to the limited number of RES case studies in tourist operations and the absence of studies for large resorts, requiring facilities with a higher degree of comfort such as air-conditioning, it is not possible to establish with confidence the viability of RES in this industry. The specific operational characteristics of the tourism accommodation sector, such as 24-h operation, comfort provision and low tolerance for failure necessitates a separate assessment of RES viability for this sector, rather than relying on similar assessments from other commercial sectors. This study uses RES assessment software tools, HOMER (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US) and HYBRIDS (Solaris Homes, Queensland, Australia), in order to compare diesel generator-only, RES-only and RES/diesel hybrid technologies. HOMER uses hourly load data, whilst HYBRIDS uses average daily energy demand for each month. The modelling results demonstrate that RES, in principle, has the potential to adequately and reliably meet power demand for a stand-alone large-scale tourist accommodation. Optimisation modelling demonstrates that 100% of power demand can be supplied by a RES-only configuration. A hybrid diesel/RES configuration provides the lowest NPC result with a resultant RF of 76%. In comparison to the diesel generator-only configuration, NPC is reduced by 50% and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 65%. The payback time of the hybrid RES scenario is 4.3 years. Results indicate that wind energy conversion systems (WECS), rather than photovoltaics, are the most economically viable RES for large-scale operations. Large-scale WECS (over 1000 kW) are more efficient and economical than multiple small-scale WECS (0.1 100 kW). Both modelling tools produced similar results, with HYBRIDS producing on average slightly higher NPC results than HOMER. The modelling and resulting data from the analysis indicate that RES is technically feasible and economically viable as a replacement for conventional thermal energy supply for large-scale tourist operations dependent on stand-alone power supplies.
[13] Dalton G J, Lockington D A,Baldock T E.

Case study feasibility analysis of renewable energy supply options for small to medium-sized tourist accommodations

[J]. Renewable Energy, 2009, 34(4):1134~1144.


This paper outlines a feasibility analysis of renewable energy supply (RES) for small to medium-scale tourist operations (less than 100 beds) dependent on stand-alone supplies. The analysis utilised the power load data from three accommodation case studies that had RES/hybrids already installed. The accommodation sites, chosen from diverse locations within Australia, varied in both climatic and geographic characteristics. The assessment criteria for the analysis were net present cost (NPC), renewable factor (RF) and payback time. The specific operational characteristics of the tourism accommodation sector, such as 24-h operation, comfort provision and low tolerance for failure, necessitates a separate assessment of RES viability for this sector, rather than relying on similar assessments from other commercial and domestic sectors, which may not be representative. This study utilised RES assessment software, HOMER (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US) in order to compare the present RES/hybrid configuration to diesel generator-only (genset-only), RES-only and optimised RES/hybrid configurations. Analysis of both actual data and modeling results demonstrated that RES can adequately and reliably meet the power demand for stand-alone small to medium-scale tourist accommodations. Optimisation, achieved by further addition of RES to the existing configurations, reduced NPC in the majority of cases, with the added benefit of increased RF. Furthermore, NPC for these optimised RES/hybrid configurations were comparable to the optimised genset-only configurations. Modeling of conversions to RES-only configurations demonstrated this option as uneconomical unless existing RF was already high. Results indicated that wind energy conversion systems (WECS), rather than photovoltaics, were the most economical RES for sampled hybrid systems. For example, the payback time of the WECS/hybrids was approximately 3 4 years compared to PV/hybrids at 6 7 years. Hydrogen fuel cells and storage systems, whilst technically feasible, were not economically viable for the case studies due to the present high cost of components, especially compared to gensets. Modeling future potential increase in diesel fuel prices and implementation of carbon taxes shows a significant increase in NPC for genset-only configurations compared to RES/hybrid configurations in the sample. Carbon taxes of $50/ton increases NPC by 10% for genset-only systems but increases NPC less than half that amount for RES/hybrid systems. The data and subsequent modeling demonstrate that RES is both technically feasible and economically viable compared to diesel energy supply, for the small to medium-scale tourist operations sampled, dependent on stand-alone power supplies.
[14] Dawson J,Stewart E J, Lemelin H, et al.

The carbon cost of polar bear viewing tourism in Churchill, Canada

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,2010, 18(3): 319~336.


This paper examines the paradoxical issues surrounding long-distance tourism to view polar bears, a form of tourism which is disproportionately (on a per capita basis) responsible for greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions that are negatively affecting survival chances of the species. It also notes that the phenomenon of ast chance tourism is influencing more tourists to visit the region. The paper describes and explains the evidence that climate change is causing a substantial reduction in sea ice, vital for Arctic wildlife species survival, particularly mega fauna, such as polar bears. Churchill, Canada is one of the few places where tourists can easily view polar bears. A total of 334 on-site tourist surveys and 18 in-depth interviews were conducted to help evaluate tourist perceptions of climate change and to estimate their GHG emissions related to polar bear viewing tourism. Polar bear viewing tourists perceive climate change to be negatively impacting polar bears but do not necessarily understand how they themselves contribute to GHG emissions, or understand offsetting possibilities. The polar bear viewing industry is estimated to contribute 20,892 t/CO2 per season. Mitigation strategies, including reduction and offsetting programs are outlined.
[15] de Vita G, Katircioglu S, Altinay L, et al.

Revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis in a tourism development context

[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(21): 16652~16663.


This study investigates empirically an extended version of the Environmental Kuznets Curve model that controls for tourism development. We find that international tourist arrivals into Turkey alongside income, squared income and energy consumption, cointegrate with CO 2 emissions. Tourist arrivals, growth, and energy consumption exert a positive and significant impact on CO 2 emissions in the long-run. Our results provide empirical support to EKC hypothesis showing that at exponential levels of growth, CO 2 emissions decline. The findings suggest that despite the environmental degradation stemming from tourism development, policies aimed at environmental protection should not be pursued at the expense of tourism-led growth.
[16] Dwyer L, Forsyth P, Spurr R, et al.

Economic impacts of a carbon tax on the Australian tourism industry

[J]. Journal of Travel Research,2013, 52(2): 143~155.


The article assesses the potential economic effects on the Australian tourism industry from the introduction of a carbon tax introduced July 1, 2012. The tax is projected to lead to changes in key macroeconomic variables, reducing growth in real GDP, real consumption, and employment. Most tourism industries in Australia will experience a small but significant contraction in output relative to p...
[17] El-Sadek S, Mabrouk B.

Tourism development and desalination systems: Comparative analysis of systems’ suitability for coastal areas of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt

[J]. Desalination,1992, 88(1~3): 161~177.


This paper will present an overview of available technology options relative to the needs and conditions of the areas under consideration, and detailed analyses of their suitability. Analysis of various factors peculiar to these areas have lead to the conclusion that thermal systems are viable to produce quantities up to 10,000 cubic meters of potable water per day. For smaller quantities of up to 500 cubic meters per day, the Reverse Osmosis system is the viable alternative. In all cases, environmental considerations must be strictly observed.
[18] Fazelpour F, Soltani N, Rosen M A.

Feasibility of satisfying electrical energy needs with hybrid systems for a medium-size hotel on Kish Island, Iran

[J]. Energy,2014(73): 856~865.


61The required energy for a hotel in Kish Island, Iran is determined.61HOMER software is used in the analyses for both technical and economic criteria.61Four feasible systems are classified and the most economic system is identified.61Annual greenhouse gas emissions are considered for all systems.
[19] Feio A, Guedes M C.

Architecture, tourism and sustainable development for the Douro region

[J]. Renewable Energy,2013(49): 72~76.


We claim that sustainable construction and architecture has vital role in achieving the tourism full potential for conservation and development of the Douro Region, with recognized capacity for tourism growth. Buildings that make possible tourism occupation, involve extra consumption of energy and natural resources, when compared to average levels of local communities. To make progress on this, we are gathering a representative set of tourism compounds that will be analyzed through criteria from evaluation methods of sustainable construction. We are gathering data related with the comfort experience of this buildings users, aiming to know the ratio between tourists demands of comfort and final consumption of resources. As result of this research, we intend to refine environmental certification criteria in this specific geographical context and building category and, if necessary, define corrective intervention strategies and guidelines. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[20] Filimonau V, Dickinson J, Robbins D, et al.

Reviewing the carbon footprint analysis of hotels: Life Cycle Energy Analysis (LCEA) as a holistic method for carbon impact appraisal of tourist accommodation

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2011, 19(17~18): 1917~1930.


This study discusses the potential for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to be utilized for the environmental assessment of tourism accommodation facilities, and their contribution to global carbon footprint. To demonstrate the viability of employing LCA in the hotel sector, its simplified derivative, Life Cycle Energy Analysis (LCEA), is applied to two tourism accommodation facilities in Poole, Dorset (UK) to quantify their CO 2 emissions. The results indicate that the reviewed hotels are less energy and carbon-intense than the tourism accommodation establishments reported in the literature. This may indirectly imply the continuous progress of hotel energy efficiency over time. The implications of the current energy use practices in the reviewed hotels are discussed and suggestions are made on how to further improve the energy performance and therefore cut the carbon footprint. Recommendations for hotel management and policy-making are developed to reduce the energy and carbon intensity of the hotel industry. A method for energy and carbon footprint analysis of outsourced laundries and breakfast services is also proposed.
[21] Filimonau V, Dickinson J, Robbins D.

The carbon impact of short-haul tourism: A case study of UK travel to Southern France using life cycle analysis

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2014(64): 628~638.


61We apply a life cycle analysis to estimate the GHG emissions from short-haul travel.61We find that transportation to the destination makes the main contribution.61Length of stay and transportation mode affect carbon footprint generation.61We find that the ‘indirect’ GHG emissions equate up to 30% of the total.
[22] Fortuny M, Soler R, Cánovas C, et al.

Technical approach for a sustainable tourism development:Case study in the Balearic Islands

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2008, 16(7): 860~869.


In this study, the possibility of transforming the current status of tourism in the Balearic Islands (a region in Spain which has been under an enormous environmental pressure from conventional and massive tourism) to a sustainable tourism model is explored. Firstly, a general methodology for the conversion from standard to sustainable tourism is presented. The methodology consists of an initial audit, the selection of objectives and solutions proposed, the application of the selected solutions, an economical evaluation and a review of the obtained results. This methodology is then applied to the conversion of a real case study (“Sa Cova”) and a complete evaluation of the transformation to sustainable tourism is presented, showing an important reduction in the environmental impacts associated with tourism development (especially in areas such as energy consumption, water and waste management). The results presented here can serve as an example for the application of sustainable tourism plans to other similar regions in Spain or other traditional tourist destinations with similar problems.
[23] Ginard-Bosch F J, Ramos-Martín J.

Energy metabolism of the Balearic Islands (1986—2012)

[J]. Ecological Economics,2016(124): 25~35.


Researchers from multiple disciplines point to the link between fossil fuel consumption and socio-ecological deterioration. Studying the energy metabolism of the Balearic Islands (1986 2012) gives insights on the ecological, economic and social consequences of regional specialization in mass tourism. The methodology applied, Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM), has been developed in the last decades to analyze societal metabolism from the perspective of complex systems. This study has allowed us to see that since the entry of Spain in the European Economic Community in 1986, the real-state/tourism business model has been reinforced giving place to a higher level of consumption of fossil fuels, an increase in work instability and a diminishing of labor productivity.
[24] Gössling S.

Global environmental consequences of tourism

[J]. Global Environmental Change, 2002, 12(4): 283~302.


In 2000, almost 700 million international tourist arrivals were counted worldwide. Even though a global activity of this scale can be assumed to have a substantial impact on the environment, its consequences have never been assessed and quantified. In this contribution, five major aspects of the leisure-related alteration of the environment are investigated: (1) the change of land cover and land use, (2) the use of energy and its associated impacts, (3) the exchange of biota over geographical barriers and the extinction of wild species, (4) the exchange and dispersion of diseases, and (5), a psychological consequence of travel, the changes in the perception and the understanding of the environment initiated by travel.
[25] Gössling S.

New performance indicators for water management in tourism

[J]. Tourism Management, 2015(46): 233~244.


61Develops and updates data on direct and indirect water use in tourism.61Provides first assessment of water embodied in foodstuffs consumed in hotels.61Identifies water use ‘lock-in’ as a significant problem for water management.61Calls for the development of a new set of indicators for water management.
[26] Gössling S, Peeters P.

Assessing tourism's global environmental impact 1900—2050

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2015, 23(5): 639~659.


This paper pioneers the assessment of tourism's total global resource use, including its fossil fuel consumption, associated CO2 emissions, fresh water, land, and food use. As tourism is a dynamic growth system, characterized by rapidly increasing tourist numbers, understanding its past, current, and future contributions to global resource use is a central requirement for sustainable tourism assessments. The paper introduces the concept of resource use intensities (RUIs), which represent tourism's resource needs per unit of consumption (e.g. energy per guest night). Based on estimates of RUIs, a first assessment of tourism's global resource use and emissions is provided for the period 1900 2050, utilizing the Peeters Global Tourism Transport Model. Results indicate that the current (2010) global tourism system may require c.16,700 PJ of energy, 138 km3 of fresh water, 62,000 km2 of land, and 39.4 Mt of food, also causing emissions of 1.12 Gt CO2. Despite efforts to implement more sustainable forms of tourism, analysis indicates that tourism's overall resource consumption may grow by between 92% (water) and 189% (land use) in the period 2010 2050. To maintain the global tourism system consequently requires rapidly growing resource inputs, while the system is simultaneously becoming increasingly vulnerable to disruptions in resource flows.
[27] Gössling S, Peeters P, Ceron J P, et al.

The eco-efficiency of tourism

[J]. Ecological Economics,2005, 54(4): 417~434.


The use of fossil energy is one of the major environmental problems associated with tourism and travel. Consequently, the need to limit fossil energy use has been highlighted as a precondition for achieving sustainable tourism development. However, tourism is also one of the most important sectors of the world economy, and fears have thus been expressed by the tourist industry and its organisations that increasing energy prices (for example, as a result of eco-taxes) could substantially decrease the economic welfare of countries and destinations. In this article, the interplay of environmental damage and economic gains is thus analysed within the context of tourism. Carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions are assessed in relation to the revenues generated, allowing for conclusions about the eco-efficiency of tourism.
[28] Heidari H, Katircioglu S T, Saeidpour L.

Natural gas consumption and economic growth: Are we ready to natural gas price liberalization in Iran?

[J]. Energy Policy,2013(63): 638~645.


61Iran has been considered as a major natural gas producer in the world.61This paper examines the relationship between gas consumption and growth in Iran.61Positive impact of gas consumption on growth has been obtained.61The paper finds that gas consumption and income reinforce each other in Iran.61Natural gas price has also negative and significant impact on natural gas consumption in Iran.
[29] Higham J, Cohen S A, Cavaliere C T, et al.

Climate change, tourist air travel and radical emissions reduction

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2016(111): 336~347.


Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksTourism has been critiqued as an environmentally destructive industry on account of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with tourist mobility. From a policy perspective, current and projected growth in aviation is fundamentally incompatible with radical emissions reduction and decarbonisation of the global energy system. Efforts to address the aviation-climate change olicy clash must be informed by an understanding of public sentiments towards climate change, air travel and carbon mitigation. This article examines how consumers across four western nations are responding to the environmental excesses of contemporary air travel consumption. It focuses on individual receptiveness to voluntarily measures aimed at changing flying behaviours, industry responses and degrees of government regulation. Its theoretical context harnesses lessons from public health to inform a discussion of bottom up (social marketing, nudge) and top down (government regulation) approaches to the urgent challenge of radical air travel emissions reduction. The findings of its comparative empirical analysis are presented, based upon 68 in-depth interviews conducted in Norway, the United Kingdom, Germany and Australia. We highlight contrasts in how consumers are beginning to internalise and process the environmental excesses of contemporary air travel consumption. Whereas voluntary measures, such as carbon off-setting, are viewed with widespread scepticism, divergence was found across the four study contexts in willingness to accept regulatory measures. Norwegians were far more willing to accommodate strong government intervention through taxation, whereas participants from the other three nations favoured softer strategies that are not perceived as restricting individual freedoms to travel. We conclude that voluntary approaches will be insufficient alone, and that behavioural change in public flying behaviour requires diverse policy measures. These must be informed by insights into the public's willingness to palate stronger mitigation interventions, which varies within and between societies.
[30] Hrastnik B, Franković B.

Solar energy demonstration zones in the Dalmatian region

[J]. Renewable Energy,2001, 24(3~4): 501~515.


The energy consumption in the Dalmatian region was estimated for residential and public sector, tourism, commercial sector and industry. The national energy program for the use of solar energy, SUNEN, assessed solar energy potential in Croatia. Energy from fossil fuels and electricity consumption in the region, which is mostly used in households for preparing hot water and space heating, could be economically substituted by renewable energy. The situation is most promising for the islands of the Adriatic, where solar thermal collectors, PV modules and wind generators could substitute conventional energy sources in satisfying the present thermal and electric demand. The Dalmatian Islands, characterised by a small density of energy consumption, are proposed as unique candidates in Europe for renewable zones, which could demonstrate the full potential of the renewable energy option. As a practical demonstration, the island of Lastovo and the planned tourist village and yacht marina in the Bay of Jurjeva Luka are proposed as a first solar demonstration project on the islands. Technical, economic, legal and institutional barriers, as well as shortages of financing the project identification process produced hereto an adverse environment for solar applications in Croatia. This paper is an initiative for eliminating the barriers and intensify the solar energy use in Croatia providing the clean environment and activation of indigenous energy resources in the region.
[31] Hu M L, Horng J S, Teng C C, et al.

A criteria model of restaurant energy conservation and carbon reduction in Taiwan

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,2013, 21(5): 765~779.


This study investigates the indicators of and creates a model for energy conservation and carbon reduction (ECCR) in restaurants, with the aim of promoting sustainable food tourism development in Taiwan. Based on research, food and drinks can account for up to 30% of total tourism expenditure. However, this topic receives little attention in terms of energy use and its effects on climate change. The current researchers adopt multi-dimensional, qualitative and quantitative research methods, including in-depth interviews and an analytic network process (ANP), to collect research data. In-depth interviews with 16 experts are conducted, whereby 35 ECCR criteria are obtained. The ANP results for the restaurant ECCR model reveal 30 ECCR criteria with relative weights in the following five dimensions: ECCR buildings (40.82%), waste (26.03%), sustainable food use (15.89%), energy consumption (10.05%) and water (7.21%). Management implications are discussed, emphasizing both operational changes and staff training and incentives. The new ANP results demonstrate an interdependent relationship among the criteria, which can enhance the accuracy of the results and provide a reference for the restaurant industry in making decisions toward achieving eco-friendly developments and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This study focuses predominantly on Asian cuisine; other cuisines require further research.
[32] Irsag B, Pukšec T, Duić N.

Long term energy demand projection and potential for energy savings of croatian tourism-catering trade sector

[J]. Energy,2012, 48(1): 398~405.


Today, tourism represents one of the backbones of Croatian economy and one of the main factors of its growth. Combined with catering trade sector, tourism represents a significant energy consumer that has the tendencies of future growth. Since services sector, which tourism–catering trade sector is a part of, is not yet well described regarding future energy balances it would be very interesting to see how could possible future growth in tourism influence energy consumption of the services sector in Croatia. Through this paper long term energy demand projections of tourism–catering trade sector were studied with special emphasis on future growth of tourism in Croatia as well as different mechanisms that might lead to certain energy savings. Bottom-up approach was chosen as the most suitable one since it allows better quantification of different measures, technological or legal, that would influence future energy demand. Downside of this approach is extensive input data that is required to analyse and model future energy demand which is roughly divided into heating/cooling section and all other consumption. Results show that additional energy savings in the tourism–catering trade sector are possible if careful and rational demand side planning is in place.
[33] Ito T.

Sludge incineration process of Kyoto City:The employment and heat balance of the step grate stoker furnace

[J]. Water Science & Technology,1991,23(10—12):1763~1772.


Kyoto City, an ancient city of international tourism, has been actively constructing its public sewerage system as one of the most important policies of the city. As of April, 1989, 79.6% of the urbanization promotion area of the city has been sewered. The fully completed sewerage system will be established in 1994, the 1200th anniversary of the founding of the city as the ancient Heian capital of Japan. However, the increase of the sewered ratio effects a steady increase in the influent volume of wastewater. Due to the inland location of the city, sludge produced in the wastewater treatment plants has been landfilled after incineration, but recently the securing of appropriate sites for landfill is difficult, and hence sludge treatment and disposal is an important issue for Kyoto City.In order to minimize the ultimate disposal volume, incineration of the entire volume of sludge has been undertaken in early days of sewerage operations. This report introduces the sludge incineration system and assesses the newly adopted step grate stoker furnace.At present, Kyoto City has 4 treatment plants in operation. The Toba Treatment Plant, which has the largest treatment capacity receives sludge cake trucked from the Fushimi Treatment Plant and excess sludge pumped through pipes from the Kisshoin Treatment Plant, and incinerates the whole amount of sludge cake generated in the plant. The sludge cake produced at the Ishida Treatment Plant is incinerated at an adjacent refuse sanitation plant together with the municipal refuse from the city. The characteristics of sludge treatment systems are given in this report.The step grate stoker furnace system was introduced to reduce the final disposal volume and to save energy. Through comparison with the multiple-hearth furnace system the actual results of operation were verified. The volume of generated ash was decreased by more than 50%, and energy consumption was reduced by 77%, resulting in an 18% reduction of operating expenses.
[34] Jebli M B, Youssef S B, Apergis N.

The dynamic interaction between combustible renewables and waste consumption and international tourism: The case of Tunisia

[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2015, 22(16): 12050~12061.


This paper employs the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds methodological approach to investigate the relationship between economic growth, combustible renewables and waste consumption,...
[35] Kaldellis J K, Zafirakis D.

Present situation and future prospects of electricity generation in Aegean Archipelago Islands

[J]. Energy Policy,2007, 35(9): 4623~4639.


The Aegean Archipelago is a remote Hellenic area, including several hundreds of scattered islands of various sizes. In these islands more than 600,000 people are living mainly in small remote communities. The main economical activities of the islanders are apart from tourism, seafaring, fishery, agriculture and stock farming. One of the major problems of the area is the insufficient infrastructure, strongly related with the absence of an integrated and cost-effective electrification plan. In this context, the present work is concentrated on analyzing the present situation and demonstrating the future prospects of electricity generation in the Aegean Archipelago islands. For this purpose, one should first investigate the time evolution of the corresponding electricity generation parameters (i.e. annual electricity consumption, peak power demand, capacity factor, specific fuel consumption) for the last 30 years. Subsequently, the corresponding diesel and heavy-oil consumption along with the electricity production cost for every specific autonomous power station of the area are investigated. Special attention is paid in order to estimate the contribution of renewable energy sources (RES) in the energy balance of each island. Finally, an attempt is made to describe in brief the most realistic electricity production solutions available, including the operation of hybrid RES-based power plants in collaboration with appropriate energy storage facilities. Additionally, the idea of connecting the islands of the area with the mainland and interconnecting them is also taken into consideration.
[36] Karameldin A, Lotfy A, Mekhemar S.

The Red Sea area wind-driven mechanical vapor compression desalination system

[J]. Desalination,2003, 153(1~3): 47~53.


Egypt confinement governorates suffer a big shortage in water resources. In a previous study, the problem has been resolved for North Sinai, South Sinai and Matrouh governorates. Meanwhile, the problem still stands for the Red Sea Governorate. In this region, the population is less than 0.2% of Egypt total population; while its area is more than 20% of Egypt's area, which makes investments difficult to exist. In addition, there is a chain of mountains expanding along the Red Sea shore making the piping works and fuel transportation expensive, especially because of the lack of railways. In addition, the National Electric Grid is also not connected. Fortunately, there are locations where high wind speed is steady all over the year allowing electricity generation by wind, with consequent water production. Among the seawater desalination techniques adapted for remote areas is the mechanical vapor compression desalination system (MVC). The main drawbacks for wind driven units is the variable wind speed. This problem is resolved through a proposed electrical and mechanical system, which is interconnected to the local electrical grid. In the present work the equation for determining the yearly electric power generated from a wind turbine as a function of the wind speed and turbine rotor diameter is obtained. An improved simple realistic working formula for determining the compressor specific work needed for the desalination system has been improved from a previous work by the author. In addition, a correlation for determing the wind driven MVC system water productivity at different design parameters has been deduced, enabling design curves to be obtained. The study has indicated that at the operating evaporator temperature and temperature difference recommended are 50 C and 3 C respectively. The average prevailing wind speed in these areas is 7 m/s, the system productivities are 203, 398, and 938 m 3/d, at wind turbine diameters 20, 28 and 43 m respectively. These productivities are adequate for communities around 510, 1000 and 2350 capita/unit respectively (for specific water consumption of 400 l/d per capita for domestic, tourism and/or small industries).
[37] Katircioglu S T.

Interactions between energy and imports in Singapore: Empirical evidence from conditional error correction models

[J]. Energy Policy, 2013(63): 514~520.


This study empirically tests for long-run equilibrium relationship and the direction of causality between imports and energy consumption in Singapore. The results of the present study reveal that a long-run equilibrium relationship exists between import growth and energy consumption growth in Singapore by using bivariate systems. Imports of Singapore converge to long-term equilibrium levels by 79.9 percent speed of adjustment through the channel of energy growth. Furthermore, the major finding of this study is that there are long- and short-term undirectional causalities that run from energy growth to import growth in Singapore, which denote that energy consumption in Singapore is a catalyst for importing. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[38] Katircioğlu S T.

Estimating higher education induced energy consumption: The case of Northern Cyprus

[J]. Energy,2014(66): 831~838.


61This study confirms long term equilibrium relationship between higher education and energy consumption in Northern Cyprus.61Energy consumption reacts to its long term path by 80.95% speed of adjustment through higher education.61Results finalize02that higher education in Northern Cyprus is catalyst for energy consumption in the economic long term.
[39] Kaya A, Yalcintas M.

Energy consumption trends in Hawaii

[J]. Energy,2010, 35(3): 1363~1367.


This study begins with a review of energy consumption by end-use sector in Hawaii. Then, the energy generated from renewable energy sources is analyzed between 1991 and 2006. The results show that while geothermal is a considerable source of renewable energy on the Island of Hawaii (also known as Big Island), fossil fuel is the main energy source in the State of Hawaii. The energy intensity index for the State of Hawaii is then calculated by dividing energy consumption per capita by the income per capita. The calculated energy intensity index reveals that energy consumption is directly controlled by per capita income. The results also indicate that the energy intensity index increases over time despite positive developments in energy efficient technologies. In the second part of the paper, the effect of the tourism industry on energy usage in the State of Hawaii is analyzed. The results show that tourism volume, measured in terms of tourist arrival numbers, does not change the energy consumption directly. However, a change in tourism volume does affect per capita income within a few months to a year. In the last part of the study, the energy efficiency index of Hawaii is compared with consumption averages for the US, California and the most energy efficient country in Europe, Denmark. The comparison shows that Hawaii lags behind California and Denmark in terms of energy efficiency. The comparison also shows that an increase in energy efficiency corresponds to an increase in per capita income across the board, which is in agreement with a recent report published by the American Physical Society.
[40] Kuo N W, Chen P H.

Quantifying energy use, carbon dioxide emission, and other environmental loads from island tourism based on a life cycle assessment approach

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2009,17(15): 1324~1330.


Tourism is an economic activity that results in a wide range of environmental impacts. The contribution of tourism to human-induced climate change is an increasingly important issue. However, the energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from tourism products have never been thoroughly discussed. This study uses life cycle assessment (LCA) to explore energy use and CO2 emissions of island tourism and then compare the environmental loads of different tourism subsectors.This study uses three Taiwanese islands (Penghu, Kinmen, and Green islands) as examples to examine the LCA approach, and it calculates and compares the energy usage and CO2 emissions of the transportation, accommodation, and recreation activity sectors. Results show that each tourist consumes 502, 447, and 118 MJ of energy per day on Penghu, Kinmen, and Green islands, respectively. Each tourist also generates 34.0, 27.9, and 7.1 kg of CO2 emissions on Penghu, Kinmen, and Green islands, respectively. Each Penghu tourist per day consumes 4.25 times as much energy as each Green tourist, and each Penghu tourist generates 4.7 times the CO2 emissions as each Green tourist. In summary, the transportation sector generates the largest energy (49–67%) and the largest proportion of CO2 emissions (58–72.4%); the airplane sector is the primary contributor. Finally, this study discuses the advantages and limitations of the LCA approach. 08 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 2011
[41] Lai T M, To W M, Lo W C, et al.

Modeling of electricity consumption in the Asian gaming and tourism center—Macao SAR, People's Republic of China

[J]. Energy,2008, 33(5): 679~688.


The use of electricity is indispensable to modern life. As Macao Special Administrative Region becomes a gaming and tourism center in Asia, modeling the consumption of electricity is critical to Macao's economic development. The purposes of this paper are to conduct an extensive literature review on modeling of electricity consumption, and to identify key climatic, demographic, economic and/or industrial factors that may affect the electricity consumption of a country/city. It was identified that the five factors, namely temperature, population, the number of tourists, hotel room occupancy and days per month, could be used to characterize Macao's monthly electricity consumption. Three selected approaches including multiple regression, artificial neural network (ANN) and wavelet ANN were used to derive mathematical models of the electricity consumption. The accuracy of these models was assessed by using the mean squared error (), the mean squared percentage error () and the mean absolute percentage error (). The error analysis shows that wavelet ANN has a very promising forecasting capability and can reveal the periodicity of electricity consumption.
[42] Lai T M, To W M, Lo W C, et al.

The causal relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth ina gaming and tourism center: The case of Macao SAR, the People’s Republic of China

[J]. Energy,2011, 36(2): 1134~1142.


A number of Asian cities decided to establish gaming and resort facilities in order to capitalize on the growing number of gamblers and their family members in Asia. In doing so, they expect to sustain economic growth but, on the other hand, will consume a considerable amount of energy. Nevertheless, the causal relationship between economic growth and electricity consumption in this type of service-oriented territories has never been investigated. Using the historical data obtained from the Government of Macao SAR, we found that electricity consumption and economic growth in terms of gross domestic product are co-integrated for the period of 1999 Quarter 1 2008 Quarter 4. Moreover, vector error correction ( VEC) models indicated a lack of short-run relationships but showed that there was a long-run equilibrium relationship between electricity consumption and gross domestic product. The accuracy of VEC models was assessed by using the mean squared error and the mean absolute error. The error analysis shows that VEC models reproduced time series of gross domestic product and electricity consumption in difference form accurately.
[43] Lee C C, Chang C P.

Tourism development and economic growth: A closer look at panels

[J]. Tourism Management,2008, 29(1): 180~192.


This paper applies the new heterogeneous panel cointegration technique to re-investigate the long-run comovements and causal relationships between tourism development and economic growth for OECD and nonOECD countries (including those in Asia, Latin America and Sub-Sahara Africa) for the 1990 2002 period. On the global scale, after allowing for the heterogeneous country effect, a cointegrated relationship between GDP and tourism development is substantiated. It is also determined that tourism development has a greater impact on GDP in nonOECD countries than in OECD countries, and when the variable is tourism receipts, the greatest impact is in Sub-Sahara African countries. Additionally, the real effective exchange rate has significant effects on economic growth. Finally, in the long run, the panel causality test shows unidirectional causality relationships from tourism development to economic growth in OECD countries, bidirectional relationships in nonOECD countries, but only weak relationships in Asia. Our empirical findings have major policy implications.
[44] Li Z M, Tang R S, Xia C F, et al.

Towards green rural energy in Yunnan, China

[J]. Renewable Energy,2005, 30(2): 99~108.


Yunnan is one of the less developed provinces in China, but has abundant energy resources, and is an ideal destination for tourists around the world due to its perfect climate and unique sightseeing resorts. However, energy consumption in rural households relies mainly on straw (12.15%), firewood (41%), and coal (38.5%). This pattern of energy consumption has been imposing pressure on the environment, water resources and soil in recent years with the rapid growth of Yunnan economy. This paper reports the achievements in Yunnan rural energy development in the past two decades. Issues of the greatest concern and interest, which are unfavorable for further development of rural energy, have been identified, and a new proposal of developing green rural energy in Yunnan is suggested based on its economy and resource conditions. The proposal addresses the development of biogas, small hydropower and solar energy, which are abundant in Yunnan. It is estimated that the new program will annually bring direct benefits of about 5 billion yuan to farmers by 2010, and the indirect benefits, such as those from tourism due to the improvement of the environment resulting from the use of green rural energy, will be enormous. It is believed that the program will speed up rural economic growth through the integrated utilization of rural energy.
[45] Liu D Q, Upchurch R S, Curtis C, et al.

Chinese domestic tourist perceptions of wind farms experiences

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,2016,24(11): 1569~1583.


Abstract Wind farm complexes have grown in popularity as a form of energy tourism, but to date there is a paucity of research that addresses tourist perceptions of wind farms as a form of special interest tourism (i.e. energy tourism). The scope of this study concentrated on determining and statistically profiling domestic tourists’ perceptions of wind farm complexes for energy tourism purposes. As such, this study applies grounded theory as a means of interpreting domestic tourist perceptions of their lived wind farm experiences. By means of a qualitative research design, the researchers discovered that domestic Chinese tourists found their wind farm experiences were typified by interests in sustainability energy, exposure to differing local cultures, the science surrounding wind turbine technology and personal enrichment associated with the sharing of wind farm experiences with family and friends. The primary implication of this study calls for the deployment of collaborative interagency policies which promote wind farming as part of the government's overall sustainable energy platform while also supporting energy tourism as a means of personal enrichment and a form of economic development.中国国内游客对风力农场体验的感知 风力农场已是一种受欢迎的能源旅游形式,但至今仍缺少论述游客将其作为特殊兴趣旅游,即能源旅游形式感知的研究。本文关注判断和统计侧写中国国内游客的感知,据此以扎根理论解释,用定量研究找出典型体验:对可持续能源的兴趣,接触不同的当地文化,风力发动机相关科技和与家人朋友分享体验的充实感;建议部署协作的跨部门策略,促进风力农场成为政府整体可持续能源平台的一部分,同时支持能源旅游作为充实个人及发展经济的手段。
[46] Liu H Y, Wu S D.

An assessment on the planning and construction of an island renewable energy system: A case study of Kinmen Island

[J]. Renewable Energy,2010, 35(12): 2723~2731.


During the last 50 years, Kinmen's economy has gone from military-based to increasingly tourism-based, Kinmen has been putting various constructions into action, and hence, the demand for electricity supply is getting higher relatively while the province is pushing various constructions. Nowadays, Kinmen County Government has made directions for future developments already and kept on promoting the sustainable development of Kinmen Island in order to make it a suitable place for living. According to the development blueprint, the future resident population will increase to around 150 200 thousand people so the relative electricity consumption in Kinmen Island will cause serious problems for Taipower in addition to large scale environmental pollution. The present study researches on both the limitation and independence of this particular island and presumes the electricity power supply will be provided through renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, wind energy, and tidal power generation and so on, whereby it will achieve the target of energy saving and carbon reduction successfully soon. Upon the construction process of the renewable energy sources, this study will simultaneously assess the eco-environment and social conditions on the island to evaluate the feasibility of existing renewable energy technologies which are more mature and determine the optimum renewable energy system that shall be constructed in the Kinmen region in the near future, in order to replace traditional energy sources. Meanwhile, it will assist the related energy industries to create an ultra-clean environment in Kinmen with self-developing power and enhance international competition forces so as to establish a positive international image of environmental protection by achieving a habitat with energy self-sufficiency, and ultimately the empirical model can be duplicated and promoted to other islands.
[47] Meng W Q, Xu L Y, Hu B B, et al.

Quantifying direct and indirect carbon dioxide emissions of the Chinese tourism industry

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2016(126): 586~594.


61A top-down framework is provided to measure the national tourism dioxide emissions.61An approach is applied to China at a national level, and CO2emission values were calculated.61Carbon emission02of tourism is 208.402Mt in 2010, accounting for 2.447% of the total.
[48] Michailidou A V, Vlachokostas C, Moussiopoulos N.

A methodology to assess the overall environmental pressure attributed to tourism areas: A combined approach for typical all-sized hotels in Chalkidiki, Greece

[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2015(50): 108~119.


The present study aims to promote a methodological scheme to combine the main environmental pressures that can be attributed to tourism activity in order to characterize environmental sustainability for a defined area of concentrated tourism (DACT). The methodological framework is demonstrated in the prevalent tourism destination of Northern Greece, Chalkidiki. The approach puts forward the tourism environmental composite indicator (TECI) which is analytically defined, mathematically formulated and finally implemented for the case under study. TECI provides the basis for a comparative analysis for typical all-sized hotel categories in terms of their combined environmental pressure. Apart from energy and water consumption and waste generation, the presented scheme establishes links with life cycle assessment (LCA) in order to include estimations of carbon footprint (CO2-eq) for hotels accommodation and transport, embedded in the TECI concept. A questionnaire for hoteliers was designed for the above purposes, and was used as input, among other data, to the overall methodological approach. The hotel managers gave their feedback via a face-to-face interview. Different normalized key performance indicators, i.e., pressure per m2, pressure per room, pressure per guest night are combined in one single composite indicator. The relative significance of each environmental pressure considered is realized by embedding weighting factors in the TECI mathematical formulation. To demonstrate the methodology TECI provides a comparative analysis for typical all-sized hotel categories in Chalkidiki and concludes with characterizing the level of the environmental sustainability as very poor. The results provide a rich insight into the trade-offs/synergies between the main environmental pressures that can be attributed to tourism activity. The work presented adds up to the low number of respective implementations found in the literature, especially by combining the theoretical background of environmental indicators with LCA. Last but not least, the identification of environmental degradation ot spots is realized in order to provide insights for sustainable tourism practices to stakeholders of the tourism industry and highlight insights for strategic governance and policy modeling for the area under consideration.
[49] Michailidou A V, Vlachokostas C, Moussiopoulos N, et al.

Life cycle thinking used for assessing the environmental impacts of tourism activity for a Greek tourism destination

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2016(111):499~510.


61Holistic framework to identify “hot spots” and assess impacts of tourism activity.61Decision support for strategic planning in areas of concentrated tourism activities.61HVAC systems are the most energy intensive agents in hotel's operational phase.61Renewable Energy Sources and eco-friendly means of transport should be put forward.61LCA integration with other environmental impact assessment tools is highlighted.
[50] Miller D, Merrilees B, Coghlan A.

Sustainable urban tourism: Understanding and developing visitor pro-environmental behaviours

[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,2014, 23(1): 26~46.


This paper shifts the debate on sustainable tourism destinations from an emphasis on ecotourism and eco-resorts towards sustainable urban tourism destinations. A quantitative online survey of visitors to Melbourne, Australia, examined tourists pro-environmental behaviours in four major categories: recycling; green transport use; sustainable energy/material use (lighting/water usage), and green food consumption. It explores five major antecedents to those categories: habitual behaviour, environmental attitudes, facilities available, a need to take a break from environmental duties, and sense of tourist social responsibility. The paper also examines the poorly understood belief that pro-environmental behaviour weakens when residents become tourists. Existing habits were found to strongly influence all four urban pro-environmental behaviours. Available facilities are the second most important antecedent. Overall, urban tourist pro-environment behaviour drivers differ markedly from those of residents or ecotourists. A range of tourism industry and public sector agency policy recommendations are made, in terms of developing specific, well sited and easy to find/use environmental infrastructure assets such as recycling facilities and public transport, reducing implementation barriers and in formulating an overall pro-environmental image for the destination. The study envisages a new concept, tourist social responsibility, with high relevance to furthering tourism's sustainability.
[51] Mishra V, Smyth R.

Convergence in energy consumption per capita among ASEAN countries

[J]. Energy Policy,2014(73): 180~185.


61We test for convergence in energy consumption per capita among the ASEAN nations.61Univariate conventional unit root tests provide mixed evidence of convergence.61Panel unit root tests with structural breaks support convergence hypothesis.
[52] Nepal S K.

Tourism-induced rural energy consumption in the Annapurna region of Nepal

[J]. Tourism Management,2008, 29(1): 89~100.


Analysis of energy dependency on fossil fuels in rural destinations is an important aspect of the discourse on sustainable tourism and the global climate. This paper analyzes energy consumption patterns in tourist lodges in Nepal's Annapurna region. Data on energy sources and energy-saving technologies were collected from 489 tourist lodges located along three major trekking routes. Results indicate that primary energy sources include wood and kerosene, but the use of renewable energy and locally developed energy-saving technologies is increasing. Energy consumption patterns are influenced by altitude, accommodation capacity, energy cost, diversity of energy sources, access to energy-saving technologies, and institutional rules and regulations.
[53] Omer A M.

Energy, environment and sustainable development

[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2008, 12(9): 2265~2300.

[54] Ozturk I.

Measuring the impact of energy consumption and air quality indicators on climate change: Evidence from the panel of UNFCC classified countries

[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(20): 15459~15468.


This study examines the relationship between energy consumption, air pollution, and climate change in the panel of six economically diversified countries classified by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) as industrialized countries and economies in transition nations by using the panel econometric techniques for the period of 1990-2012. The results of pooled least square regression show that both the energy consumption and air quality indicators have a positive and significant relationship with the climate change, i.e., 102% increase in energy consumption increases greenhouse gas emissions by 0.12402%, carbon dioxide emissions increase by 0.65202%, methane emissions increase by 0.12302%, and nitrous oxide emissions increase greenhouse gas emissions by 0.10502% age points. The results of fixed-effect regression and random-effect regression confirmed the deteriorating impact of air quality indicators on climate change; however, the results failed to show any significant association between energy consumption and climate change when absorbing country-specific shocks and time-variant shocks during the study time period.
[55] Ozturk I, Al-Mulali U, Saboori B.

Investigating the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis: The role of tourism and ecological footprint

[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2016, 23(2): 1916~1928.


The main objective of this study is to examine the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis by utilizing the ecological footprint as an environment indicator and GDP from tourism as the economic indicator. To achieve this goal, an environmental degradation model is established during the period of 1988-2008 for 144 countries. The results from the time series generalized method of moments (GMM) and the system panel GMM revealed that the number of countries that have a negative relationship between the ecological footprint and its determinants (GDP growth from tourism, energy consumption, trade openness, and urbanization) is more existent in the upper middle- and high-income countries. Moreover, the EKC hypothesis is more present in the upper middle- and high-income countries than the other income countries. From the outcome of this research, a number of policy recommendations were provided for the investigated countries.
[56] Pace L A.

How do tourism firms innovate for sustainable energy consumption? A capabilities perspective on the adoption of energy efficiency in tourism accommodation establishments

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2016(111): 409~420.


61Internal capabilities for energy efficiency adoption in tourism firms are explored.61The role of engineering firms in influencing innovation adoption is also examined.61Patterns of adoption are linked to different combinations of capabilities.61Firms with particular capabilities better exploit external knowledge for innovation.61Policy needs to support tourism firms in building capabilities for energy management.
[57] Patterson T M, Niccolucci V, Bastianoni S.

Beyond “more is better”: Ecological footprint accounting for tourism and consumption in Val di Merse, Italy

[J]. Ecological Economics,2007, 62(3~4): 747~756.


Habits of conservation, consumption and recycling are important determinants of economic throughput. Provincial governments interested in tourism's role in a diverse, steady-state economy may wish to orient tourism development around the tourist segments with less intensive consumption habits. We estimate consumption of energy and materials by tourists vacationing in Val di Merse, a rural region of Tuscany, Italy. We compare tourists and their host population by means of a consumption based indicator, the Ecological Footprint. Conclusions for planning and management are explored. While the average tourist is often thought to consume more on vacation than at home, and often more than local residents, our estimate of the tourist footprint as an equivalent resident (5.28 gha) is similar to that estimated for residents (5.47 gha), excluding arrival transport. In total, the tourist population (685 equivalent residents) in Val di Merse contributes an ecological footprint of 13,500 gha annually, compared to 74,500 gha due to local residents (pop. 13,624). Both levels are lower than the average 6.74 EF estimated for the tourist countries of origin. Arrival transport contributes an additional 32.8 gha per tourist equivalent resident, and accounts for 86% of the total tourism impact. Infrastructure, information provided, and traditional knowledge are discussed as possible ways Provincial governments can maintain or grow tourism flows while maintaining low ecological footprint, and while raising economic turnover relative to material and energy throughput.
[58] Penela A C, Villasante C S.

Applying physical input-output tables of energy to estimate the energy ecological footprint (EEF) of Galicia (NW Spain)

[J]. Energy Policy,2008, 36(3): 1148~1163.


Nowadays, the achievement of sustainable development constitutes an important constraint in the design of energy policies, being necessary the development of reliable indicators to obtain helpful information about the use of energy resources. The ecological footprint (EF) provides a referential framework for the analysis of human demand for bioproductivity, including energy issues. In this article, the theoretical bases of the footprint analysis are described by applying input utput tables of energy to estimate the Galician energy ecological footprint (EEF). It is concluded that the location of highly polluting industries in Galicia makes the Galician EEF quite higher than more developed regions of Spain. The relevance of the outer component of the Galician EEF is also studied. First, available information seems to indicate that the energy incorporated to the trading of manufactured goods would notably increase the Galician consumption of energy. On the other hand, the inclusion of electricity trade in the EEF analysis, including an adjustment, following the same philosophy as with manufactured goods is proposed. This adjustment would substantially reduce the Galician EEF, as the exported electricity widely exceeds the imported one.
[59] Robaina-Alves M, Moutinho V, Costa R.

Change in energy-related CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions in Portuguese tourism: A decomposition analysis from 2000 to 2008

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2016(111): 520~528.


Tourism is an activity with great potential in Portugal. At a time of economic crisis, tourism is seen as an opportunity to boost the economy and provide sustainable economic growth. This strategic path based on Tourism has to be accomplished in order to make better use of the economic advantages, but at the same time respecting the environment and environmental goals to which Portugal is committed. So it becomes important to analyze what effects contribute more to emissions in this sector, as well as which tourism subsectors are more responsible for the increase of emissions. The objective of this work is to identify the effects in which CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions in tourism can be broken down and analyzed, as well as their evolution and which of them has more importance in determining emissions. For that, in this study a decomposition technique based on Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index was used in the 2000 2008 period, for five tourism subsectors in Portugal. In general, Tourism activity is the most important effect. Energy mix, Carbon intensity and Energy intensity effects also proved important.
[60] Sadhwani J J, Veza J M.

Desalination and energy consumption in Canary Islands

[J]. Desalination,2008, 221(1~3): 143~150.


The Canary Islands represent an almost perfect model of reference in the field of the water desalination. Starting from the 1960s, many desalination plants have been built to provide fresh water from non-conventional sources; making it necessary to search from other sources of supply, like seawater or brackish groundwater. Desalination in the Canary Islands has contributed to the progress and development of the islands, considering that its main economic activity is the tourism. In addition, water desalination has improved the population life quality, allowing a safe and continuous supply of water for domestic and agricultural consumption. Nevertheless, the desalination systems show a high power demand with a strong dependency on the non-renewable energies, basically of oil products. The desalination technologies that require electricity have gradually reduced their energy consumption, lowering the water supply bill. The reduction has been made possible thanks to the development and consolidation of efficient methods or through improvements in the equipment of desalination itself. In the present paper, we analyse with a retrospective vision the evolution experienced by the consumption of energy in the existing desalination plants in the Canary Islands, as well as the outlook in the long term. We will try to answer questions that we are considering nowadays, as it is for example whether the industry has arrived at the bottom line in energy consumption, what is the optimal size of a plant and its energy consumption of energy, etc. In our discussion we will consider the conditions of design and operation, as well as the different technological changes that have occurred during the life time of the installations. This exposition will allow us to learn in depth the existing deviations in the energy consumption and therefore, to include or understand the solutions adopted. The final objective is to contribute by explaining the state-of-the-art on the existing relationship between the energy consumption and the water desalination, by means of the knowledge of the improvements and decisions taken at each moment in a part of the world, where the water desalination accumulates more than forty years of experience.
[61] Sajjad F, Noreen U, Zaman K.

Climate change and air pollution jointly creating nightmare for tourism industry

[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2014, 21(21): 12403~12418.


The objective of the study is to examine the long-run and causal relationship between climate change (i.e., greenhouse gas emissions, hydrofluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride), air pollution (i.e., methane emissions, nitrous oxide emissions, and carbon dioxide emissions), and tourism development indicators (i.e., international tourism receipts, international tourism expenditures, natural resource depletion, and net forest depletion) in the World’s largest regions. The aggregate data is used for robust analysis in the South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and East Asia and the Pacific regions, over a period of 1975–2012. The results show that climatic factors and air pollution have a negative impact on tourism indicators in the form of deforestation and natural resource depletion. The impact is evident, as we have seen the systematic eroding of tourism industry, due to severe changes in climate and increasing strain of air pollution. There are several channels of cause–effect relationship between the climatic factors, air pollution, and tourism indicators in the World’s region. The study confirms the unidirectional, bidirectional, and causality independent relationship between climatic factors, air pollution, and tourism indicators in the World. It is conclusive that tourism industry is facing all time bigger challenges of reduce investment, less resources, and minor importance from the government agencies because of the two broad challenges, i.e., climate change and air pollution, putting them in a dismal state.
[62] Sanyé-Mengual E, Romanos H, Molina C, et al.

Environmental and self-sufficiency assessment of the energy metabolism of tourist hubs on Mediterranean Islands: The case of Menorca (Spain)

[J]. Energy Policy,2014(65): 377~387.


61We modeled the entire energy metabolism of tourist hubs in islands.61Results showed that a tourist in Menorca consumes from 4000 to 6000MJ per trip.61External mobility (trip to the island) accounts for 77% of the total CO2 emissions.61Photovoltaic systems could provide enough power to achieve self-sufficiency.61Tourists at hotel hubs have higher energy consumption than other types of hubs.
[63] Shi Y, Du Y Y, Yang G F, et al.

The use of green waste from tourist attractions for renewable energy production: The potential and policy implications

[J]. Energy Policy,2013(62): 410~418.


Quantifying potential renewable energy sources from tourist attractions is a pivotal initial step in developing energy policies and strategies for low-carbon tourist industry development. Although solar energy and wind power have been in use for providing power for tourist attractions, the value of using waste biomass for energy production is still poorly understood. Here we advocate a promising approach that produces energy from green waste created by tourism attractions currently existing in large numbers and is still increasing dramatically. Using the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) of China as an example, we evaluated the potential of utilizing green waste to produce energy from 385 tourist attractions in 16 cities of this region. Our results showed that the total potential energy production using the green waste biomass was estimated at 6740 TJ/yr (1 TJ = 10(12) J) with an average of 137 GJ/ha/yr (1 GJ = 10(9) J), accounting for 6% (the average of the Yangtze River Delta, some scenic areas up to 93%) of YRD's tourism industry's energy consumption in 2008. The use of green waste for energy production is possible using current technology and could result in a win-win approach by reducing waste and increasing the renewable energy yields. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[64] Solís-Guzmán J, Marrero M, Ramírez-de-Arellano A.

Methodology for determining the ecological footprint of the construction of residential buildings in Andalusia (Spain)

[J]. Ecological Indicators,2013(25): 239~249.


Construction activity is now a major consumer of natural resources. As a general rule, resource consumption has been evaluated through methodologies related to Life Cycle Analysis. This research is proposed to integrate the Ecological Footprint indicator into the building sector: to observe the difficulties and the benefits it can generate relative to other indicators. To this end, prior knowledge related to the Ecological Footprint indicator must first be adapted to the residential sector, by analyzing the construction of buildings, and secondly a calculation methodology is established in order to quantitatively determine what impacts are generated by industry according to the Ecological Footprint indicator. This methodology applies the indicator to resources used (energy, water, labour, construction materials, etc.) and to waste generated in the construction of residential buildings.The methodology is applied to a case study corresponding to the urbanization and building construction of a representative building type in Andalusia (Spain) when the building is in the planning stage. The final result is 0.384 gha/year/m(2). (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[65] Soytas U, Sari R, Ewing B T.

Energy consumption, income, and carbon emissions in the United States

[J]. Ecological Economics,2007, 62(3~4): 482~489.


This paper investigates the effect of energy consumption and output on carbon emissions in the United States. Earlier research focused on testing the existence and/or shape of an environmental Kuznets curve without taking energy consumption into account. We investigate the Granger causality relationship between income, energy consumption, and carbon emissions, including labor and gross fixed capital formation in the model. We find that income does not Granger cause carbon emissions in the US in the long run, but energy use does. Hence, income growth by itself may not become a solution to environmental problems.
[66] Stover R L.

Seawater reverse osmosis with isobaric energy recovery devices

[J]. Desalination,2007, 203(1~3): 168~175.


The world increasingly depends on desalting seawater or brackish water for producing suitable and sustainable supplies of potable water for local populations, tourism, agriculture and industry. The energy cost component of desalinating seawater has historically been a large factor (up to 70%) of the total cost. There is a limit to the amount of available energy and an environmental consequence associated with every kilowatt consumed. Along with the older style centrifugal energy recovery devices (ERDs), there has been a recent proliferation of ERDs that employs positive displacement mechanisms. These ressure-equalizing or isobaric ERDs transfer the energy from the membrane reject stream directly to the membrane feed stream. This direct, positive displacement approach results in a net transfer efficiency of up to 97%. This efficiency advantage makes it possible to dramatically improve the performance of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plants by reducing their energy consumption by as much as 60% compared to systems operating without energy recovery. In addition to energy savings, isobaric ERDs offer significant benefits to SWRO plant designers and operators. These include unlimited capacity, reduced high-pressure pump costs, high efficiency and operational flexibility. The PX pressure exchanger isobaric ERD provides the additional benefits of maintenance-free operation, fail-safe operation, corrosion avoidance, low vibration, ease of control and long life. Although the author of this paper is directly associated with Energy Recovery, Inc., a leading company in isobaric ERD technology, the principles and theories presented in this paper are applicable to all devices that are based on the positive displacement, isobaric chamber approach.
[67] Styles D, Schoenberger H, Galvez-Martos J L.

Water management in the European hospitality sector: Best practice, performance benchmarks and improvement potential

[J]. Tourism Management,2015(46): 187~202.


61Best practice in hospitality water management was determined at the process level.61Benchmarks range from ≤5802L/guest-night on campsites to ≤14002L/guest-night in hotels.61Achievable water savings amount to 227 and 12802L/guest-night for hotels and campsites, respectively.61Annual savings for a 100-room hotel amount to 16,57302m3 water, 209,54102kWh energy and 58,436.61Best practice across European hotels and campsites could save 42202million m3 water per year.
[68] Sun Y Y.

A framework to account for the tourism carbon footprint at island destinations

[J]. Tourism Management,2014(45): 16~27.


61A framework is provided to measure the national tourism carbon footprint.61It is based on the Tourism Satellite Account and the Environmentally Extended Input–Output model.61Islands may incur half of the tourism carbon footprint outside their territory.
[69] Sun Y Y.

Decomposition of tourism greenhouse gas emissions: Revealing the dynamics between tourism economic growth, technological efficiency, and carbon emissions

[J]. Tourism Management,2016(55): 326~336.


61A framework to decompose the tourism carbon footprint and efficiency is proposed.61Carbon change is attributed to the intensity, Leontief, structure and demand effect.61Results demonstrate the dynamics between visitor expenditure, technology and CO2.61A case study of Taiwan is provided to demonstrate this framework.
[70] Tang C F, Abosedra S.

The impacts of tourism, energy consumption and political instability on economic growth in the MENA countries

[J]. Energy Policy,2014(68): 458~464.


61Tourism and energy consumption have positive impacts on GDP growth.61GDP reacts negatively to political instability.61Energy-led growth and tourism-led growth hypotheses are validated in MENA countries.61Supporting tourism, energy use and political stability will enhance economic growth.
[71] Trung D N, Kumar S.

Resource use and waste management in Vietnam hotel industry

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2005, 13(2): 109~116.


The hotel industry of Vietnam is expanding rapidly with increasing international arrivals and domestic tourists. At the same time, mounting costs of resources and impacts of waste could affect the income, environmental performance and public image of the hotel sector. The hotel industry resource management (energy and water) would contribute to the long-term sustainability of the tourism sector. This paper reports the results of a study conducted to assess the resource use and management in the hotel industry in Vietnam. This was obtained by carrying out a survey in 50 hotels on energy and water consumption, and waste generation. The energy and water use, as well as the waste generated in the various hotel categories have been estimated and compared with those in other countries. The current practices in the hotels to address these issues are highlighted, and benchmarks for efficient use of resources in Vietnamese hotels are presented.
[72] Tsai K T, Lin T P, Hwang R L, et al.

Carbon dioxide emissions generated by energy consumption of hotels and homestay facilities in Taiwan

[J]. Tourism Management,2014(42): 13~21.


61CO2 emission values were calculated and analyzed for several hotel types in Taiwan.61Hotels with higher service levels can be characterized with higher CO2 emissions per person-night.61Strategies involving tourist decision making and hotel management would be able to mitigate CO2 emissions in great extent.
[73] Uemura Y, Kai T, Natori R, et al.

Potential of renewable energy sources and its applications in Yakushima Island

[J]. Renewable Energy,2004, 29(4): 581~591.


A study was carried out to see if the potential of renewable energy sources other than hy droelectric power, such as wind, photovoltaic, solar thermal, biomass and waste energy sources, can meet the current energy consumption in Yakushima. The current electricity consumption can be covered by wind and photovoltaic energy sources. The total potential of wind and photovoltaic energy sources is 5.4 times as much as the current electricity consumption. LP gas and kerosene can be replaced by solar thermal and biogas energy. The potential of plant biomass and municipal waste is not sufficient (approximately one third) to cover the rest of the fossil fuels (gasoline, diesel oil and heavy oil). Also, plant biomass and municipal waste must be converted into fluid form. This shortage can be covered by the po tential of wind and photovoltaic energy sources. We also investigated the possibility of tourism expansion using the potential of wind and photovoltaic energy sources. Taking into account three types of capacity (energy, accommodation and transportation), Yakushima can accept approximately four times as many tourists as the current number of tourists.

Climate Change and Tourism: Responding to Global Challenges[R]

. Madrid: World Tourism Organization,2008.

[75] Warnken J, Bradley M, Guilding C.

Exploring methods and practicalities of conducting sector-wide energy consumption accounting in the tourist accommodation industry

[J]. Ecological Economics, 2004, 48(1): 125~141.


Sector-wide environmental accounting is an important mechanism for determining areas of poor environmental performance that need to be targeted to reduce resource consumption and the production of waste output. However, to date, little attention has been paid to the practicalities of conducting sector-wide environmental accounting in fragmented, service-oriented industry sectors that comprise a diversity of small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study explores such practicalities through a series of independent energy audits conducted in the Australian tourist accommodation industry. Three distinct energy consumption accounting techniques are reviewed in the light of findings made from 35 energy audits, and more than 200 telephone and face-to-face interviews held with various accommodation sector representatives. The three sector-wide energy consumption accounting methods reviewed are: the Floor Area Method, the Multiple Regression Method and the Mandatory Reporting Method. In light of different business structures, different in-house environmental accounting practices, and other major factors affecting resource consumption, mandatory reporting is found to be the most efficient and effective method. To facilitate its use, it is recommended that: a) governments consider requiring commercial resource consumption or waste production figures to be made generally accessible, b) businesses are required to collect energy consumption data over several years to provide the basis for calculating relatively accurate models that capture the factors driving energy consumption, and c) standardised accounting spreadsheets are developed to facilitate data collection for different types of enterprises.
[76] Warnken J, Bradley M, Guilding C.

Eco-resorts vs. mainstream accommodation providers: An investigation of the viability of benchmarking environmental performance

[J]. Tourism Management,2005, 26(3): 367~379.


Per capita energy and water consumption figures of five fully accredited eco-resorts were benchmarked against 11 hotels, 13 condominium complexes and six caravan parks located in three major tourist destinations in Queensland, Australia. Somewhat surprisingly, it appears some eco-resorts fail to achieve above average standards with respect to these dimensions of environmental performance. The most efficient resource consumption outcomes were evident where resource use efficiency was factored in at the early stage of resort planning. A noteworthy observation was that none of the businesses investigated could provide data for waste and wastewater production. The problems of developing a benchmarking process for the consumption of water and electricity by accommodation providers are discussed. A major obstacle was found in the fact that consumption rates are influenced by a multitude of site specific characteristics such as age of building, building size and layout, nature of operation, extent of communal facilities, climate, etc. With such a large number of factors affecting energy and water consumption, one is drawn into the problem of how many benchmarking groups need to be developed in order for benchmarking accommodation complex resource consumption to be a meaningful exercise. This also renders problematic the development of environmental compliance accreditation criteria. The study's findings renew concerns about the focus of some industry administered green accreditation schemes and the emphasis placed on their role as a key instrument for promoting more sustainable outcomes for the tourist accommodation sector.
[77] Wells V K, Manika D, Gregory-Smith D, et al.

Heritage tourism, CSR and the role of employee environmental behaviour

[J]. Tourism Management,2015(48): 399~413.


Although research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) has grown steadily, little research has focused on CSR at the individual employee level within cultural heritage tourism. This article sheds light on the antecedents of employee environmental behaviour and the effects of a social marketing intervention in a tourism organisation using a mixed methods longitudinal approach. Qualitative results (from 68 respondents) suggest knowledge and awareness of environmental solutions are often lacking while quantitative results (from two surveys with 237 and 96 employees) highlight the influence of motivations, perceived potential to change and perceived information adequacy on employees' satisfaction with their environmental behaviour. Additionally, a proxy measure of actual behaviour change, energy usage, is reported, highlighting the intervention's success in changing actual behaviour. The paper highlights the need for managers to increase knowledge and self-efficacy and to carefully consider how varying motivations and barriers might explain differences across organisational sites when designing interventions.
[78] Wells V K, Taheri B, Gregory-Smith D, et al.

The role of generativity and attitudes on employees home and workplace water and energy saving behaviours

[J]. Tourism Management,2016(56): 63~74.


61Examines links between generativity and environmental attitudes and behaviour.61Focuses on both energy saving and water saving, at home and in the workplace.61Contributes to the CSR literature, focussing on the Iranian hospitality industry.61Highlights implications for designing workplace environmental interventions.
[79] Wiedmann T, Lenzen M, Turner K, et al.

Examining the global environmental impact of regional consumption activities-part 2: Review of input-output models for the assessment of environmental impacts embodied in trade

[J]. Ecological Economics, 2007, 61(1): 15~26.

[80] Xu J P, Yao L M, Mo L W.

Simulation of low-carbon tourism in world natural and cultural heritage areas: An application to Shizhong District of Leshan City in China

[J]. Energy Policy,2011, 39(7): 4298~4307.


The national goal of 40 45% mitigation of the 2005 level intensity of carbon by 2020 was announced by the Chinese government at the Copenhagen Conference. Every industry in China is preparing to realize this national reduction target. Some attempts have been made to achieve low-carbon development in a few industries, but relatively little work has linked low-carbon development to tourism. This article concentrates on how to develop low-carbon tourism using a quantitative approach. Firstly, the tourism system including some mutual influence factors is investigated and some historical data are given in support for the research of their quantitative relationship. Secondly, a differential dynamic system model with fuzzy coefficients is proposed to predict tourism revenue, energy consumption, waste emissions and the carbon intensity. Finally, an application to Shizhong District of Leshan City in China (LCSD), as a representative of a world natural and cultural heritage area, is presented to show the trend of modern tourism in a low-carbon economy and prove the effectiveness of the proposed model.Highlights? The system of low-carbon tourism is described. ? A differential dynamic model with fuzzy coefficients is developed. ? Carbon intensity in the tourism system will gradually decrease. ? Some suggestions about developing low-carbon tourism are exhibited.
[81] Zaman K, Shahbaz M, Loganathan N, et al.

Tourism development, energy consumption and Environmental Kuznets Curve: Trivariate analysis in the panel of developed and developing countries

[J]. Tourism Management,2016(54): 275~283.


61To investigate the relationship between Tourism Development, Energy Consumption and Environmental Kuznets Curve.61To construct the tourism development index by principal component analysis.61Validate the environmental Kuznets curve in the panel of 34 developed and developing countries.61Established tourism – induced emissions, energy – induced emissions, and investment – induced emissions.61Established growth led tourism, investment led tourism, and health expenditures led tourism development in a region.
[82] Zhang S J, Wu Y, Un P, et al.

Modeling real-world fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions with high resolution for light-duty passenger vehicles in a traffic populated city

[J]. Energy,2016(113): 461~471.


61A fuel consumption model is developed for Macao's light-duty passenger cars.61Increased vehicle size partially offset energy benefit from tightened fuel consumption standard.61Lower speed and use of air-conditioning greatly increase fuel use of Macao light-duty passenger cars.61A high resolution inventory of fuel use and carbon dioxide emissions is built with link-level traffic data.61Policy suggestions are provided to mitigate fuel use in a traffic populated city.
[83] 李鑫, 杨新军, 陈佳, .


[J]. 自然资源学报, 2015, 30(3): 384~396.


[84] 石培华, 吴普.


[J]. 地理学报, 2011, 66(2): 235~243.


随着旅游产业规模的不断壮大,旅游业对气候、环境的影响日益引起国际机构和社会各界 的关注。旅游业能源利用及二氧化碳排放是旅游对环境影响的重要驱动力之一,成为近5 年来 世界旅游研究的新兴热点。旅游产业特点决定了旅游业能源消耗和二氧化碳排放量的测算是 个世界性的难题。本文采用“自下而上”法,通过文献研究与数理统计方法,首次系统估算中国 旅游业能源消耗和二氧化碳排放量。结果表明,2008 年,中国旅游业消耗能源428.30 PJ,占中国 能源总消耗量的0.51%;排放二氧化碳51.34 Mt,占全国二氧化碳总排放量的0.86%。旅游业是 低耗能、低排放、低碳产业,是应对气候变化和节能减排的优势产业,应该成为低碳经济发展的 重要领域。
[85] 席建超, 赵美风, 李连璞, .


[J]. 自然资源学报, 2013, 28(6): 898~910.


[86] 袁宇杰.


[J]. 旅游学刊, 2013, 28(10): 81~88.


文章运用投入产出法核算了中国旅游间接能源消耗与碳排放, 结果发现: 与煤炭类能源、二次能源比较, 石油与天然气类能源受旅游消费间接诱发的影响更明显;2007年, 中国旅游间接碳排放为44.41MtC, 占终端能源间接消耗碳排放总量的2.93%, 其市场构成是城镇居民国内旅游、农村居民国内旅游与入境旅游分别占50.05%、20.63%与29.32%, 其部门构成是交通运输、仓储和邮政通讯业占44.72%, 批发、零售和住宿、餐饮业占34.55%, 其他服务业占20.73%;城镇居民国内旅游间接碳排放的最大碳源是电力, 并且其部门碳源构成存在差异。最后, 建议关注旅游对国内能源需求的整体影响, 在明确旅游业为低碳经济优势产业的基础上, 加强旅游间接碳排放的科学管理。
[87] 张瑞英, 席建超, 葛全胜.


[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2014, 28(12): 190~196.



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